A. Lamer
The serosa of Manduca sexta (Insecta, Lepidoptera): ontogeny, secretory activity, structural changes, and functional considerations
In Manduca sexta, the blastoderm forms successively and becomes immediately cellularized as the cleavage energids reach the surface of the oocyte. Presumptive serosal cells are large and contain 2 or 4 large polyploid nuclei; presumptive embryonic cells are small and mononuclear. All parts of the blastoderm participate in the uptake and digestion of yolk material. About 10 h post-oviposition, the blastoderm breaks at the amnioserosal fold and the extraembryonic part closes above the germ band and constitutes the serosa (12 h post-oviposition, i.e. 10% development completed). At once, the serosa starts to secrete a cuticle consisting of an epi- and a lamellated endocuticle. Detachment of the…
Near fatal percutaneous paraquat poisoning
A fatal paraquat poisoning can occur when relatively large areas of skin are contaminated with a concentrated solution of paraquat (Gramoxone). A paraquat absorption takes place of the same magnitude as that with an equal dose per os. In the presence of mechanical or chemical lesion of the skin the percutaneous paraquat absorption is distinctly enhanced.