Anne Keränen

Principles of responsibility in varying leadership contexts

In this study, the understanding of the principles of responsibility in leadership between manager and employee is advanced. Through a qualitative case study approach the following research questions are answered: What principles of responsibility do managers and employees perceive as significant for leadership in the manager-employee relationship? What social contexts in the relationship call for the principles to occur? The topic was studied in two executive MBA groups which are our cases. The participants in these special groups have a lot of experience of leadership as both leader and employee. So, they can offer real life data from which results can be built. Additionally, such group p…

research product

Vauhtia vastuullisuuteen : naisten johtamiskoulutuksen vaikuttavuus

Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on lisätä tietoa vastuullisen johtamisen kehittämisestä ja sen vaikuttavuudesta. Selvityksen kohteena oli johtaja- ja yrittäjänaisille sekä asiantuntijoina toimiville naisille toteutettu vastuullisen johtamisen täydennyskoulutus, visionFactor-koulutusohjelma. Se toteutettiin Oulun ammattikorkeakoulussa 2015–2016. Tarkoituksen toteuttamiseksi haastateltiin koulutuksen suorittaneita. Tutkimusongelma tiivistyy seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Millä tavoin haastateltavat kuvaavat käsityksensä vastuullisesta johtamisesta muuttuneen koulutuksen aikana? Miten haastateltavat kertovat koulutuksessa opittua vastuullista johtamista sovelletun käytäntöön työpaikalla? Koulutuksen …

research product

Responsible Leadership in the Manager-Employee Relationship

Research questions:The aim of this study is to explore and conceptualize responsible leadership. The topic is viewed from the viewpoint of the dyadic level between managers and employees. The following research questions are answered: What principles do managers and employees perceive as being significant for responsible leadership in the manager–employee relationship? What social contexts in the relationship call for the principles to occur? To whom do the parties place responsibility for the advancement of the principles?Theory:The study draws on relational leadership theory as well as literature on responsible leadership. Responsible leadership is understood as a dynamic and contextual p…

research product

Vastuullinen johtajuus esimies-alaissuhteessa

Responsible leadership in the leader-follower relationship The article advances our knowledge and understanding of responsible leadership in the organizational context. Responsible leadership is investigated from an ethical viewpoint as a dyadic relationship between a leader and a follower. The study defines the principles of responsible leadership as well as situations in which the application of the principles is appropriate. Additionally, the study explores the ob- ligation to act according to the principles and the way in which it is formed in the relationship. An empirical qualitative study including 22 individuals was conducted. The participants viewed the topic from both the leader’s…

research product

Responsible Leadership in the Manager–Employee Relationship

Research questions:The aim of this study is to explore and conceptualize responsible leadership. The topic is viewed from the viewpoint of the dyadic level between managers and employees. The following research questions are answered: What principles do managers and employees perceive as being significant for responsible leadership in the manager–employee relationship? What social contexts in the relationship call for the principles to occur? To whom do the parties place responsibility for the advancement of the principles?Theory:The study draws on relational leadership theory as well as literature on responsible leadership. Responsible leadership is understood as a dynamic and contextual p…

research product