Teresa Sánchez

Addiccion al memorial que se escriviò por el rector, clero y benef.dos. de la iglesia parroquial de San Bartholomè en esta ciudad en el pleito que en grado de apelacion, siguieron con Donato Sanchez del Castellar, ... heredero del señor ... D. Donato Sanchez del Castellar, Regente de la Real Audiencia de este reyno, en que se dundò no aver caducado la substitucion del Beneficiado de Nuestra Señora del Sepulcro, y cumplimiento de las obras pias que ordenò por la premoriencia de Mariana Ambrosia y Teresa Sanchez al heredero, y dever suceder dicho Beneficiado a los bienes y herencia del señor Regente, falleciendo sin hijos, ù otros descendientes el heredero.

Signat a la fi per Pasqual Yañes Caplletra ornada Text a 1 col. - Postil·les. - Reclams Sign.: A-C2

research product

Thermal Degradation of Green Asparagus Texture

A cutting cell was developed to evaluate the texture of green asparagus by measuring its resistance to being cut with a wire. The cell was used in conjunction with a universal texturometer and improved on the single-point method of the Wilder fibrometer. Experimental conditions were determined for using the cell to measure the cutting resistance of asparagus subjected to different extents of heat treatment. Better discrimination between samples was obtained than with a Kramer cell. The fresh asparagus spears. were heated at temperatures between 70 and 100°C for different lengths of time and the kinetics of the degradation of texture was studied. A biphasic (two-component) behavior was obser…

research product

Electromyographic study of activity of the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles in patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfuction : comparison with the clinical dysfunction index

Objectives: A comparison was made between the electromyographic patterns specific to patient with temporomandibular disorders and that of normal healthy patients. Study design: Electromyographic tests were carried out during rest and function of the masseter muscles and anterior temporalis muscles in a homogeneous group consisting of 95 patients for whom such pathology and its different degree of severity had been previously studied by means of a Helkimo Test. The electromyographic exploration results were compared to those of a control group consisting of 31 healthy subjects. Results: There were significant differences among patients with a different degree of clinical dysfunction, as well…

research product

Identifying gene-environment interactions in schizophrenia: contemporary challenges for integrated, large-scale investigations

European Community Recent years have seen considerable progress in epidemiological and molecular genetic research into environmental and genetic factors in schizophrenia, but methodological uncertainties remain with regard to validating environmental exposures, and the population risk conferred by individual molecular genetic variants is small. There are now also a limited number of studies that have investigated molecular genetic candidate gene-environment interactions (G x E), however, so far, thorough replication of findings is rare and G x E research still faces several conceptual and methodological challenges. in this article, we aim to review these recent developments and illustrate h…

research product