Harald G. Dill

Untersuchung der Photolineationen und des bruchtektonischen Inventars im Raum Erbendorf (N-Bayern) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gangvererzungen

Der Erbendorfer Raum wird durch den Schnittpunkt zweier wichtiger Grenzstorungszonen markiert. Die E-NE streichende »Erbendorfer Linie« trennt die moldanubische Region vom Saxothuringikum; die »Frankische Linie« bildet die Grenze zwischen Grundgebirge und dem permomesozoischen Deckgebirge. Im Arbeitsgebiet stehen verschiedenartige Gesteine, wie Vulkanoklastika, Gneise, Granite und Klastite an. Ihr Bildungsalter reicht vom Oberproterozoikum bis in die Kreide. Auf engstem Raum finden sich in dieser Region und ihrer ostlichen Fortsetzung auch strukturgebundene Vererzungen von Pb, Zn, Cu, BaSO4 und U. Durch Analyse der Photolineationen und der Klufttektonik werden zwei tektonische Hauptphasen u…

research product

Gemstones and geosciences in space and time

Abstract The gemstones, covering the spectrum from jeweler's to showcase quality, have been presented in a tripartite subdivision, by country, geology and geomorphology realized in 99 digital maps with more than 2600 mineralized sites. The various maps were designed based on the “Chessboard classification scheme of mineral deposits” proposed by Dill (2010a, 2010b) to reveal the interrelations between gemstone deposits and mineral deposits of other commodities and direct our thoughts to potential new target areas for exploration. A number of 33 categories were used for these digital maps: chromium, nickel, titanium, iron, manganese, copper, tin–tungsten, beryllium, lithium, zinc, calcium, bo…

research product

Capturing digital data of rock magnetic, gamma-ray and IR spectrometry for in-situ quality control and for the study of the physical–chemical regime of residual kaolin deposits, SE Germany

Abstract Residual kaolin deposits are operated on a worldwide basis. The majority of them is derived from chemical weathering of felsic rocks during the Cenozoic. This is true for the kaolin deposits on the western edge of the Bohemian Massif. Here this type of deposit provides industrial minerals for the ceramic industry in SE Germany. This raw material formed under tropical climatic conditions during the Miocene and Pliocene across a vast peneplain. Only within the Naab-Wondreb Depression, however, were economic accumulations preserved from erosion. Here near Tirschenreuth, kaolin has been mined since its discovery in 1830. The semi-consolidated regolith is composed of quartz and opaline …

research product

The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium

Abstract Economic geology is a mixtum compositum of all geoscientific disciplines focused on one goal, finding new mineral depsosits and enhancing their exploitation. The keystones of this mixtum compositum are geology and mineralogy whose studies are centered around the emplacement of the ore body and the development of its minerals and rocks. In the present study, mineralogy and geology act as x - and y -coordinates of a classification chart of mineral resources called the “chessboard” (or “spreadsheet”) classification scheme. Magmatic and sedimentary lithologies together with tectonic structures (1 - D/pipes, 2 - D/veins) are plotted along the x -axis in the header of the spreadsheet dia…

research product