Olga Stariņeca
Employer Brand Role in HR Recruitment and Selection
Abstract This paper’s research focuses on employer brand (EB) development as a solution for public sector organizations to attract the young specialists of Latvia. The author uses monographic research method, selection, comparison, induction and statistical data interpretation to explore the situation and potential outcomes of the proposed approach to Human Resource Recruitment and Selection. The research results show that public organizations in Latvia still need to improve their positioning on labour market and work harder on their EB.
Human Resource Selection Approaches and Socially Responsible Strategy
Abstract The research focuses on the characterisation of theoretical aspects of human resource (HR) selection approaches and the analysis of these approaches within a socially responsible strategy and in the context of business sustainability creation. The main methods implemented are monographic research, scientific literature analysis, synthesis, and comparison. As a result, the HR selection concept development and application summary was created as well as the importance of HR selection within a socially responsible strategy was characterised.
Employer Branding Training Development for Public Organisations
In the condition of demographic issues in Europe and competition for specialist between public and private sector on the labour market public organisations’ as employers’ image is an important aspect of development. The research aim is to identify principles of Employer Branding (EB) and ways public organisations can organize and develop employees’ education on this topic. There are EB activities examined in ten socially responsible (SR) organisations from public sector in Latvia. Authors prepare theoretical bases for the research analysing scientific literature to explain the main point of the approaches framework and define the main terms in depth implementing qualitative and quantitative…
Social Responsibility Initiative Implementation in the Public Sector in Latvia
The public sector provides many different jobs in Latvia; however, the number of people employed in the public sector is small. Sometimes private sector organisations with a socially responsible culture are more attractive for specialists. The authors propose to evaluate Social Responsibility’s (SR) importance, benefits, and ways of possible implementation for several types of public sector organisations.
 The objective of this paper is to enquire what kind of activities organisations need to carry out to be included in the Sustainability Index rating and overview the possible reasons of difficulties encountered by public organisations.
 The authors describe the structure of the p…
Holistic approach to human resource recruitment and selection for public administration organisations of Latvia
Pēdējos gados cilvēkresursu atlase valsts pārvaldes organizācijās gan ir aktīvi attīstījusies, tomēr joprojām pastāv šī procesa uzlabojumu potenciāls. Holistiskā pieeja ir universāli izmantojama dažādās nozarēs un procesos. Šī pieeja var palīdzēt noteikt cilvēkresursu atlases draudus, vājās un stiprās puses, kā arī pavērt tajā jaunas iespējas. Šobrīd valsts pārvaldei cilvēkresursu atlasē būtu jāņem vērā izaicinājumi, kas saistīti ar jaunās paaudzes kā darba meklētāju un nodarbināto īpatnībām/raksturīgākajām iezīmēm, pozitīvu darba devēja zīmola veidošanu un uzturēšanu, zināšanu vadības aktivitātēm, darba tirgus problēmām u.c. Promocijas darba mērķis ir izstrādāt rīku komplektu, kas varētu p…
Human Resource Management Models: Aspects of Knowledge Management and Corporate Social Responsibility
AbstractOver time, changes have affected not only the attitude towards people employed in organizations and the knowledge and intellectual capital, but also social values and responsibility. The aim of the paper is to analyse and assess the aspects of knowledge management and corporate social responsibility and their development in different human resource management (HRM) models. While researching the issue of HRM impact on the organizational performance, the authors have analysed several HRM models that show the relationship between HRM practices, the factors influencing their choice, and the organizational outcomes. The models differ with the unitary approach, which believes that employe…