Segni Ladjel
ChemInform Abstract: Further Furoclerodanes from Teucrium “maghrebinum”
Two more pairs of C-12 epimeric neoclerodanes were isolated from the aerial parts of Teucrium “maghrebinum” (Teucriumpolium subspecies still unidentified). They are the known teukotschyn 1, the new 12-epi-teukotschyn 2, the new teughrebin 3 and the new 12-epi-teughrebin 4. The structures of the new products were elucidated mainly by spectroscopic methods.
Neoclerodane Diterpenoids from Teucrium maghrebinum
Eight neoclerodane diterpenoids were identified in the extract of the aerial parts of Teucrium maghrebinum. Three of these, 12-epi-teucjaponin A (1), 12-epi-montanin D (2), and 12-epi-montanin B (3), are new natural products, whereas five, teucjaponin A, montanin D, 19-deacetylteuscorodol, teusalvin C (4), and montanin B, are already known. These eight compounds form four pairs of epimers at carbon C-12.
Further Furoclerodanes fromTeucrium “maghrebinum”
Two more pairs of C-12 epimeric neoclerodanes were isolated from the aerial parts of Teucrium “maghrebinum” (Teucriumpolium subspecies still unidentified). They are the known teukotschyn 1, the new 12-epi-teukotschyn 2, the new teughrebin 3 and the new 12-epi-teughrebin 4. The structures of the new products were elucidated mainly by spectroscopic methods.