Chronic occupational noise exposure: Effects on DNA damage, blood pressure, and serum biochemistry
Abstract Noise levels experienced by industrial workers may cause both auditory and non-auditory harmful effects. We have studied the effects of chronic industrial noise exposure on DNA damage, blood pressure, and serum biochemistry in factory workers. Male workers (109 individuals) in three parts of a food factory in Shahroud, Iran were enrolled as the exposed group and male office workers (123 individuals) were the unexposed control group. Noise exposure was measured (dosimetry) and the comet assay was used to evaluate DNA damage in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and ceruloplasmin (Cp) levels were measured in serum samples. GPx levels, systolic and diasto…
Environmental noise aggravates oxidative DNA damage, granulocyte oxidative burst and nitrate resistance in Ogg1−/− mice
Environmental aircraft noise aggravates oxidative DNA damage, granulocyte oxidative burst and nitrate resistance inOgg1–/–mice
Background: Large epidemiological studies point towards a link between the incidence of arterial hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, metabolic disease and exposure to traffic noise, supporting t...