L. Titone
Typhoid Fever
Typhoid fever continues to be a serious public health problem, with approximately 22. million cases and more than 200. 000 deaths globally. The disease is most often acquired by ingestion of food or water contaminated by the feces and less frequently by urine or vomitus of patients and carriers. Prolonged low-grade fever, headache, dry cough, alterations of bowel habits, coated tongue, and rose spots are the typical clinical features. Definitive diagnosis requires the isolation of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. Supportive serological tests are also used. First-choice antibiotic treatment includes fluoroquinolones or third-generation cephalosporins and reduces the mortality rate from 20%…
Caratteristiche epidemiologiche dell’Infezione da virus respiratorio sinciziale in Sicilia: dati preliminari su una casistica di infettivologia pediatrica
Neuroimmaging in childhood central nervous system tuberculosis
The return of anthrax. From bioterrorism to the zoonotic cluster of Sciacca district [Il ritorno del carbonchio. Dal bioterrorismo al focolaio zoonotico del distretto di Sciacca]
Anthrax is a disease caused by Bacillus anthracis which affects herbivorous animals. Humans acquire the disease incidentally by exposure to infected animals, animal products or spores on soil. The infection is still endemic in many regions in developing countries. In Italy animal clusters are very rare and human cases are exceptional. Bacillus anthrax is also a potential source for acts of bioterrorism. In the natural human infection, cutaneous anthrax is the most widespread, while the other two, pulmonary and gastrointestinal anthrax, are very rare forms. We describe the first case of human anthrax occurring in western Sicily in the last twenty years. The cutaneous lesion healed without si…
Tuberculosis of the central nervous system in children: 32 years survey.
Aim. In order to study the impact of clinical and diagnostic parameters on the clinical outcome of children with central nervous system tuberculosis (CNS-TB), we retrospectively reviewed all cases of CNS-TB diagnosed over a 32-year period at the Children's Hospital of Palermo, Italy. Methods. Data were collected with regard to the clinical, laboratory and demographic characteristics of patients, as well as the results of radiological investigations and data on clinical outcome. In relation to the date of introduction of new diagnostic methods (indirect as well direct) and to the change of treatment periods, the authors compared the clinical outcome of patients admitted prior and after 1984.…
Effect of priming with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids combined with whole-cell pertussis vaccine or with acellular pertussis vaccine on the safety and immunogenicity of a booster dose of an acellular pertussis vaccine containing a genetically inactivated pertussis toxin in fifteen- to twenty-one-month-old children. Italian Multicenter Group for the Study of Recombinant Acellular Pertussis Vaccine.
Objective: To evaluate the safety and the immunogenicity of a booster dose of recombinant acellular pertussis vaccine combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DTaP, Biocine SpA) in 15- to 21-month-old children primed in infancy with either whole-cell diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTwP) vaccine or DTaP vaccine. Design: Open-label second phase of a double-masked, controlled trail, with masked analysis of serum samples. Participants and setting: Three hundred fifty children, 15 to 21 months of age, who had been primed at 2, 4, and 6 months of age with either three doses of DTaP vaccine (n = 173) or DTwP vaccine (n = 177). The children were enrolled in eight vaccination centers in Italy. I…
Electropherotyping of human rotaviruses: An epidemiological survey of rotavirus infections in Sicily
An electrophoretic analysis of rotavirus RNA segments was carried out on 522 faecal specimens, obtained from children hospitalized in Sicily in the period 1981/85. One hundred and one viral isolates could be characterized with respect to the electrophoretic pattern of their genomic RNAs. This analysis revealed that in 1981/82 different electropherotypes cocirculated in the infant population. In 1983 one of the patterns became prevalent; in 1984/85 only one electropherotype was detected, both in Palermo and Catania specimens. The serotyping showed that all viral strains with the prevalent electropherotype were subgroup II and serotype 1. These results contrast with the extensive genome varia…
[Mediterranean spotted fever in paediatric and adult patients: two clinical aspects of the same disease].
Mediterranean Spotted Fever is an acute febrile disease caused by Rickettsia conorii and transmitted to humans by the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Nearly 400 cases are reported every year in Sicily, mainly from June to September. The aim of this study is to compare the clinical and laboratory features of two different groups of patients , one of adults and one of children. The analysis included all adult patients with MSF diagnosed at the Institute of Infectious Diseases, Paolo Giaccone University Polyclinic in Palermo, during the period January 2007- August 2010 and all the children diagnosed with MSF at the G. Di Cristina Children Hospital in Palermo during the period January …
Il costo sociale del morbillo in età pediatrica. L’epidemia a Palermo nel 1996-97
Objective To determine the direct and indirect costs associated with a measles epidemic occurring between September 1996 and August 1997 in Palermo (Italy) in paediatric-aged patients. Design A total of 2,029 cases of measles in a paediatric patient population were identified from a total of 38 paediatricians databases (24% of total). An extrapolation to the general population was then performed to estimate a total of 9,059 cases. Patient information obtained from the database such as patient age, risk factors, complications, vaccination history, as well as caretaker’s profession were included in a questionnaire compiled for each patient. Setting Inpatient and outpatient clinics in Palermo,…
Diagnostic problems and postnatal follow-up in congenital toxoplasmosis
Aim. In order to assess the consequences of different clinica] approaches in the prenata] management of congenital toxoplasmosis, we retrospectively reviewed 58 pregnant women with Toxoplasma seroconversion and prospec tively enrolled their 59 infants, referred to us from 1999 to 2004. Metbods. Data on clinica!, laboratocy and de mographic characteristics of the pregnant women were collected. Their children were entered intoa 48-month follow-up progcamme in which clinica , instrumental, ophthalmo logic and serologic evaluations were carried out at birth, at 1, 3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 24, 36 and at 48 months of life. Paediatric treatment with Spiramycin alone or alternated with Pyrime thamine-S…
No findings of dental defects in children treated with minocycline: a matched case-control study
Forty-one children 0.2).