A. Feodorov
Melt flow instability and vortex structures in Czochralski growth under steady magnetic fields
Abstract The hydrodynamics of melt motion in the CZ-process of silicon single crystal growth in axial and axial–radial magnetic fields is studied using a physical model. The modeling liquid is eutectics InGaSn. Most attention is paid to the problem of flow stability. A multi-channel system gathering data is used to define the pattern and dynamics of velocity disturbances. Instant spatial distributions of the electric potential induced by motion in the melt are obtained. Temporal evolution of the instant distributions in vertical and horizontal planes of the working volume is under investigation.
Physical modelling of the melt flow during large-diameter silicon single crystal growth
Abstract The reported investigations concern physical modelling of Czochralski growth of silicon large-diameter single crystals. InGaSn eutectic was used as a modelling liquid, employing actual criteria of the real process (Prandtl, Reynolds, Grashof numbers, etc.) and geometric similarity. A multi-channel measuring system was used to collect and process the temperature and flow velocity data. The investigations were focused on the study of heat transfer, in particular, the instability of the “cold zone” of the melt at the crystallization front.