The Legal Instruments Of Protection Of The Environment In A Spa Commune On Poland
Abstract: The author has undertaken to classify the legal instruments of environmental protection of in a health resort municipality (a spa commune) in Poland, regarding the aspect of their impacting the state of protection of natural environment. A spa commune has at its disposal a catalogue of its own tasks, which is complemented by those connected with maintaining medicinal functions of the spa and with meeting the requirements of the environment. The analysis of the content of regulations of law on environmental protection allows concluding that in relation to spas there are no – in principle – separate legal norms which regulate questions connected with protection of environment. While…
Interes publiczny i dobro publiczne w prawie administracyjnym na tle konstytucyjnej zasady dobra wspólnego
Odrębności ustrojowe gmin uzdrowiskowych
The aim of this article is to present the distinct legal status of a spa commune (gmina) in Poland. With this aim, the considerations focus on the development of legislation on spa communes, which dates back to 1922. Nevertheless, the basis for the considerations relates to the current legal situ-ation. In her article, the author indicates that a spa commune is a municipality of the dual legal model: standard and special. The differences are connected with a number of aspects: the area, name, tasks and spa fees charged, the spa commission, the statute and supervisory activity. They result from the specific character of these communes, which is determined by the presence of pub-lic tasks con…
The European Landscape Convention with respect to the cultural landscape – a Polish perspective (Europejska Konwencja Krajobrazowa wobec krajobrazu kulturowego – perspektywa polska)
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest odniesienie się do tego, w jaki sposób Europejska Konwencja Krajobrazowa (ELC) definiuje krajobraz kulturowy oraz jakie tworzy narzędzia jego ochrony. Kluczowe jest również ustalenie, z punktu widzenia polskiego porządku prawnego, jak ustawodawca implementuje ochronę krajobrazu kulturowego do prawa krajowego. Ogólna teza artykułu brzmi: ELC tworzy zintegrowany model ochrony krajobrazu, w którym krajobraz kulturowy jest traktowany jako jego nieodłączny element. Tezie ogólnej towarzyszy teza szczegółowa, że ELC nie tworzy samodzielnie optymalnego poziomu ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego, ale raczej kształtuje kierunek, w jakim ta ochrona będzie zmierzać. ELC defi…
Materialnoprawne desygnaty interesu publicznego w planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym. Przegląd literatury i orzecznictwa
In the article, the author presents the concept of public interest in spatial planning and development from the perspective of selected specific regulations. The subject of the analysis are certain requirements of environmental protection, including water management and protection of agricultural and forest land; requirements of protection of cultural heritage and monuments, as well as contemporary cultural assets, and the need to ensure an adequate quantity and quality of water for the purpose of supplying the population. The author is of the opinion that the statutory definition of public interest does not capture its essence. Therefore, the reconstruction of this concept should be made f…