Music notation software as a means to facilitate the study of singing musical scores
Introduction. Learning to read music is a complex task which becomes more difficult if it involves students who have different levels of music knowledge. The cognitive load theory maintains that acquiring new knowledge or the development of new abilities imposes a cognitive effort which depends on: a) instructional design; b) complexity of the task and c) previous knowledge. Method. In the present study eleven students varying in previous musical studies participated in a comparative assessment of music reading exercises using two different kinds of help: usual music instrument and music notation software. Load Cognitive Theory was used as a conceptual framework to determine which interface…
Design and validation of a music technology course for initial music teacher education based on the TPACK Model and the Project-Based Learning approach
This project outlines a design for, and presents an evaluation and validation of, an information and communication technology (ICT) training course on an initial teacher education programme for pre-service music teachers at a Spanish University. The primary objective was to improve initial teacher education in music technology through a course design with two key components: (1) constructivist learning through collaborative projects (PBL) and (2) the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) integration framework. The course saw students carry out four real-life projects, three of which involved the elaboration of educational material through the exclusive use of musical technolog…
Diseño y Evaluación de un programa informático para la educación musical de maestros no especialistas. El caso de EMOLAB.
This article shows the design, development and evaluation of a software for teaching support in a music training course for pre-service non music teachers. The aim of EMOLab has been addressing to both production and perception musical activities. The assessment of software was done by freshmen enrolled in Elementary Education Teacher Training degree. They completed a questionnaire that collected their opinions (versatility, efficiency, ease of use, quality of graphical environment, adequacy, interest, facilitating learning, feedback, functionality) and perceptions on more general aspects (control, guidance, affection, consultation, verification, tracing). The data suggest that students per…
El desempeño docente en Educación Musical del profesorado generalista de Chile. Un estudio mixto exploratorio
Este trabajo descriptivo-exploratorio de tipo mixto pretende describir por primera vez el desempeño del profesorado generalista en el área de Educación Musical, intentando determinar si la formación musical que han recibido influye en su práctica docente, y si esta guarda relación con la eficacia que perciben de sí mismos al impartir la asignatura. Mediante un diseño mixto de investigación, se han recogido: 1) datos cualitativos mediante grupo de discusión con seis profesoras generalistas que imparten la asignatura de Educación Musical en centros educativos chilenos; 2) datos cuantitativos relativos al perfil profesional con relación a la educación musical mediante un cuestionario online (n…
The Effects of Static and Dynamic Visual Representations as Aids for Primary School Children in Tasks of Auditory Discrimination of Sound Patterns. An Intervention-based Study.
It has been proposed that non-conventional presentations of visual information could be very useful as a scaffolding strategy in the learning of Western music notation. As a result, this study has attempted to determine if there is any effect of static and dynamic presentation modes of visual information in the recognition of sound patterns. An intervention-based quasi-experimental design was adopted with two groups of fifth-grade students in a Spanish city. Students did tasks involving discrimination, auditory recognition and symbolic association of the sound patterns with non-musical representations, either static images (S group), or dynamic images (D group). The results showed neither s…
La enseñanza inicial de la entonación en instrumentos de viento-metal y lenguaje musical en España. Un estudio exploratorio con profesorado de escuelas de música
La entonación es probablemente el factor más importante de una buena formación en instrumentos de entonación variable, como los de viento metal. Es una habilidad compleja que compromete aspectos perceptivos y productivos, así como a su coordinación. Debido a diferentes factores, los expertos confirman que no existe una aproximación específica y sistemática a la enseñanza de la entonación en esta familia de instrumentos, al menos comparado con otros aspectos de la interpretación. Este estudio exploratorio es parte de un trabajo de mayor alcance. Su objetivo ha sido identificar la praxis del profesorado de instrumentos de viento-metal y lenguaje musical en los procesos de enseñanza de la ento…
Cantus: Construction and evaluation of a software solution for real-time vocal music training and musical intonation assessment
The development of the ability to sing or play in tune is one of the most critical tasks in music training. In music education, melodic patterns are usually learned by imitative processes (modelling). Once modelled, pitch sounds are then associ-ated to a representation according to a syllabic system such as the Guidonian system - or an arbitrary single syllable - or western graphic notation system symbols. From a didactic standpoint, few advances have been made in this area besides the use of audio-supported guides and existing software, which use a microphone to analyse the input and estimate the pitch or fundamental frequency of the given tone. However, these programmes lack the necessary…
Music Education, Creativity and Technology: An Exploratory Study on Teaching Strategies and Creative Activities With Ex Novo Software
Resumen Objetivo. Analizar las estrategias y las actividades creativas que el profesorado de música realiza en sus aulas mediante un software construido por las personas investigadoras que facilita la creación sonora colaborativa en contextos docentes. Método. El trabajo se ha realizado mediante un enfoque exploratorio-descriptivo a través de una experiencia didáctica desarrollada durante 12 semanas en aula y después se encuestó a 27 docentes de educación primaria y secundaria. La encuesta recogió información sobre actividades de aula realizadas, procesos creativos llevados a cabo, estrategias docentes adoptadas, recursos de aula y uso del software en las actividades. Resultados. Los result…
El Discurso del profesorado de educación musical en la innovación educativa con tic: posicionamientos en la evaluación del software tactus.
This paper presents teachers positioning analysis around the assessment of ad hoc software designed for learning musical rhythm called “Tactus”. The main objective is to study the teachers speeches and opinions in software assessment, which is built through the speeches analysis (n = 115) in 8 focus groups, with a descriptive model of 5 clusters. The study gives us a diverse, varied and a full picture in educational software evaluation trough teachers’ discourses analysis. En este estudio empírico analizamos los discursos y posicionamientos del profesorado en torno a la evaluación de un software diseñado ad hoc, para el aprendizaje del ritmo musical denominado Tactus. El objetivo de investi…
La formación tecnológica del profesorado de música en educación secundaria; un estudio de intervención basado en la integración de contenidos musicales, tecnológicos y pedagógicos en la universidad de valencia.
El presente trabajo de carácter descriptivo-exploratorio forma parte de un trabajo de mayor alcance realizado en Chile y España. Su objetivo ha sido fortalecer la formación tecnológica de los futuros profesores de música en Ed. Secundaria mediante el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación de una materia en dos cohortes consecutivas (cohortes 2017 y 2018, n= 81). En el diseño de intervención se tuvo en cuenta en su diseño componentes de alfabetización tecnológica, y dos estrategias de aprendizaje: proyectos (ABP) y trabajo cooperativo. La novedad del diseño consiste en la adaptación de un marco teórico de integración de contenidos disciplinares-tecnológicos-pedagógicos denominado TPACK q…
Rhythm pattern discrimination by primary school students
Ascertaining the most effective modes of presenting rhythmic information to students is extremely important in order to facilitate rhythm training. This study examines the effects of different bimodal presentations of rhythmic information on the discrimination of rhythm patterns by primary school students. A 2 × 2 factorial design was conducted with two variables – audiovisual and audio-textual – each using two levels (static and dynamic). Four experimental conditions were designed: (1) static audiovisual, (2) dynamic audiovisual, (3) static audio-textual and (4) dynamic audio-textual. Data were collected by administering a rhythmic discrimination test to intact classes in second grade ( N…
Design, Implementation and Students' Emotional Assessment of a Software for the Learning of Rational Numbers through Music Metaphors in Chilean Primary Education. An Exploratory Study on Audio Fractions
Using sound and music as a metaphor to approach curricular mathematical contents in Primary Education seems an interesting field that deserves some research. Both music and sound can synergically act as scaffolding for learning, intervening as part of situated knowledge, and they could offer a new perspective for learning mathematics at schools, giving pupils opportunities to develop their own mental representations. Also, the incorporation of an affective/emotional analysis, as criteria for evaluation, seems pertinent and complementary to other criteria in the production of multimedia material with educational purposes both in formal and non-formal domains of education. These are the inten…
Interrelaciones entre acción y cognición. Aportaciones de la neurociencia a la educación rítmico-musical
Body movement has played an important role in music education and there appears to be a consensus that it is one of the most effective means to develop rhythmic skills. In this article, we relate and analyze recent findings of neurocognitive research that support formative actions in this direction. Some results show that the link between sensory and motor systems provides a sophisticated mechanism of temporal prediction and feedback, which has led to the belief that body expression influences the way certain rhythmic elements are perceived. Finally, we propose some suggestions for rhythm education in school and cross training perspectives related to the link between music and movement. El …
Improving the representational strategies of children in a music-listening and playing task: An intervention-based study
This intervention-based study focuses on the relation between music and its graphic representation from a meta-representational point of view. It aims to determine whether middle school students show an increase in meta-representational competence (MRC) after an educational intervention. Three classes of 11 to 14-year-old students participated in the teaching experiment: one experimental class (E) and two control classes (C). An intervention on MRC was carried out on the E class during the hours that were allocated for the regular music lessons, while students from the C classes followed the regular music curriculum. E and C classes were given the same pretest and posttest, which measured …