Milton Ruiz
Jet launching from binary neutron star mergers: Incorporating neutrino transport and magnetic fields
We perform general relativistic, magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of merging binary neutron stars incorporating neutrino transport and magnetic fields. Our new radiative transport module for neutrinos adopts a general relativistic, truncated-moment (M1) formalism. The binaries consist of two identical, irrotational stars modeled by the SLy nuclear equation of state (EOS). They are initially in quasicircular orbit and threaded with a poloidal magnetic field that extends from the stellar interior into the exterior, as in typical pulsars. We insert neutrino processes shortly after the merger and focus on the role of neutrinos in launching a jet following the collapse of the hypermassive…
Multimessenger Binary Mergers Containing Neutron Stars: Gravitational Waves, Jets, and γ-Ray Bursts
Neutron stars (NSs) are extraordinary not only because they are the densest form of matter in the visible Universe but also because they can generate magnetic fields ten orders of magnitude larger than those currently constructed on earth. The combination of extreme gravity with the enormous electromagnetic (EM) fields gives rise to spectacular phenomena like those observed on August 2017 with the merger of a binary neutron star system, an event that generated a gravitational wave (GW) signal, a short γ-ray burst (sGRB), and a kilonova. This event serves as the highlight so far of the era of multimessenger astronomy. In this review, we present the current state of our theoretical understand…
Locating ergostar models in parameter space
Recently, we have shown that dynamically stable ergostar solutions (equilibrium neutron stars that contain an ergoregion) with a compressible and causal equation of state exist [A. Tsokaros, M. Ruiz, L. Sun, S. L. Shapiro, and K. Ury\=u, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 231103 (2019)]. These stars are hypermassive, differentially rotating, and highly compact. In this work, we make a systematic study of equilibrium models in order to locate the position of ergostars in parameter space. We adopt four equations of state that differ in the matching density of a maximally stiff core. By constructing a large number of models both with uniform and differential rotation of different degrees, we identify the p…
General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Accretion Disks Around Tilted Binary Black Holes of Unequal Mass
We perform general relativistic simulations of magnetized, accreting disks onto spinning binary black holes (BHBHs) with different mass ratios (MRs). The magnitude of the individual BH spins are all $\chi= 0.26$ and lie either along the initial orbital plane or $45^\circ$ above it. We evolve these systems throughout the inspiral, merger and postmerger phases to identify the impact of the BH spins and the MR on any jet and their electromagnetic (EM) signatures. We find that incipient jets are launched from both BHs regardless of the MR and along the spin directions as long as the force-free parameter $B^2/(8\,\pi\rho_0)$ in the funnel and above their poles is larger than one. At large distan…
Dynamic transition to spontaneous scalarization in boson stars
We show that the phenomenon of spontaneous scalarization predicted in neutron stars within the framework of scalar-tensor tensor theories of gravity, also takes place in boson stars without including a self-interaction term for the boson field (other than the mass term), contrary to what was claimed before. The analysis is performed in the physical (Jordan) frame and is based on a 3+1 decomposition of spacetime assuming spherical symmetry.
Jet launching from merging magnetized binary neutron stars with realistic equations of state
We perform general relativistic, magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of binary neutron stars in quasi-circular orbit that merge and undergo delayed or prompt collapse to a black hole (BH). The stars are irrotational and modeled using an SLy or an H4 nuclear equation of state. To assess the impact of the initial magnetic field configuration on jet launching, we endow the stars with a purely poloidal magnetic field that is initially unimportant dynamically and is either confined to the stellar interior or extends from the interior into the exterior as in typical pulsars. Consistent with our previous results, we find that only the BH + disk remnants originating from binaries that form hype…
Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers in General Relativity: Effects of Magnetic Field Orientation on Jet Launching
Binary neutron star (NSNS) mergers can be sources of gravitational waves coincident with electromagnetic counterpart emission. To solidify their role as multimessenger sources, we present fully 3D, general relativistic, magnetohydrodynamic simulations of spinning NSNSs initially on quasicircular orbits that merge and undergo delayed collapse to a black hole (BH). The NSNSs consist of two identical stars modeled as $\Gamma=2$ polytropes with spin $\chi_{NS}= 0.36$ aligned along the direction of the total orbital angular momentum $L$. Each star is initially threaded by a dynamical unimportant interior dipole B-field. The field is extended into the exterior where a nearly force-free magnetosph…
Are fast radio bursts the most likely electromagnetic counterpart of neutron star mergers resulting in prompt collapse?
Inspiraling and merging binary neutron stars (BNSs) are important sources of both gravitational waves and coincident electromagnetic counterparts. If the BNS total mass is larger than a threshold value, a black hole ensues promptly after merger. Through a statistical study in conjunction with recent LIGO/Virgo constraints on the nuclear equation of state, we estimate that up to $\sim 25\%$ of BNS mergers may result in prompt collapse. Moreover, we find that most models of the BNS mass function we study here predict that the majority of prompt-collapse BNS mergers have $q\gtrsim 0.8$. Prompt-collapse BNS mergers with mass ratio $q \gtrsim 0.8$ may not be accompanied by detectable kilonovae o…
Multiple expansions for energy and momenta carried by gravitational waves
We present expressions for the energy, linear momentum and angular momentum carried away from an isolated system by gravitational radiation based on spin-weighted spherical harmonics decomposition of the Weyl scalar $\Psi_4$. We also show that the expressions derived are equivalent to the common expressions obtained when using a framework based on perturbations of a Schwazschild background. The main idea is to collect together all the different expressions in a uniform and consistent way. The formulae presented here are directly applicable to the calculation of the radiated energy, linear momentum and angular momentum starting from the gravitational waveforms which are typically extracted f…
Dynamically Stable Ergostars Exist: General Relativistic Models and Simulations
We construct the first dynamically stable ergostars (equilibrium neutron stars that contain an ergoregion) for a compressible, causal equation of state. We demonstrate their stability by evolving both strict and perturbed equilibrium configurations in full general relativity for over a hundred dynamical timescales ($\gtrsim 30$ rotational periods) and observing their stationary behavior. This stability is in contrast to earlier models which prove radially unstable to collapse. Our solutions are highly differentially rotating hypermassive neutron stars with a corresponding spherical compaction of $C=0.3$. Such ergostars can provide new insights into the geometry of spacetimes around highly c…
Outer boundary conditions for Einstein's field equations in harmonic coordinates
We analyze Einstein's vacuum field equations in generalized harmonic coordinates on a compact spatial domain with boundaries. We specify a class of boundary conditions which is constraint-preserving and sufficiently general to include recent proposals for reducing the amount of spurious reflections of gravitational radiation. In particular, our class comprises the boundary conditions recently proposed by Kreiss and Winicour, a geometric modification thereof, the freezing-Psi0 boundary condition and the hierarchy of absorbing boundary conditions introduced by Buchman and Sarbach. Using the recent technique developed by Kreiss and Winicour based on an appropriate reduction to a pseudo-differe…
Relativistic simulations of black hole-neutron star coalescence: the jet emerges
We perform magnetohydrodynamic simulations in full general relativity (GRMHD) of a binary black hole-neutron star on a quasicircular orbit that undergoes merger. The binary mass ratio is 3:1, the black hole initial spin parameter $a/m=0.75$ ($m$ is the black hole Christodoulou mass) aligned with the orbital angular momentum, and the neutron star is an irrotational $\Gamma=2$ polytrope. About two orbits prior to merger (at time $t=t_B$), we seed the neutron star with a dynamically weak interior dipole magnetic field that extends into the stellar exterior. At $t=t_B$ the exterior has a low-density atmosphere with constant plasma parameter $\beta\equiv P_{\rm gas}/P_{\rm mag}$. Varying $\beta$…
Self-gravitating disks around rapidly spinning, tilted black holes: General relativistic simulations
We perform general relativistic simulations of self-gravitating black hole-disks in which the spin of the black hole is significantly tilted ($45^\circ$ and $90^\circ$) with respect to the angular momentum of the disk and the disk-to-black hole mass ratio is $16\%-28\%$. The black holes are rapidly spinning with dimensionless spins up to $\sim 0.97$. These are the first self-consistent hydrodynamic simulations of such systems, which can be prime sources for multimessenger astronomy. In particular tilted black hole-disk systems lead to: i) black hole precession; ii) disk precession and warping around the black hole; iii) earlier saturation of the Papaloizou-Pringle instability compared to al…
New horizons for fundamental physics with LISA
K. G. Arun et al.
Magnetic Ergostars, Jet Formation and Gamma-Ray Bursts: Ergoregions versus Horizons
We perform the first fully general relativistic, magnetohydrodynamic simulations of dynamically stable hypermassive neutron stars with and without ergoregions to assess the impact of ergoregions on launching magnetically--driven outflows. The hypermassive neutron stars are modeled by a compressible and causal equation of state and are initially endowed with a dipolar magnetic field extending from the stellar interior into its exterior. We find that, after a few Alfv\'en times, magnetic field lines in the ergostar (star that contains ergoregions) and the normal star have been tightly wound in both cases into a helical funnel within which matter begins to flow outward. The maximum Lorentz fac…
Gravitational Waves from Disks Around Spinning Black Holes: Simulations in Full General Relativity
We present fully general-relativistic numerical evolutions of self-gravitating tori around spinning black holes with dimensionless spin $a/M = 0.7$ parallel or anti-parallel to the disk angular momentum. The initial disks are unstable to the hydrodynamic Papaloizou-Pringle Instability which causes them to grow persistent orbiting matter clumps. The effect of black hole spin on the growth and saturation of the instability is assessed. We find that the instability behaves similarly to prior simulations with non-spinning black holes, with a shift in frequency due to spin-induced changes in disk orbital period. Copious gravitational waves are generated by these systems, and we analyze their det…
Regularization of spherical and axisymmetric evolution codes in numerical relativity
Several interesting astrophysical phenomena are symmetric with respect to the rotation axis, like the head-on collision of compact bodies, the collapse and/or accretion of fields with a large variety of geometries, or some forms of gravitational waves. Most current numerical relativity codes, however, can not take advantage of these symmetries due to the fact that singularities in the adapted coordinates, either at the origin or at the axis of symmetry, rapidly cause the simulation to crash. Because of this regularity problem it has become common practice to use full-blown Cartesian three-dimensional codes to simulate axi-symmetric systems. In this work we follow a recent idea idea of Rinne…
Accretion disks around binary black holes of unequal mass: General relativistic MHD simulations of postdecoupling and merger
We report results from simulations in general relativity of magnetized disks accreting onto merging black hole binaries, starting from relaxed disk initial data. The simulations feature an effective, rapid radiative cooling scheme as a limiting case of future treatments with radiative transfer. Here we evolve the systems after binary-disk decoupling through inspiral and merger, and analyze the dependence on the binary mass ratio with $q\ensuremath{\equiv}{m}_{\text{bh}}/{M}_{\mathrm{BH}}=1,1/2$, and $1/4$. We find that the luminosity associated with local cooling is larger than the luminosity associated with matter kinetic outflows, while the electromagnetic (Poynting) luminosity associated…
Induced scalarization in boson stars and scalar gravitational radiation
The dynamical evolution of boson stars in scalar-tensor theories of gravity is considered in the physical (Jordan) frame. We focus on the study of spontaneous and induced scalarization, for which we take as initial data configurations on the well-known S-branch of a single boson star in general relativity. We show that during the scalarization process a strong emission of scalar radiation occurs. The new stable configurations (S-branch) of a single boson star within a particular scalar-tensor theory are also presented.
Disks Around Merging Binary Black Holes: From GW150914 to Supermassive Black Holes
We perform magnetohydrodynamic simulations in full general relativity of disk accretion onto nonspinning black hole binaries with mass ratio 36:29. We survey different disk models which differ in their scale height, total size and magnetic field to quantify the robustness of previous simulations on the initial disk model. Scaling our simulations to LIGO GW150914 we find that such systems could explain possible gravitational wave and electromagnetic counterparts such as the Fermi GBM hard X-ray signal reported 0.4s after GW150915 ended. Scaling our simulations to supermassive binary black holes, we find that observable flow properties such as accretion rate periodicities, the emergence of je…
The role of the ergosphere in the Blandford-Znajek process
The Blandford-Znajek process, one of the most promising model for powering the relativistic jets from black holes, was initially introduced as a mechanism in which the magnetic fields extract energy from a rotating black hole. We study the evolution of force-free electromagnetic fields on regular spacetimes with an ergosphere, which are generated by rapidly rotating stars. Our conclusive results confirm previous works, claiming that the Blandford-Znajek mechanism is not directly related to the horizon of the black hole. We also show that the radiated energy depends exponentially on the compactness of the star.
Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
Full list of authors: Amaro-Seoane, Pau; Andrews, Jeff; Sedda, Manuel Arca; Askar, Abbas.; Baghi, Quentin; Balasov, Razvan; Bartos, Imre; Bavera, Simone S.; Bellovary, Jillian; Berry, Christopher P. L.; Berti, Emanuele; Bianchi, Stefano; Blecha, Laura; Blondin, Stephane; Bogdanovic, Tamara; Boissier, Samuel; Bonetti, Matteo; Bonoli, Silvia; Bortolas, Elisa; Breivik, Katelyn; Capelo, Pedro R.; Caramete, Laurentiu; Cattorini, Federico; Charisi, Maria; Chaty, Sylvain; Chen, Xian; Chruslinska, Martyna; Chua, Alvin J. K.; Church, Ross; Colpi, Monica; D'Orazio, Daniel; Danielski, Camilla; Davies, Melvyn B.; Dayal, Pratika; De Rosa, Alessandra; Derdzinski, Andrea; Destounis, Kyriakos; Dotti, Massi…
Magnetorotational Collapse of Supermassive Stars: Black Hole Formation, Gravitational Waves and Jets
We perform MHD simulations in full GR of uniformly rotating stars that are marginally unstable to collapse. Our simulations model the direct collapse of supermassive stars (SMSs) to seed black holes (BHs) that can grow to become the supermassive BHs at the centers of quasars and AGNs. They also crudely model the collapse of massive Pop III stars to BHs, which could power a fraction of distant, long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The initial stellar models we adopt are $\Gamma = 4/3$ polytropes seeded with a dynamically unimportant dipole magnetic field (B field). We treat initial B-field configurations either confined to the stellar interior or extending out from the interior into the stellar ext…
Almost-Killing conserved currents: A general mass function
A new class of conserved currents, describing non-gravitational energy-momentum density, is presented. The proposed currents do not require the existence of a (timelike) Killing vector, and are not restricted to spherically symmetric spacetimes (or similar ones, in which the Kodama vector can be defined). They are based instead on almost-Killing vectors, which could in principle be defined on generic spacetimes. We provide local arguments, based on energy density profiles in highly simplified (stationary, rigidly-rotating) star models, which confirm the physical interest of these 'almost-Killing currents'. A mass function is defined in this way for the spherical case, qualitatively differen…
Jet launching from binary black hole-neutron star mergers: Dependence on black hole spin, binary mass ratio and magnetic field orientation
Black hole-neutron star (BHNS) mergers are one of the most promising targets for multimessenger astronomy. Using general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of BHNS undergoing merger we showed that a magnetically--driven jet can be launched by the remnant if the NS is endowed with a dipole B field extending from the interior into the exterior as in a radio pulsar. These self-consistent studies considered a BHNS system with mass ratio $q=3:1$, BH spin $a/M_{BH}=0.75$ aligned with the total orbital angular momentum (OAM), and a NS that is irrotational, threaded by an aligned B field, and modeled by an $\Gamma$--law equation of state with $\Gamma=2$. Here, as a crucial step in establi…
The initial boundary value problem for free-evolution formulations of General Relativity
We consider the initial boundary value problem for free-evolution formulations of general relativity coupled to a parametrized family of coordinate conditions that includes both the moving puncture and harmonic gauges. We concentrate primarily on boundaries that are geometrically determined by the outermost normal observer to spacelike slices of the foliation. We present high-order-derivative boundary conditions for the gauge, constraint violating and gravitational wave degrees of freedom of the formulation. Second order derivative boundary conditions are presented in terms of the conformal variables used in numerical relativity simulations. Using Kreiss-Agranovich-Metivier theory we demons…
Simulating the magnetorotational collapse of supermassive stars: Incorporating gas pressure perturbations and different rotation profiles
Collapsing supermassive stars (SMSs) with masses $M \gtrsim 10^{4-6}M_\odot$ have long been speculated to be the seeds that can grow and become supermassive black holes (SMBHs). We previously performed GRMHD simulations of marginally stable magnetized $\Gamma = 4/3$ polytropes uniformly rotating at the mass-shedding limit to model the direct collapse of SMSs. These configurations are supported entirely by thermal radiation pressure and model SMSs with $M \gtrsim 10^{6}M_\odot$. We found that around $90\%$ of the initial stellar mass forms a spinning black hole (BH) surrounded by a massive, hot, magnetized torus, which eventually launches an incipient jet. Here we perform GRMHD simulations o…
Pulsar spin-down luminosity: Simulations in general relativity
Adopting our new method for matching general relativistic, ideal magnetohydrodynamics to its force-free limit, we perform the first systematic simulations of force-free pulsar magnetospheres in general relativity. We endow the neutron star with a general relativistic dipole magnetic field, model the interior with ideal magnetohydrodynamics, and adopt force-free electrodynamics in the exterior. Comparing the spin-down luminosity to its corresponding Minkowski value, we find that general relativistic effects give rise to a modest enhancement: the maximum enhancement for $n=1$ polytropes is $\sim 23\%$. Evolving a rapidly rotating $n=0.5$ polytrope we find an even greater enhancement of $\sim …
Minidisk dynamics in accreting, spinning black hole binaries: Simulations in full general relativity
We perform magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accreting, equal-mass binary black holes in full general relativity focusing on the impact of black hole spin on the dynamical formation and evolution of minidisks. We find that during the late inspiral the sizes of minidisks are primarily determined by the interplay between the tidal field and the effective innermost stable orbit around each black hole. Our calculations support that a minidisk forms when the Hill sphere around each black hole is significantly larger than the black hole's effective innermost stable orbit. As the binary inspirals, the radius of the Hill sphere decreases, and minidisk sconsequently shrink in size. As a result, ele…
Effect of spin on the inspiral of binary neutron stars
We perform long-term simulations of spinning binary neutron stars, with our highest dimensionless spin being $\chi \sim 0.32$. To assess the importance of spin during the inspiral we vary the spin, and also use two equations of state, one that consists of plain nuclear matter and produces compact stars (SLy), and a hybrid one that contains both nuclear and quark matter and leads to larger stars (ALF2). Using high resolution that has grid spacing $\Delta x\sim 98$ m on the finest refinement level, we find that the effects of spin in the phase evolution of a binary system can be larger than the one that comes from tidal forces. Our calculations demonstrate explicitly that although tidal effec…
General relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations of prompt-collapse neutron star mergers: The absence of jets
Inspiraling and merging binary neutron stars are not only important source of gravitational waves, but also promising candidates for coincident electromagnetic counterparts. These systems are thought to be progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs). We have shown previously that binary neutron star mergers that undergo delayed collapse to a black hole surrounded by a weighty magnetized accretion disk can drive magnetically powered jets. We now perform magnetohydrodynamic simulations in full general relativity of binary neutron stars mergers that undergo prompt collapse to explore the possibility of jet formation from black hole-light accretion disk remnants. We find that after t − tBH ~2…
GW170817, General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations, and the Neutron Star Maximum Mass
Recent numerical simulations in general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) provide useful constraints for the interpretation of the GW170817 discovery. Combining the observed data with these simulations leads to a bound on the maximum mass of a cold, spherical neutron star (the TOV limit): ${M_{\rm max}^{\rm sph}}\lesssim 2.74/\beta$, where $\beta$ is the ratio of the maximum mass of a uniformly rotating neutron star (the supramassive limit) over the maximum mass of a nonrotating star. Causality arguments allow $\beta$ to be as high as $1.27$, while most realistic candidate equations of state predict $\beta$ to be closer to $1.2$, yielding ${M_{\rm max}^{\rm sph}}$ in the range $2.16…
Great Impostors: Extremely Compact, Merging Binary Neutron Stars in the Mass Gap Posing as Binary Black Holes
Can one distinguish a binary black hole undergoing a merger from a binary neutron star if the individual compact companions have masses that fall inside the so-called mass gap of $3-5\ M_\odot$? For neutron stars, achieving such masses typically requires extreme compactness and in this work we present initial data and evolutions of binary neutron stars initially in quasiequilibrium circular orbits having a compactness $C=0.336$. These are the most compact, nonvacuum, quasiequilibrium binary objects that have been constructed and evolved to date, including boson stars. The compactness achieved is only slightly smaller than the maximum possible imposed by causality, $C_{\rm max}=0.355$, which…
GW190814: Spin and equation of state of a neutron star companion
The recent discovery by LIGO/Virgo of a merging binary having a $\sim 23 M_\odot$ black hole and a $\sim 2.6 M_\odot$ compact companion has triggered a debate regarding the nature of the secondary, which falls into the so-called mass gap. Here we explore some consequences of the assumption that the secondary was a neutron star (NS). We show with concrete examples of heretofore viable equations of state (EOSs) that rapid uniform rotation may neither be necessary for some EOSs nor sufficient for others to explain the presence of a NS. Absolute upper limits for the maximum mass of a spherical NS derived from GW170817 already suggest that this unknown compact companion might be a slowly or even…
Binary neutron star mergers: a jet engine for short gamma-ray bursts
We perform magnetohydrodynamic simulations in full general relativity (GRMHD) of quasi-circular, equal-mass, binary neutron stars that undergo merger. The initial stars are irrotational, $n=1$ polytropes and are magnetized. We explore two types of magnetic-field geometries: one where each star is endowed with a dipole magnetic field extending from the interior into the exterior, as in a pulsar, and the other where the dipole field is initially confined to the interior. In both cases the adopted magnetic fields are initially dynamically unimportant. The merger outcome is a hypermassive neutron star that undergoes delayed collapse to a black hole (spin parameter $a/M_{\rm BH} \sim 0.74$) imme…
Constant circulation sequences of binary neutron stars and their spin characterization
For isentropic fluids, dynamical evolution of a binary system conserves the baryonic mass and circulation; therefore, sequences of constant rest mass and constant circulation are of particular importance. In this work, we present the extension of our Compact Object CALculator (\cocal{}) code to compute such quasiequilibria and compare them with the well-known corotating and irrotational sequences, the latter being the simplest, zero-circulation case. The circulation as a measure of the spin for a neutron star in a binary system has the advantage of being exactly calculable since it is a local quantity. To assess the different measures of spin, such as the angular velocity of the star, the q…
Magnetic braking and damping of differential rotation in massive stars
Fragmentation of highly differentially rotating massive stars that undergo collapse has been suggested as a possible channel for binary black hole formation. Such a scenario could explain the formation of the new population of massive black holes detected by the LIGO/VIRGO gravitational wave laser interferometers. We probe that scenario by performing general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of differentially rotating massive stars supported by thermal radiation pressure plus a gas pressure perturbation. The stars are initially threaded by a dynamically weak, poloidal magnetic field confined to the stellar interior. We find that magnetic braking and turbulent viscous damping via …
Black hole-neutron star coalescence: effects of the neutron star spin on jet launching and dynamical ejecta mass
Black hole-neutron star (BHNS) mergers are thought to be sources of gravitational waves (GWs) with coincident electromagnetic (EM) counterparts. To further probe whether these systems are viable progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) and kilonovae, and how one may use (the lack of) EM counterparts associated with LIGO/Virgo candidate BHNS GW events to sharpen parameter estimation, we study the impact of neutron star spin in BHNS mergers. Using dynamical spacetime magnetohydrodynamic simulations of BHNSs initially on a quasicircular orbit, we survey configurations that differ in the BH spin ($a_{\rm BH}/M_{\rm BH}=0$ and $0.75$), the NS spin ($a_{\rm NS}/M_{\rm NS}=-0.17,\,0,\,0.23$ a…
Constraint preserving boundary conditions for the Z4c formulation of general relativity
We discuss high order absorbing constraint preserving boundary conditions for the Z4c formulation of general relativity coupled to the moving puncture family of gauges. We are primarily concerned with the constraint preservation and absorption properties of these conditions. In the frozen coefficient approximation, with an appropriate first order pseudo-differential reduction, we show that the constraint subsystem is boundary stable on a four dimensional compact manifold. We analyze the remainder of the initial boundary value problem for a spherical reduction of the Z4c formulation with a particular choice of the puncture gauge. Numerical evidence for the efficacy of the conditions is prese…
Gravitational wave content and stability of uniformly, rotating, triaxial neutron stars in general relativity
Targets for ground-based gravitational wave interferometers include continuous, quasiperiodic sources of gravitational radiation, such as isolated, spinning neutron stars. In this work we perform evolution simulations of uniformly rotating, triaxially deformed stars, the compressible analogues in general relativity of incompressible, Newtonian Jacobi ellipsoids. We investigate their stability and gravitational wave emission. We employ five models, both normal and supramassive, and track their evolution with different grid setups and resolutions, as well as with two different evolution codes. We find that all models are dynamically stable and produce a strain that is approximately one-tenth …
Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of self-consistent rotating neutron stars with mixed poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields
We perform the first magnetohydrodynamic simulations in full general relativity of self-consistent rotating neutron stars (NSs) with ultrastrong mixed poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields. The initial uniformly rotating NS models are computed assuming perfect conductivity, stationarity, and axisymmetry. Although the specific geometry of the mixed field configuration can delay or accelerate the development of various instabilities known from analytic perturbative studies, all our models finally succumb to them. Differential rotation is developed spontaneously in the cores of our magnetars which, after sufficient time, is converted back to uniform rotation. The rapidly rotating magnetars sho…
Effects of spin on magnetized binary neutron star mergers and jet launching
Events GW170817 and GRB 170817A provide the best confirmation so far that compact binary mergers where at least one of the companions is a neutron star (NS) can be the progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs). An open question for GW170817 remains the values and impact of the initial NS spins. The initial spins could possibly affect the remnant black hole (BH) mass and spin, the remnant disk and the formation and lifetime of a jet and its luminosity. Here we summarize our general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of spinning, NS binaries undergoing merger and delayed collapse to a BH. The binaries consist of two identical NSs, modeled as $\Gamma=2$ polytropes, in quasicircul…