Corneal thickness differences between sexes after oxybuprocaine eye drops.
PURPOSE We aimed to analyze the corneal thickness (CT) values of female and male subjects before and after instillation of oxybuprocaine 0.4% anesthetic eye drops. METHODS The CT of 30 female subjects and 28 male subjects was measured using scanning-slit corneal topography (Orbscan Topography System II, Orbscan, Inc, Salt Lake City, UT). Measurements were carried out before and 3 minutes after the instillation of oxybuprocaine 0.4% eye drops. RESULTS The difference between the baseline values and those obtained after anesthesia ranged as follows: male subjects: central, -26 to +24 μm; superior, -24 to +23 μm; inferior, -19 to +20 μm; nasal, -25 to +30 μm; and temporal, -21 to +20 μm; female…