Ioannis Petridis
Guillain-Barré syndrome after orthotopic liver transplantation: A clinical manifestation of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome?
Guillain-Barrè Syndrome, as part of the spectrum of dysimmune neuropathies, is unexpected to occur in immunocompromised hosts. We describe a clinical case of Guillain-Barrè syndrome, occurred a few weeks after a liver transplant, and we postulate that our case would satisfy all requirements to explain this peripheral nervous system complication as a clinical manifestation of an Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. In this setting of liver transplantation, complicated by potentially multiple infective triggers, reduction of immunosuppression and reversal of pathogen-induced immunosuppression, through antimicrobial therapy, may have led to pro-inflammatory response. The pro-inflammato…
Liver Transplantation for Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: The Role of Sequencing Genetic Profiling
Simple Summary Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is a rare disease with increasing incidence and mortality still characterized by an insufficient clinical outcome. Growing attention has recently surrounded this disease, and liver transplantation has emerged as a novel curative treatment for cholangiocarcinoma, along with a better understanding of genetic alterations potentially capable of driving tumorigenesis. The aim of this paper is to present a clinical description of our case series of patients affected by intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and by mixed forms of hepatocellular and cholangiocellular carcinoma, together with a genomic profiling of mutations occurring in a panel of genes relev…
Single center report on complications in steroid-free immunosuppressive therapy of liver transplant recipients
Adult to Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation in Recipients with Low MELD: A Strategy Intended to Overcome Donor Shortage
Recent series have demonstrated advantages of living donor over deceased donor liver transplantation, with particular benefit for those with low model for end-stage liver disease score. The logic underlying the transplantation of patients before they become too sick is intuitive. It reduces mortality and drop outs from the waiting list and makes transplant surgery less demanding. Those principles have to be balanced with donor safety and transplant benefit for the recipient avoiding early, futile transplantation. The authors report a case of adult to adult right lobe living donor liver transplantation performed for a recipient affected by primary biliary cirrhosis with MELD score of 15, in …
Impact of Extended-Criteria Donor Liver Grafts on Benchmark Metrics of Clinical Outcome After Liver Transplantation: A Single Center Experience.
Abstract Background The adoption of extended criteria for donors remains the best strategy to widen the pool of available liver graft against the chronic shortage of donors. Benchmarking in liver transplantation (LT) offers the unprecedented opportunity to compare clinical outcome measures to a set of validated reference values. We aimed to evaluate the impact of marginal grafts usage in a cohort of low-risk benchmark cases from an area with a very low rate of deceased donation. Methods A cohort of low-risk benchmark cases was identified from all adult patients who underwent LT at our center. Among these patients, those transplanted with a graft from an extended-criteria donor (ECD) were id…
Trapianto di fegato per epatocarcinoma (HCC): integrazione di criteri clinici e radiologici con indicatori biologici per l’identificazione di pazienti ad alto rischio di progressione di malattia, drop-out dalla lista e ricorrenza post-trapianto. Elaborazione di modelli prognostici per l’ottimizzazione dei criteri di allocazione degli organi nei pazienti con HCC candidati al trapianto.
Brain magnetic resonance imaging radiomics features associated with hepatic encephalopathy in adult cirrhotic patients.
Abstract Purpose Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a potential complication of cirrhosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may demonstrate hyperintense T1 signal in the globi pallidi. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of MRI-based radiomic features for diagnosing and grading chronic HE in adult patients affected by cirrhosis. Methods Adult patients with and without cirrhosis underwent brain MRI with identical imaging protocol on a 3T scanner. Patients without history of chronic liver disease were the control population. HE grading was based on underlying liver disease, severity of clinical manifestation, and number of encephalopathic episodes. Texture analysis was perfo…