Ester Pardo
Additional file 1: of De novo production of six key grape aroma monoterpenes by a geraniol synthase-engineered S. cerevisiae wine strain
Table S1. Concentrations (Îźg/L) of fundamental monoterpenes found in wines made from different aromatic and neutral grape cultivars.
De novo production of six key grape aroma monoterpenes by a geraniol synthase-engineered S. cerevisiae wine strain
[Background] Monoterpenes are important contributors to grape and wine aroma. Moreover, certain monoterpenes have been shown to display health benefits with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer or hypotensive properties amongst others. The aim of this study was to construct self-aromatizing wine yeasts to overproduce de novo these plant metabolites in wines.
Prebiotic effect of xylooligosaccharides produced from birchwood xylan by a novel fungal GH11 xylanase.
34 p.-4 fig.-1 tab.