The role of the happiness philosophy and core self-evaluations in defining job satisfaction as seen by the self and the significant other
Bieżący artykuł bada źródła satysfakcji z pracy. Wieloźródłowe badanie zostało przeprowadzone w dwóch formach: jako kwestionariusz online ( n =642) i jako kwestionariusz papierowy ( n =635). Żeby ujednoznacznić pomiar zmiennej zależnej (zadowolenie z pracy), wykorzystano dwa źródła jej pomiaru: samoocena badanej osoby oraz ocena przez ważną inną osobę. Wyniki pokazują, iż ocena przez bliską osobę może być wartościowym źródłem informacji o samoocenie badanej osoby. Dodat - kowo w ramach hierarchicznej analizy regresji wykazano, iż obie formy filozofii szczęścia: eudaimo - nizm i hedonizm pozwalają na przewidywanie satysfakcji z pracy ponad przewidywanie oparte o pod - stawowe samowartościowa…
Would you fancy a premium five o’clock after the funeral? Application of Terror Management Theory in daily shopping decisions
The present study has investigated how fear-of-death activation affected consumer food product choices. Undergraduate students (N = 130; Mage = 22.7; Meage = 21) differing on the conscious fear of death level participated in this study. The participants were divided into two experimental and one control groups. In first experimental group fear of death was induced by asking the participants to read an euthanasia story, in second experimental group by asking them to picture their own death. All experimental groups filled a fear of death personality measure prior to the experiment. Afterwards, participants had to indicate their usual shopping preferences, by choosing between several standard …
Workload, job satisfaction and occupational stress in Polish midwives before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Background The aim of this study was to describe, explain, and compare the correlations between workload, job satisfaction, and occupational stress levels in Polish midwives working before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods This study was cross-lagged in nature and conducted in 2 phases at public health facilities. The first phase took place between March and August 2018 before the current pandemic, and the second in February 2021. In total, 133 midwives working before the COVID-19 pandemic and 92 midwives working during the pandemic were surveyed. Results Analysis revealed that working during the pandemic, personal SARS-CoV-2 infection and workload were positive predict…
Working conditions and their impact on work satisfaction in migrating and non migrating workers. Factor structure of the Polish version of the Working Conditions Questionnaire
BackgroundThe study compares the impact of working conditions and wages as predictors of work satisfaction of Poles, working in Poland and abroad. Although the work environment plays a crucial role in determining the work sat-isfaction of migrants, most mention higher income abroad as the main migration motive. The increased in-come may not boost the work satisfaction however, because during migration the wage reference point chang-es. Based on those observations, it was assumed that working conditions will have a greater impact on mi-grants’ work satisfaction than nominal earnings. Additionally, migrants, while having higher nominal wages, should subjectively judge them as lower.Participan…
How Much Money Do You Need to Feel Taller? Impact of Money on Perception of Body Height
Body height is considered to be one of the most important reproductive signals. However, there are only a few publications on what influences the sense of whether we assess ourselves as tall or short. In the present contribution, the psychological impact of money on the evaluation of a person’s own height was tested. We performed two experimental studies in which the respondents had contact with different amounts of money and were asked to evaluate their body height with the use of a laser pointer. The first experiment (N = 61) showed that contact with money significantly increased subjective height evaluation, and the effect was independent of participants’ real body height. The second exp…
Cross-border virtual teams, as seen from applied psychology & applied economy perspective. A Case study of a cross-cultural teaching program
As communication becomes easier with the proliferation of ICT (Internet Communication Technology), more companies and individuals face the need and challenge of creating and facilitating virtual teams. Those are groups of people that contact each other only by the means of the internet, with no real-world physical face-to-face contact. Despite the numerous benefits, as low-to-non monetary costs and enormous creation flexibility, there are also many (psychological) risks, often not apparent from the outside. In the current paper we discuss the teaching program that was designed to foster virtual communication skills. We describe a project conducted simultaneously between Palacký University (…