Arnaud Gentil

Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux : ce qui a changé au début du xxie siècle

Resume Introduction Les accidents vasculaires cerebraux (AVC) faisaient partie, il y a 20 ans, des pathologies medicales mobilisant peu de ressources techniques et humaines car atteignant les sujets âges et ne disposant pas de therapeutiques efficaces. Cette pathologie etait alors grevee d’une mortalite precoce elevee au-dela de 25 %. C’etait l’epoque de l’attitude contemplative face a un AVC. Le developpement de l’epidemiologie de populations des AVC a permis de demontrer qu’ils n’etaient pas l’apanage du sujet âge et que 25 % d’entre eux survenaient avant 60 ans et en periode d’activite professionnelle. L’arrivee de la fibrinolyse et la mise en place des unites neurovasculaires ont transf…

research product

Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux du sujet âgé : ce que nous a appris l’épidémiologie du sujet jeune

Stroke in the elderly has more major differences compared to young people: it is the first complication of atherothrombosis disease associated with the following risk factors: hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, tobacco consumption and sleep apnea syndrome; AVC is the first consequence of atrial fibrillation; from a clinical point of view, seizure at the onset of the stroke is more frequent; prognosis is characterized by a high risk of dementia (20%); primary and secondary prevention is very efficacious even in very old patients, not only on the risk of stroke, but also on the risk of dementia; time trends at Dijon show a slight decrease of incidence rates of stroke only over 85 y…

research product

Myelitis and tenosynovitis attributed to toxocariasis

research product

Comparative epidemiology of stroke and acute myocardial infarction: the Dijon Vascular Project (DIVA)

Despite a common pathophysiological mechanism (ie, atherosclerosis) and similar vascular risk factors, few reliable studies have compared the epidemiology of stroke and acute myocardial infarction (AMI).All first ever cases of stroke and AMI in Dijon, France (151 846 inhabitants) from 2001 to 2006 were prospectively recorded. The 30 day case fatality rates (CFRs) and vascular risk factors were assessed in both groups.Over the 6 years, 1660 events (1020 strokes and 640 AMI) were recorded. Crude incidence of stroke was higher than that of AMI (112 vs 70.2/100 000/year; p0.001). With regard to sex, the relative incidence of stroke compared with AMI was 0.88 (95% CI 0.60 to 1.29; p = 0.51) in w…

research product

Myélite et ténosynovite attribuées à une toxocarose

research product