Ingunn Elisabeth Stray
Lower secondary school pupils’ written descriptions of their experiences with bullying and the tendency to seek help
The purpose of this study was to examine lower secondary school students’ (n = 223) descriptions of bullying and their experiences with the phenomenon. Students at three schools in Norway completed a survey containing open-ended questions. We employed a mixed-methods analytical approach in which responses were coded thematically and then quantified. Findings indicate that students viewed bullying in a manner consistent with prevalent definitions in the literature. However, they were often unsure whether social conflicts they had experienced would be considered bullying. School was clearly featured as the primary arena for bullying, although bullying in free-time activities and on social med…
Teachers' ways in times of fluidity; Idiosyncratic cultural responses to global educational reform movements
Mellom tallene : en fortolkende tilnærming til en surveyundersøkelse om detnasjonale kvalitetsvurderingssystemet (NKVS)
Masteroppgave i pedagogikk - Universitetet i Agder 2008 Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i en survey rettet mot lærere i videregående skole, gjennomført i forbindelse med en evaluering av Det nasjonale kvalitetsvurderingssystemet (NKVS) som ble foretatt i 2006. Formålet med oppgaven har vært å se på surveyresultatene fra en fortolkende synsvinkel, der fokus settes på kommunikasjonen mellom forsker og respondent (lærer i videregående skole) slik denne gjenspeiles i måten respondenten har besvart spørreskjemaet på. Jeg stiller spørsmål om de statistiske analysene som har vært anvendt av forskerne, kan ha undertrykt meddelelse som kan være avgjørende for troverdigheten i data. Analysene retter seg i …
Refractions of the Global Educational Agenda
In this chapter, we present what we interpret as ambiguities in the Education for All (EFA) policy agenda (outlined below), and explore how neoliberal substructures influence the opportunity to embrace the negotiative spaces that ambiguous policies might offer. To investigate these dynamics, we have chosen to examine cultural and historical refractions of the EFA agenda in two very different cultural contexts – Norway, located in the Global North, and Nepal, located in the Global South.