María A. García-benau
La transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en redes sociales. Un caso de conflictos mineros en Latinoamérica
Diversos estudios muestran un creciente uso del Internet y las redes por parte de grandes empresas para divulgar información social y medioambiental, ampliando la rendición de cuentas y la transparencia. No obstante, aún no existe claridad sobre los pros y contras de dicho proceso. Este trabajo plantea la necesidad de una reinterpretación crítica de la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas sociales y medioambientales a través de las redes sociales. Para ello, retoma algunos argumentos de la perspectiva dialógica de la rendición de cuentas, así como planteamientos del filósofo coreano Byung-Chul Han. Se estudia el caso de la compañía minera Vale, caracterizando la forma en qu…
Sustainable Development, Stakeholder Engagement and Analyst Forecasts’ Accuracy: Positive Evidence from the Spanish Setting
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the University of Valencia (ref. UV-INV-AE15-332959).
Data analytics in banks' audit: The case of loan loss provisions in Uruguay
Abstract The purpose of this study is two-fold: firstly, to analyze the benefits of implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and using eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) format to report in the banking industry considering the industry's specific risks and complexities. Secondly, to show that both, ERP and XBRL are necessary to successfully use Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs) while performing audit procedures to verify the compliance of certain crucial regulatory requirements. The study shows the possible consequences of not using CAATs to audit the compliance of loan loss provisions' regulatory requirements in Uruguay.
Csr communication strategies of Colombian business groups: an analysis of corporate reports
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to assess stakeholder orientation and corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication strategies in the business groups (BGs) of an emerging economy by means of content analysis. We worked with 30 non-financial BGs taken from the Colombian Stock Exchange. The study uses as its unit of analysis corporate reports that have been classified into four categories: annual reports (ARs), sustainability reports (SRs), combined reports (CRs), and integrated reports (IRs). The results show that IRs are the most similar reports, that Colombian BGs are mainly employee-oriented (ARs, SRs, CRs) and shareholder-oriented (IRs), and that response and involvement communi…
El concepto de informe integrado como innovación en reporting corporativo
ResumenLa información integrada (o informe integrado [IR]) es una de las innovaciones más recientes dentro de la corriente relacionada con informes de sostenibilidad e información no financiera en el mundo. Aunque algunas compañías comenzaron prácticas de IR en la década del 2000 (Eccles y Krzus, 2010), la presentación de informes integrados ha sido reconocida solo desde 2010, como la mejor manera de obtener un panorama completo del valor de las empresas, superando las limitaciones de los informes tradicionales (Eccles y Krzus, 2010; Jensen y Berg, 2012; Abeysekera, 2013).Nuestra investigación tiene como objetivo analizar esta innovadora corriente de presentación de informes. Para ello, pri…
Beyond the audit expectations gap
In seeking to encourage a broader, European dimension to research on auditing and audit expectations, this paper examines the recent history of auditing and its regulation in Spain within the context of international developments in the accounting profession. The more expansive role being assigned to the audit function in Spain following the implementation of the Fourth and Eighth European Company Law Directives is generally viewed by Spanish writers as a progressive step, with largely positive effects. Such views stand in some contrast to the history of auditing in Britain, where the prevalence of an ‘audit expectations gap’ suggests a rather more problematic state of affairs. In exploring…
La utilidad de los informes de sostenibilidad en entidades públicas y privadas en Colombia
El aumento en la divulgación de información social y medioambiental (de sostenibilidad) genera preguntas sobre su utilidad y materialidad, lo que implica conocer las expectativas de los stakeholders. El stakeholder engagement permite señalar que la participación de los grupos de interés no solo debe centrarse en la producción de la información en las empresas, sino también en la definición de los marcos y estándares que estructuran estos reportes. Este trabajo busca caracterizar las expectativas y la percepción que tienen diversos stakeholders, sobre la utilidad de los informes de sostenibilidad emitidos por organizaciones públicas y privadas en Colombia. A partir de dos cuestionarios respo…
Aseguramiento del informe de sostenibilidad en España y Latinoamérica
Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre el aseguramiento de los informes de sostenibilidad emitidos en España y Latinoamérica. Sobre una muestra de 783 empresas que envían su informe de sostenibilidad al Global Reporting Initiative, se identifican en primer lugar las características corporativas que conducen a las empresas a someter a aseguramiento dicho informe. En segundo lugar, se analiza la evolución del mercado de aseguramiento y su distribución que se evidencia dominado por firmas auditoras. En tercer lugar, se estudia el contenido del informe de aseguramiento para observar las diferentes tendencias en su confección, así como para crear un índice sobre la calidad del mismo. Las conclus…
Understanding the determinants of the magnitude of entity-level risk and account-level risk key audit matters: The case of the United Kingdom
Abstract This study was conducted to analyse the influence of auditor and client characteristics on the magnitude and type of key audit matters (KAM) disclosed in the audit reports of the FTSE 100 companies in the UK during the period 2013–2016. A recently introduced standard requires auditors to reveal the main risks faced by the client and to describe how these are addressed in the audit. Our results show that Deloitte, EY and KPMG tend to report fewer entity-level-risk KAM (ELRKAM) than PwC, while KPMG and BDO report fewer account-level-risk KAM (ALRKAM) than PwC. In general, auditors of companies that pay higher audit services fees present more ELRKAM and fewer ALRKAM. Our findings also…
Para dar mayor credibilidad a la información publicada en los informes de responsabilidad social corporativa se asigna a estos de un proceso de aseguramiento por parte de un experto externo. Esta investigación se basa en 1.021 observaciones de 12 países de Latinoamérica durante los años 2006-2010. A la vista de los resultados, podemos concluir que Latinoamérica es una región donde cada vez hay un mayor compromiso con la sostenibilidad. Además, los resultados señalan que la decisión de otorgar mayor credibilidad a las políticas sostenibles por medio del aseguramiento depende del tamaño de la empresa, del sector al que pertenece y del país donde se encuentre. Para dar mais credibilidade às in…
Exploring twitter for csr disclosure: influence of ceo and firm characteristics in latin american companies
Social networks, which are characterised by accessibility and interactivity, offer great potential for dialogue between companies and stakeholders, for example as platforms for publishing information on aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this paper, we use a synthetic index to analyse levels of CSR disclosure via Twitter, and identify explanatory variables of this disclosure by studying the demographic characteristics of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and of the company. This synthetic index was based on data for 93 companies located in the four countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru), using categories based on the 2016 Global Reporting Ini…
Sustainability Development and the Quality of Assurance Reports: Empirical Evidence
There is a rising trend among companies to publish their sustainability or corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports. Assurance of these reports is a valuable voluntary tool to provide them with higher credibility. Nonetheless, the quality of assurance reports differs in practice and the objective of this paper is to provide evidence in this new area of research. Indeed, we are pioneers in developing an index to measure the quality of assurance reports. We choose the Spanish setting because it is the worldwide leading country as regards CSR reporting (KPMG, 2011; Sierra et al., 2012). We have found evidence on the determinants for CSR reporting posited by existing literature that have a…
Complaints management and bank risk profile
Abstract This study investigates Spanish financial institutions' (FIs') propensity to amend and rectify errors deriving from complaints that financial services' users file with the Spanish regulator Complaints Service and how this propensity relates to FIs' risk profile. Under the theory that risk management system of a FI includes reputation risk, this study finds that FIs with higher amendment ratio are inefficient, have high liquidity, are highly profitable in the banking business and are sensitive to market risk while FIs that tend to rectify errors have lower loan loss provisions booked and have larger loan portfolios. Both tend to issue a sustainability report. Findings shed light on …
Stakeholder Engagement, Corporate Social Responsibility and Integrated Reporting: An Exploratory Study
There is increasing interest in integrated reporting that includes the company's financial, governance, environmental, and social performance. For this reason, the main objective of this investigation is to study why companies are producing integrated reporting, paying special attention to the links with the assurance of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) report. Based on 7144 worldwide observations, this study identifies the determinants of integrated reporting through a logistic regression model. Our results point out that the likelihood of disclosing an integrated report is positively associated with having the CSR report assured, year, size and supplement industry. Next, we teste…
Cursos en línea masivos y abiertos en educación superior. Un análisis desde su oferta
Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the factors influencing the MOOC supply level. Specifically, this paper analyzes certain internal and strategic factors associated with universities, such as prestige, public or private status, age, size (measured by the number of faculty members or students) and region. Design/methodology: We apply a descriptive methodology and then use multivariate analysis to test five hypotheses related to the institutional profile of 151 universities in 29 countries. Empirical evidence is provided from universities offering MOOCs through the four of the most commonly used private global platforms that emerged as part of the booming MOOC movement (Udacity, Co…
Massive Open Online Courses for IFRS Education: A Point of view of Spanish Accounting Educators
Abstract This paper is based on a survey of 103 accounting educators from different universities of Spain on the use of MOOC, especially as regards teaching IFRS. The results show significant differences in three areas of opinion: i) the importance of the use of Internet and some Web tools for academic use; ii) general knowledge and perception of MOOCs; and iii) the opinions regarding the interest of MOOCs on IFRS. The overall opinion of educators is positive because, although the majority has never taught or participated in a MOOC, over 80% consider it useful in the learning process. Flexibility is considered the main advantage of MOOCs as well as its valuable potential for autonomous lear…
Audit quality and the going-concern decision-making process: Spanish evidence
In this study, we attempt empirically to investigate the relationship between audit quality and the probability that a financially distressed company would receive a going-concern opinion. Auditor decision-making in the presence of going-concern uncertainties may be characterized as a two-stage process. The first stage is the identification of a potential going-concern problem and the second stage is to determine whether the particular company should receive a qualified going-concern opinion. A sample of 1,199 non-financial Spanish company-years has been obtained from the database issued by the Stock Exchange National Commission for the fiscal years ending between December 1991 and December…
Learning IFRS through MOOC: student and graduate perceptions
This paper provides an overview of the perceptions held by 623 Colombian students and graduates regarding the learning of IFRS through a MOOC. Data was collected through an online survey and the re...
RESUMEN A raíz del Protocolo de Kioto, España crea el Registro Nacional de Huella de Carbono, Compensación y Proyectos de Absorción de Dióxido de Carbono mediante el Real Decreto 163/2014. Ello se constituye en una iniciativa pionera para potenciar que las empresas españolas den visibilidad a su compromiso en la reducción de sus emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI). Bajo este contexto, la presente investigación explora los determinantes de la adhesión al Registro Nacional de Huella de Carbono español. Se realiza un estudio exploratorio de las características de las primeras empresas españolas que decidieron inscribir su huella de carbono, a través de un modelo de regresión logísti…
Financial Risk Management and Sustainability
In the last decades, the studies that analyze the links between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in developed countries show mixed and inconclusive results, so additional research is required [...]
Stress test impact and bank risk profile: Evidence from macro stress testing in Europe
Abstract This study investigates the risk profile of banks that get a significant capital level reduction in the EU-wide stress test exercises. Using the CAMELS multifaceted risk approach, we look into the connection between the bank risk factors and the macro stress testing impact on capital. The results show that financial institutions that are inefficient or complex, with low profitability levels and small loan portfolio, receive highly negative results in the stress tests. As this risk profile is not consistent over time, the results support the stress tests disciplinary role, suggesting risk management strategy adjustment through consideration of prior stress test outcomes.
Sustainable Development and Assurance of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports Published by Ibex-35 Companies
Spain is the world's leading country as regards corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting (KPMG, 2011). In addition, Spain is taking new initiatives with regard to environmental policy, sustainable development, and stakeholder engagement in accordance with Law 2/2011.This is why we choose Spain as the setting to analyze whether the determinants for external assurance posited by existing literature (industry, size, profitability, leverage) have an impact on the decision of companies to assure their CSR reports. Our study is a pioneer in the sense that it investigates the possible links between the auditor of the annual report and the provider of assurance. The results of this study ind…
Audit Reports on Financial Statements Prepared According to IASB Standards: Empirical Evidence from the European Union
This paper examines the audit report of 147 firms from the European Union that prepare their financial statements in compliance with the standards developed by the International Accounting Standards Board. Bearing in mind that the consolidated accounts of listed companies will follow IAS from 2005 onwards, the purpose of this paper is to provide some insight into the current outcome of the statutory audit on this information. Interesting conclusions are drawn from this empirical study with regard to the auditing standards applied, the wording used and the differences observed between reports produced by auditors from the big firms and reports from different European countries. The need to h…
Intellectual engagements of accounting academics: The ‘forecasted losses' intervention
This paper explores the social and political potential of accounting scholarship, presenting and discussing an intellectual intervention challenging a legislative reform that significantly affected Spanish industrial relations. In this reform, an accounting artifact (forecasted losses) played an unexpected role and was misrepresented, prompting a sizeable number of scholars to sign two manifestos in 2010 and 2012 against the use of forecasted losses made by the new legislation. As promoters of this manifesto, we perform in this paper a collaborative autoethnography to reflect on the context, events, reactions, and significance of this intervention for both the academic and the industrial re…
Financial institutions’ risk profile and contribution to the sustainable development goals
This study analyses the impact of Spanish financial institutions’ risk profile on their contribution to the 2030 Agenda. Financial institutions play a significant role in ensuring financial inclusion and sustainable economic growth and usually incorporate environmental and social considerations into their risk management systems. The results show that financial institutions with less capital risk, with lower management efficiency and with higher market risk usually make higher contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to their sustainability reports. The novel aspect of the present study is that it identifies the risk profile of financial institutions that incorpo…
Revisiting the regulation of auditor independence: Spanish evidence on different perceptions
Following the dramatic financial scandals at the turn of the millennium, the financial system reporting framework has changed considerably to restore confidence among investors. In 2002, Spain was one of the pioneer EU member countries to regulate audit quality and protect auditor independence. In the specific setting of Spain, the objective of this research is to obtain evidence that can contribute to the debate on whether there is a need for regulation in this field. In this sense, we find evidence on the existence of an expectations gap between two groups of agents affected by the important changes that the 2002 rules on independence and audit quality imposed on auditors, i.e., the audit…
Corporate governance and its implications for sustainability reporting quality in Latin American business groups
Abstract This paper aims to study the factors determining the quality of sustainability reporting in Latin American business groups. Applying a logistic regression model, this study is pioneer in establishing how some distinct corporate variables of business groups influence disclosure quality of Corporate Social Responsibility practices in these groups in emerging economies. The results show that control concentration in the groups negatively affects the quality of sustainability reporting. Variables such as foreign ownership, the age of the business group and board size help business groups to improve the quality of their sustainability and voluntary disclosure practices. These results fo…