Markus Mykkänen
Digitaalisen vuorovaikutuksen kulttuuri haastaa poliitikoiden viestintäosaamisen
Kirja-arvio teoksesta Pekka Isotalus, 2017. Mediapoliitikko. Gaudeamus, 247 sivua. nonPeerReviewed
Tieteen huumorista ja kummallisuuksista
Kirja-arvostelu teoksesta Glen Wright: Academia Obscura – The hidden silly side of higher education. Unbound 2018. nonPeerReviewed
Tutkimuksen puute on uhka median moninaisuudelle
Suomalainen media näyttää pintapuolisesti varsin moninaiselta. Lehtiä, televisio- ja radiokanavia on vielä paljon, ja niitä seurataan laajalti. Tosiasiassa tiedoissamme moninaisuuden nykytilasta on vaarallisen suuria aukkoja. nonPeerReviewed
Clarifying Skills and Competencies in Organisational Decision Making – Perceptions of Finnish Communication Professionals
This paper seeks to better understand the skills and competencies that Public Relations (PR) professionals use in contributing to organisational decision-making processes. The data were collected by interviewing Finnish professionals using thematic semi-structured interviews. Overall, the results highlight a deep understanding of organisation management and decision-making processes. The most important competencies were business understanding and target group oriented thinking. The findings indicate that important skills are related to writing and social media. ‘Regarding personal attributes, interaction and tolerance to criticism were acknowledged as most crucial. The conclusions suggest t…
Twitter - henkilökohtaista joukkoviestintää vai eliitin media?
Tarinoiden tulevaisuus ei ole televisiossa
Kirja-arvostelu teoksesta Pauli Kopu: Media television jälkeen – tutkimusmatka tarinoiden tulevaisuuteen. Into 2019. nonPeerReviewed
Journalistisen tiedonhankinnan tehostaminen tekstianalyysityökaluilla: Tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti ja ohjelmistoarvioinnit toimituskäyttöön
Journalisteilla voi uutistyön taustalla olla toisinaan suuri aineisto. Taustamateriaalit voivat käsittää jopa tuhansia sivuja kymmenistä eri lähteistä. Toimittajille voi olla haastavaa tai ylivoimaista nähdä aineistosta, mikä olisi mielenkiintoisinta tai uutisen arvoista. Eri alojen tutkijat ovat luoneet monenlaisia tekstin louhinta-, laskenta- ja analyysiohjelmia tutkimustyöhön isojen asiakirja-aineistojen läpikäymiseen. Heillä on näihin perinpohjaisia lähestymistapoja, joilla saa aikaiseksi vankasti perusteltuja tutkimustuloksia. Toimittajien tiedontarpeet ovat kuitenkin erilaisia. Yksittäisistä uutiskriteerit täyttävistä löydöistä voi uutisoida välittömästi löydön jälkeen. Aineistoon voi…
Viestintäammattilainen on organisaation päätöksenteon ja itseuudistumisen voimavara
Serious games, gaming, learning and crisis communication : insights from the literature
Typology of think tanks: A comparative study in Finland and Scotland
This paper provides a comparative analysis of current Finnish and Scottish think tanks and reviews how think tanks in these countries have evolved, how think tanks seek to influence decision making and engage with their stakeholders. To address the ways of influence this paper looks how Finnish and Scottish think tanks describe themselves and how they use publications in their advocacy. Conducted content analysis indicates that usually registered association based Finnish think tanks are generally more research-focused organisations, who overall deploy more research publications for advocacy than the company based Scottish think tanks. Findings also reveal that the number of think tanks in …
Organizational Decision Making: The Luhmannian Decision Communication Perspective
Studies of organizational communication around decision-making and decision communication have largely concerned how decisions should be made and promoted. Less efforts have focused on how decisions should be communicated inside organizations and how they influence organizational effectiveness and performance. This study examined decision communication in an engineer-based organization 2008–2009. Key findings demonstrate that effective decision communication can be considered as the backbone of organizational communication, which can benefit the whole organization from the top management to lower levels. This paper also discussess the concept of decision communication generally and from the…
Decision making and decision communication in an engineer based organization
The purpose of this thesis was to examine how decisions are defined, made and communicated in an engineer based working community. These processes in this study are reviewed from the point of view of organizational communication. This study gathers information about how organizations define decisions, how they use information and how it affects the decision making in individual, group and organizational level. The target organization for this thesis was a local automation engineering department of Metso Paper. Decision making and decision communication were studied using mixed method. The superiors of the organization were interviewed and the employees answered a questionnaire. The results …
Viestintäyksiköiden rooli kaupunkiorganisaatioiden vastatessa julkisuuslain mukaisiin tietopyyntöihin
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka kuntien viestintäyksiköt osallistuvat medialta ja yksityishenkilöiltä tulevien tietopyyntöjen käsittelyyn. Tarkoitus on lisätä ymmärrystä siitä, millainen viestintäyksikköjen rooli on julkisuuslain mukaisissa tietopyynnöissä. Tutkimuskohteena ovat julkisuuslain mukaiset viranomaiselle osoitetut yleisöjulkisuutta koskevat tietopyynnöt. The principle of the publicity of governmental records and public access to governmental information is written in the Finnish Constitution (PL 12.2 §) and seen as a basic right. The Act on the Openness of Government Activities is the lex generalis and is also known as the Finnish freedom of information act (FOIA)…
Lobbaamisen hallinta toimitustyössä : suosituksia poliittisen päätöksenteon uutisoimisen työkäytäntöihin
Jyväskylän yliopiston journalistiikan oppiaineen kaksi tutkimushanketta (Journalistit lobbaamisen kohteena ja Lobbaamisen hallinta toimitustyössä) selvittivät vuosina 2018– 2020 kuinka uutismediaan vaikutetaan yhteiskunnallisen päätöksenteon viestinnässä ja kuinka toimittajiin kohdistetaan vaikuttajaviestintää eli lobbausta. Hankkeessa tarkasteltiin lobbaajien pyrkimyksiä vaikuttaa toimitusten journalistisiin toimintoihin ja kuinka näitä vaikutusyrityksiä on mahdollista toimitustyössä torjua. Tutkimusaineistoa kerättiin haastattelemalla politiikan ja talouden toimittajia kahdeksasta eri toimituksesta. Tämän lisäksi ensimmäisessä projektissa haastateltiin viestintätoimistoissa työskenteleviä…
The contribution of public relations to organisational decision making and autopoiesis of organisations : the perspective of the Luhmannian social system paradigm
This doctoral dissertation investigates the contribution of public relations professionals to organisational decision-making processes and autopoiesis of organisations. The research approach utilises Niklas Luhmann’s functional method approach, regarded as an observational tool to create a distinction between problems and solutions. The research progresses through three parts: Part 1, the preliminary empirical work; Part 2, insights gained from academic articles and reports, and Part 3, empirical work on the perceptions of professionals. This qualitative, content-oriented, interpretive research approach concludes that public relations (PR) is a responsive, managing and adapting function in …
Media- ja viestintäpolitiikan nykytila ja mittaaminen : loppuraportti
Tämä tutkimushanke on toteutettu liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön toimeksiannosta yhteistyössä media-alan toimijoiden kanssa. Sen tavoitteena on ollut tuottaa uuden kansallisen mediapoliittisen ohjelman valmistelutyön pohjaksi monialainen yhteiskuntatieteellinen perusselvitys mediapolitiikan nykytilasta Suomessa. Aiemman sektoripohjaisen lähestymistavan sijaan tässä raportissa on haettu uutta, kokonaisvaltaisempaa tapaa hahmottaa median ja viestinnän kehitystä. Niinpä käsillä olevassa loppuraportissa nykyistä tilannetta kuvataan seitsemän media- ja viestintäpolitiikan perusperiaatteen (Picard ja Pickard 2017) sekä kansainvälisen vertailun näkökulmasta eri aineistojen avulla. Raportissa esi…
Kenelle vapaus kuuluu?
Media strategies in lobbying process. A literature review on publications in 2000-2018.
This study examines how the media and journalists are used in lobbying processes. To explore the topic a systematic review of the literature in peer-reviewed journals published between January 2000 to June 2018 was undertaken. The findings of this paper indicate that lobbyists and interest groups engage with a plethora of various strategies and systematic methods when influencing or trying to advocate the work of journalists and media organisations. The findings shed the mystery of lobbyists and interest group’s communicative attempts. This study increases the knowledge of the relationships between journalists and lobbyists in lobbying processes. Based on the literature review, the paper pr…
Communication in turbulent times : exploring issue arenas and crisis communication to enhance organisational resilience
This book is characterised by a broad approach towards corporate communication, emphasising change and crisis. The focus is not on crises as an exceptional situation but rather on broader volatility in the environment. The purpose of this book is to increase the understanding of multi- stakeholder communication concerning organisational issues and crises. From the perspective of organisational management, this book clarifies how communication contributes to organisational resilience—the ability to adapt to a changing environment and mitigate emergency crises. In todays’ world, change is not the exception but a constant presence. Moreover, issues and risks occur that may grow to become crise…
Tutkitun tiedon ja rationaalisen ajattelun apologia
The Elements of Advocacy : Finnish PR Consultants' Media Strategies in Lobbying
In Finland the use of public relations (PR) agencies and consultants in political decision making has increased in the last two decades. The development of the Finnish political realm has been similar to that of other Nordic countries where the PR industry has built a strong linkage to the political sphere. The present study analyses how Finnish PR consultants with a political background use and attempt to influence the news media as part of lobbying processes to advance their clients' causes. The chapter is based on 11 interviews with PR consultants that were conducted during November 2018. The main findings indicate that Finnish PR consultants consider the news media and journalists as an…
Contribution of Public Relations to Organizational Decision Making : Insights from the Literature
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the contribution of public relations practitioners to organizational decision making and, in particular, how this has been seen in peer-reviewed journals over the last 10 years. After a literature search, 38 articles originating from 26 different journals were further analyzed using thematic analysis. The period investigated ranged from the start of 2002 to October 2012. In the general literature on the roles of public relations practitioners, their participation in decision making was most frequently discussed in relation to its impact on decision making and enhancing managers’ understanding of the communicative aspects of decision-making processes. …
Communication Professionals and Organisational Decision-Making: A Finnish Study of Practitioner Roles
Traditionally, the debate on communication value and the contribution of communication professionals to organisational decision-making has been linked to diverging roles (managers, technicians). This chapter introduces an alternative view, based on an exploratory, qualitative study of communication professionals in Finland. It focuses on the diverse ways in which these professionals contribute to organisational decisionmaking. The results show a rich, constantly developing picture of communication practices, which challenges the traditional dichotomy of manager and technician roles. peerReviewed
Medialobbaus : näin toimituksiin vaikutetaan päätöksenteon uutisoinnissa
A Relational Approach to How Media Engage With Their Audiences in Social Media
People are increasingly turning to social media for their news and for sharing and discussing news with others. Simultaneously, media organizations are becoming platform-dependent and posting short forms of their news on their social media sites in the hope that audiences will not only consume this news but also comment on and share it. This article joins other media and journalism studies exploring this phenomenon through a relational approach to media audiences to better understand how media organizations, particularly newspapers, are cultivating relationships with audiences via social media. Drawing on public relations theory about organization–public relationships, the article examines …
Valtionhallinnon viestintä muutoksessa
CBRN Communication Scorecard
The CBRN Communication Scorecard is a tool to facilitate preparedness for crisis communication in the cases of CBRN terrorism incidents. In the introduction the development of the scorecard is explained. In the next section a user guide is provided. As the role of communication experts in crisis management is not always clear, this is further explained in the last section. Finally, the scorecard itself is presented. nonPeerReviewed
Clarifying Communication Professionals’ Tasks In Contributing To Organizational Decision Making
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the tasks through which communication professionals and public relations contribute to organizational decision making. In-depth interviews were conducted with Finnish public relations professionals about how they contribute to organizational decision making. The findings provide a rich picture of the tasks in relation to this. The results show that public relations professionals contribute to organizational decision-making processes by nine different tasks. Furthermore, the results indicate that during an organizational decision-making process, professionals switch from one task to another over time, and work simultaneously on several tasks. This pape…
Jakso 5 Mikä on viestintätoimistojen ja lobbauskonsultien rooli medialobbauksessa? Tässä jaksossa projektitutkija Pasi Ikonen ja lobbauksen hallinta toimitustyössä -hankkeen päätutkija Markus Mykkänen keskustelevat viestintätoimistojen ja lobbauskonsultien käytöstä lobbaamisessa.
Jakso 6 Mitä toimitusten tulisi tietää uutisointiin vaikuttamisesta? Tässä jaksossa projektitutkija Pasi Ikonen ja lobbauksen hallinta toimitustyössä -hankkeen tutkijat Markus Mykkänen ja Heikki Kuutti keskustelevat hankkeen tuloksista toimituksille tehdystä oppaasta.
Jakso 4 Millaista toimittajien kohtaama poliittinen vaikuttaminen tai lobbaaminen on? Ketkä lobbaavat ja miten? Millaisia vaikuttamisaineistoja toimittajat saavat? Tässä jaksossa projektitutkija Pasi Ikonen ja lobbauksen hallinta toimitustyössä -hankkeen päätutkija Markus Mykkänen keskustelevat toimittajiin vaikuttamisen strategioista ja aineistoista.