

Materialnoprawne desygnaty interesu publicznego w planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym. Przegląd literatury i orzecznictwa

Marta Woźniak


Complementary and alternative medicinePharmaceutical SciencePharmacology (medical)


In the article, the author presents the concept of public interest in spatial planning and development from the perspective of selected specific regulations. The subject of the analysis are certain requirements of environmental protection, including water management and protection of agricultural and forest land; requirements of protection of cultural heritage and monuments, as well as contemporary cultural assets, and the need to ensure an adequate quantity and quality of water for the purpose of supplying the population. The author is of the opinion that the statutory definition of public interest does not capture its essence. Therefore, the reconstruction of this concept should be made from the perspective of the designations of public interest which can be decoded by means of laws from the sphere of substantive administrative law
