M. Airiau
First observation of high-K isomeric states in $$^{249}$$Md and $$^{251}$$Md
Decay spectroscopy of the odd-proton nuclei $^{249}$Md and $^{251}$Md has been performed. High-K isomeric states were identified for the first time in these two nuclei through the measurement of their electromagnetic decay. An isomeric state with a half-life of 2.8(5) ms and an excitation energy $\ge 910$ keV was found in $^{249}$Md. In $^{251}$Md, an isomeric state with a half-life of 1.4(3) s and an excitation energy $\ge 844$ keV was found. Similarly to the neighbouring $^{255}$Lr, these two isomeric states are interpreted as 3 quasi-particle high-K states and compared to new theoretical calculations. Excited nuclear configurations were calculated within two scenarios: via blocking nucle…
In-beam gamma-ray and electron spectroscopy of $^{249,251}$Md
The odd-Z Md251 nucleus was studied using combined γ-ray and conversion-electron in-beam spectroscopy. Besides the previously observed rotational band based on the [521]1/2− configuration, another rotational structure has been identified using γ-γ coincidences. The use of electron spectroscopy allowed the rotational bands to be observed over a larger rotational frequency range. Using the transition intensities that depend on the gyromagnetic factor, a [514]7/2− single-particle configuration has been inferred for this band, i.e., the ground-state band. A physical background that dominates the electron spectrum with an intensity of ≃60% was well reproduced by simulating a set of unresolved ex…
Production cross section and decay study of $^{243}$Es and $^{249}$Md
In the study of the odd-$Z$, even-$N$ nuclei $^{243}$Es and $^{249}$Md, performed at the University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, the fusion-evaporation reactions $^{197}$Au($^{48}$Ca,2$n$)$^{243}$Es and $^{203}$Tl($^{48}$Ca,2$n$)$^{249}$Md have been used for the first time. Fusion-evaporation residues were selected and detected using the RITU gas-filled separator coupled with the focal-plane spectrometer GREAT. For $^{243}$Es, the recoil decay correlation analysis yielded a half-life of $24 \pm 3$s, and a maximum production cross section of $37 \pm 10$ nb. In the same way, a half-life of $26 \pm 1$ s, an $\alpha$ branching ratio of 75 $\pm$ 5%, and a maximum production cross section of 300 $\pm$ 80 nb…
Production cross section and decay study of Es243 and Md249
In the study of the odd-$Z$, even-$N$ nuclei $^{243}$Es and $^{249}$Md, performed at the University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, the fusion-evaporation reactions $^{197}$Au($^{48}$Ca,2$n$)$^{243}$Es and $^{203}$Tl($^{48}$Ca,2$n$)$^{249}$Md have been used for the first time. Fusion-evaporation residues were selected and detected using the RITU gas-filled separator coupled with the focal-plane spectrometer GREAT. For $^{243}$Es, the recoil decay correlation analysis yielded a half-life of $24 \pm 3$s, and a maximum production cross section of $37 \pm 10$ nb. In the same way, a half-life of $26 \pm 1$ s, an $\alpha$ branching ratio of 75 $\pm$ 5%, and a maximum production cross section of 300 $\pm$ 80 nb…
In-beam γ-ray and electron spectroscopy of Md249,251
The odd-Z 251Md nucleus was studied using combined γ-ray and conversion-electron in-beam spectroscopy. Besides the previously observed rotational band based on the [521]1/2− configuration, another rotational structure has been identified using γ−γ coincidences. The use of electron spectroscopy allowed the rotational bands to be observed over a larger rotational frequency range. Using the transition intensities that depend on the gyromagnetic factor, a [514]7/2− single-particle configuration has been inferred for this band, i.e., the ground-state band. A physical background that dominates the electron spectrum with an intensity of ≃60% was well reproduced by simulating a set of unresolved ex…