Christelle Guillier
Seeking an apoplastic stomatal dysregulation factor - Bioassay guided fractionation and proteomic analysis of apoplastic fluids from Vitis vinifera leaves infected by Plasmopara viticola
A Medicago truncatula root plasma membrane enriched fraction as a prerequisite for label free quantitative analysis of plasmalemma protein changes upon arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
Carbohydrates in plant immunity and plant protection: roles and potential application as foliar sprays.
International audience; Increasing interest is devoted to carbohydrates for their roles in plant immunity. Some of them are elicitors of plant defenses whereas other ones act as signaling molecules in a manner similar to phytohormones. This review first describes the main classes of carbohydrates associated to plant immunity, their role and mode of action. More precisely, the state of the art about perception of "PAMP, MAMP, and DAMP (Pathogen-, Microbe-, Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns) type" oligosaccharides is presented and examples of induced defense events are provided. A particular attention is paid to the structure/activity relationships of these compounds. The role of sugars as…
A combined proteomic and immunologic approach for the analysis of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae and adult worm protein extracts and the detection of one of the vaccine candidates, Sm28GST, from a Venezuelan parasite isolate
International audience; Understanding the mode of Schistosoma mansoni larval invasion and the mechanism of immune evasion utilized by larvae and adult worms is essential for a rational development of vaccines or drugs to prevent or cure the disease. This parasite has a very complex molecular organization in all parasite stages, and identifying the major parasite proteins would give clues to schistosome metabolism and to the interaction of the parasite with the host immune system. Our goal was the evaluation of the protein parasite repertoire using a proteomic approach, and the characterization of protein extracts from two different parasite stages of a Venezuelan isolate, such as cercariae …
.) Clone-dependent expression of grapevine esca disease.
International audience; The occurrence of grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) increases gradually within vineyards, leading to important economic losses. Several factors could affect grapevine susceptibility to GTDs, especially climate, vine age, soil fertilization, and also rootstock, cultivar and clone. For a cultivar, the level of disease expression can vary with region and from year to year. In this context, our objective was to assess if the expression of esca disease, one of the most widespread GTDs, was also clone-dependent. Two clones (76 and 95) of the “Chardonnay” cultivar, grown in the same plot, were compared according to their developmental and physiological traits, metabolome, and…
Volatilomics in the vineyard
SPE IPM CNRS INRA UB; National audience
The membrane proteome of Medicago truncatula roots displays qualitative and quantitative changes in response to arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
International audience; Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis that associates roots of most land plants with soil-borne fungi (Glomeromycota), is characterized by reciprocal nutritional benefits. Fungal colonization of plant roots induces massive changes in cortical cells where the fungus differentiates an arbuscule, which drives proliferation of the plasma membrane. Despite the recognized importance of membrane proteins in sustaining AM symbiosis, the root microsomal proteome elicited upon mycorrhiza still remains to be explored. In this study, we first examined the qualitative composition of the root membrane proteome of Medicago truncatula after microsome enrichment and subsequent in dep…
Expression clone-dépendante de l’Esca chez la vigne
National audience; L’incidence des maladies du bois de la vigne (MDB) augmente graduellement au sein des vignobles, causant d’importantes pertes économiques. Le coût mondial du remplacement de vignes malades est estimé à plus d’1,5 milliards de dollars par an [1]. En France, presque 13% du vignoble est affecté [2]. Plusieurs facteurs pourraient influencer la sensibilité aux MDB, notamment le climat, l’âge de la vigne, la fertilisation du sol, le porte-greffe ainsi que le cépage [3]. Actuellement, aucun cépage tolérant aux MDB n’a pu être identifié et le niveau de l’expression des MDB pour un cépage donné peut varier en fonction de la région et d’une année à l’autre [3], et probablement selo…
Technical improvements for analysis of récalcitrant proteins by LC-MS
Induced resistance as a strategy for vineyard protection
National audience; As most grown grapevine Vitis vinifera varieties are susceptible to diseases such as downy and powdery mildews, numerous treatments are required to ensure a satisfactory yield and harvest quality. However, the use of phytochemical fungicides has serious drawbacks: some of them are potentially harmful for the environment and human health and contribute to the selection of resistant pathogen strains. Nowadays, in an objective of sustainable viticulture, there is increasing societal request, political incitation and winegrower’s awareness to reduce the use of pesticides. For these reasons, alternative strategies of protection are under research. In our laboratory, we are stu…
Toward the Identification of Two Glycoproteins Involved in the Stomatal Deregulation of Downy Mildew–Infected Grapevine Leaves
SPE Pôle IPM UB; International audience; Stomata remain abnormally opened and unresponsive to abscisic acid in grapevine leaves infected by downy mildew. This deregulation occurs from 3 days post inoculation and increases concomitantly with leaf colonization by the pathogen. Using epidermal peels, we demonstrated that the active compound involved in this deregulation is located in the apoplast. Biochemical assays showed that the active compound present in the apoplastic fluids isolated from Plasmopara viticola infected grapevine leaves (IAF) is a CysCys bridge-independent, thermostable and glycosylated protein. Fractionation guided assays based on chromatography / stomatal response and prot…
Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP) en viticulture - Un tour d’horizon sur les principes, les applications et les perspectives
IPMSPEINRAUBCNRS; Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP) en viticulture - Un tour d’horizon sur les principes, les applications et les perspectives
Metabolomic and cytological approaches to better understand grapevine trunk diseases disorders
Grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) are devastating diseases involving xylem-inhabiting fungi. Among them, Esca and Botryosphaeria dieback affect vineyards in major worldwide grape-producing areas. The causal fungi alter the woody issues and could produce toxins that disturb the plant physiology, leading to chronic or apolectic leaf symptoms. The unique effective fungicide against these diseases, sodium arsenite, is now prohibited because of toxicity. As GTDs are complex and still partly unknown, the identification of protection strategies remain a deadlock. Global and targeted approaches were therefore conducted to get new information on the impact of the diseases and sodium arsenite treatment…
Effect of water and heat stresses on the physiology of Ugni blanc infected by Neofusicoccum parvum
International audience; Botryosphaeria dieback is one of the most widespread and prevalent grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) in Europe. Symptoms include necrosis of perennial organs of grapevine while external symptoms include bud necrosis, leaf discoloration and dead arms although incidence and severity vary from year to year. The causal agents of this disease are Botryosphaeriaceae species with Neofusicoccum parvum being one of the most prevalent. Their aggressiveness were reported to be influenced by environmental factors particularly temperature increasing disease severity. Thus, our study investigated the influence of heat and water stress on the grapevine / N. parvum interaction. Cuttin…
Label-free 1-DE-LC-MS/MS and iTRAQ-OFFGEL-LC-MS/MS to identify arbuscular mycorrhiza-related membrane proteins.
Membre du comité d'organisation
National audience
Functional analysis of the membrane proteome of Medicago truncatula roots upon colonization by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus irregulare
International audience
Metabolomic and cytological approaches to better understand grapevine trunk diseaeses disorders
National audience
L’apport thérapeutique des approches protéomiques dans les cancers
Up to now, there are no protein tumor markers with a specificity and sensitivity sufficient to have a utility in prognosis and early diagnosis of cancer. Recent advances in proteomics approaches have led to the identification of novel tumor markers of cancer that may have a utility in screening strategies and treatment. The purpose of the current review is to describe the major advances in cancer proteomics, especially those related to the study of serum biomarkers, immune-related responses (autoantibodies) and alterations in cellular proteins.
"Omics-" for a mapping of grapevine response to elicitors and identification of induced resistance markers
SPEIPMINRAUBCNRS; "Omics-" for a mapping of grapevine response to elicitors and identification of induced resistance markers . 12. European Fondation for Plant Pathology (EFPP) & 10. French Society for Plant Pathology Conference ‘Deepen Knwoledge in Plant Pathology for Innovative Agro-Ecology’
Principaux effets de l’arsénite de sodium sur la physiologie de la vigne
National audience; Dans le cadre du projet CASDAR V1301, l’impact d’un traitement à l’arsénite de sodium sur la physiologie de la vigne a été étudié chez le Chardonnay. Deux approches complémentaires, transcriptomique et métabolomique, ont été réalisées sur différents organes (tiges herbacées et tronc en distinguant le bois sain et la zone d’interaction bois sain / bois altéré) de ceps non traités sans symptômes foliaires (témoins), non traités avec symptômes foliaires et traités (n’exprimant donc plus les symptômes et qualifiés de « guéris »). Les échantillons ont été prélevés 6 mois après le traitement (avant vendanges). Parmi les principaux résultats, l’analyse transcriptomique montre qu…