Florian Fizaine


Building future nuclear power fleets: The available uranium resources constraint

Abstract According to almost all forward-looking studies, the world′s energy consumption will increase in the future decades, mostly because of the growing world population and the long-term development of emerging countries. The effort to contain global warming makes it hard to exclude nuclear energy from the global energy mix. The availability of natural uranium resources is a major constraint in terms of meeting this demand. In line with the scenarios floated by various international organisations and taking into consideration only current uranium-consuming light water reactors technologies with slow neutrons, 4 to 7 Mt of uranium could be consumed by 2050, namely, all identified or know…

research product

Politiques publiques, interactions et enjeux environnementaux

Compte rendu et analyses, Séminaire PUCA, 22 novembre 2012, Paris La Défense.

research product

Study of economic availability related to rare metals in the context of the energy transition

A growing number of academic studies and international organizations reports have noticed an increasing dependency of new energy technologies on a specific class of natural resources often called minor metals. For several years, worries about economic availability of these metals in order to realize the energy transition have appeared. This thesis aims at underline the broader risks and constraints involved by general use of these metals in new energy technologies. A first part of this thesis is devoted to theories and indicators related to the depletion of non renewable resources. This part also shows that minor metals share many characteristics and that they can form a group of metal cons…

research product

Long-term estimates of the energy-return-on-investment (EROI) of coal, oil, and gas global productions

We use a price-based methodology to assess the global energy-return-on-investment (EROI) of coal, oil, and gas, from the beginning of their reported production (respectively 1800, 1860, and 1890) to 2012. It appears that the EROI of global oil and gas productions reached their maximum values in the 1930s–40s, respectively around 50:1 and 150:1, and have declined subsequently. Furthermore, we suggest that the EROI of global coal production has not yet reached its maximum value. Based on the original work of Dale et al. (2011), we then present a new theoretical dynamic expression of the EROI. Modifications of the original model were needed in order to perform calibrations on each of our price…

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A critical assessment of global uranium resources, including uranium in phosphate rocks, and the possible impact of uranium shortages on nuclear power fleets

International audience

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Du service public de l’énergie au service public de l’efficacité énergétique : simple glissement sémantique ou nouvel ordre énergétique ?

research product

Byproduct production of minor metals: Threat or opportunity for the development of clean technologies? The PV sector as an illustration

Abstract Today, the fight against global warming and the coming hydrocarbon exhaustion involve a drastic increase of clean energies. These technologies resort to many minor metals which are byproduct of major metals. We will take the definition of Hageluken and Mesker (2010, Complex Life Cycles of Precious and Special Metals. In: Edition Thomas E. Graedel, Ester van der Voet (Eds.), Strungmann Forum Report, Linkages of Sustainability, MIT Press) to show precisely what minor metals are: “[they are] metals that have relatively low production or usage, which occur in low ore concentrations, are regarded as rare, or are not traded at major public exchanges”. We will analyze the byproduct status…

research product

Renewable electricity producing technologies and metal depletion: A sensitivity analysis using the EROI

International audience; More and more attention is being paid to renewable technologies because they are seen as a great opportunity to disengage our society from its dependence on fossil fuels. Such flow-based energy resources that rely on solarenergy are supposed to lead us toward a sustainable energy future. However, because of their high capitalintensity, renewable technologies require large amounts of matter, including both common and rare metals.These metals require energy for their production, and more specifically for their extraction. The energy costassociated with metal extraction is linked to mineral ore grade, meaning that as depletion progresses, energycost increases. In additi…

research product

Les études hédoniques soutiennent-elles une valeur verte élevée dans le bâtiment ? Une réponse par la méta-analyse

International audience; La place majeure occupée par le secteur du bâtiment dans la consommation d'énergie (40%) et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (1/3 des émissions) explique le développement du débat scientifique axé sur la réduction de l'impact environnemental du bâtit et sur ses leviers. Ces dernières années ont notamment vu croitre une littérature considérable relative à la disposition à payer du public pour les bâtiments « verts » labélisés par des écolabels, cette « valeur verte » étant estimée dans la grande majorité des études via des modèles hédoniques. Dans cet article, nous proposons d'offrir une synthèse de ces résultats dans le cadre d'une méta-analyse portant sur plus …

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