José Miguel Carot
Desigualdad y Universidad : la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida y de Participación de los estudiantes universitarios en España
Una de las preguntas que ha guiado el estudio de los resultados de la encuesta ECoViPEU, se plantea en qué medida se ha producido una democratización de la enseñanza superior. Con el concepto democratización, hemos señalado una doble dimensión: la de la equidad y la de la igualdad. Conviene recordar que, al hablar de equidad, estamos planteando si los grupos o categorías sociales tienen una “representación” en el sistema educativo, por así decirlo, “proporcional” a su presencia en la estructura social; en cambio, cuando hablamos de igualdad, vamos un poco más lejos y planteamos la corrección de asimetrías y desigualdades heredadas, identificando la desigualdad con la injusticia social.
La opinión de los graduados europeos sobre la universidad cinco años después de haber finalizado sus estudios
In today¿s knowledge society, in which university graduates are required to obtain new abilities to adjust to the demands of the labour market, the figure of the ¿flexible professional¿ has emerged. Universities are not immune to these changes and are proposing modifications to the curricula. In this paper, we attempt to depict the views of university graduates regarding their university five years after completing their studies. Information about graduates¿ educational experience is crucial to educational managers in charge of designing curricula and educational policies. The data used in this paper are obtained from the REFLEX Survey.
A Model for Developing an Academic Activity Index for Higher Education Instructors Based on Composite Indicators
The assessment of the teacher performance is a subject of criticism due to the lack of a well-establish methodology. This study develops an overall score to measure the dimensions that encompass the academic activities. To that end, a Benefit-of-the-doubt model is proposed. The advantage of this technique is the flexibility in the weights, so that the model selects for each teacher the most favourable set of weights. Furthermore, the paper proposes the barycentric coordinate system as a method to classify the teachers in clusters depending on their contribution to the dimensions. A specific pie chart has been proposed as an efficient way to report the contribution of the teachers to the di…