Wolfgang Licht

Asian relationships of the flora of the European Alps

Background: It has long been recognised that the Alps have strong biogeographical links to Asia. Aims: We investigate here whether the two areas are connected either through southern (mountain chains between the Alps and the Himalayas) or through northern regions. Methods: We compiled the geographical distribution of plant genera growing both in the Alps and the Himalayas, and outside these two regions. This compilation was used to search for molecular phylogenetic literature which was screened for area relationships informative for our purposes. Results: Of 933 genera growing in the Alps, 653 were considered further. Of the 429 genera growing in the Alps and the Himalayas, 218 grow in both…

research product

First record for the flora of Italy and lectotypification of the name Linum elegans (Linaceae)

Linum elegans has been detected in calcareous rocky garrigues on the Gargano promontory (Apulia, SE-Italy), representing the first record for the Italian flora and the first one outside the Balkan Peninsula. The geographical disjunction may provide evidence for past amphi-Adriatic/amphi-Ionic terrestrial connections. The population found was ascribed to L. campanulatum in the past. As a consequence, a comparison between these two species is undertaken. Furthermore, the name L. elegans is here lectotypified on a specimen preserved at G, and the IUCN assessment of the species in Italy is briefly discussed.

research product

Zur Bewurzelung dikotyler Sandpflanzen

Zusammenfassung und Schlus Wir haben eingangs die Existenz bestimmter ukologischer Faktoren vermutet, aufgrund derer die Pflanzengesellschaften auf Sandbuden ihr besonderes Geprage erhalten. In der Tat sind zumindest die Mainzer Sande arm an Nahrstoffen und von nur beschrankter Aufnahmefahigkeit fur Wasser; andererseits schutzt die geringe Kapillaritat des Sandes den Boden vor Wasserverlust durch Verdunstung. Tiefgehende Pfahlwurzelsysteme, die sich in unteren Bodenbezirken reich verzweigen — also insgesamt etwa birnenfurmige Gestalt annehmen — entsprachen somit den Erwartungen. Der tiefgehende Anteil der T-Systeme stimmt weitgehend mit dieser Vorstellung uberein, der proximale querstreiche…

research product