Reinis Ignatans
Yttrium-doped hematite photoanodes for solar water splitting: Photoelectrochemical and electronic properties
Abstract We investigate yttrium-doped hematite thin-film photoelectrochemical properties and find yttrium incorporation to amply improve the performance as a photoanode for water splitting under visible light. We used the spray pyrolysis method to prepare a set of yttrium doped Fe2-xYxO3 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.2) thin films (thickness below 500 nm) on glass and transparent conductive oxide coated glass slides. Using a substitutional homovalent (Y3+) dopant, the effect on functionality is rationalised as a combined effect on the electronic structure and small polaron mobility from the lattice structure, impurity levels, lattice stability and variance in hybridisation. The photoelectroch…
A comprehensive study of structure and properties of nanocrystalline zinc peroxide
Abstract Nanocrystalline zinc peroxide (nano-ZnO2) was synthesized through a hydrothermal process and comprehensively studied using several experimental techniques. Its crystal structure was characterized by X-ray diffraction, and the average crystallite size of 22 nm was estimated by Rietveld refinement. The temperature-dependent local environment around zinc atoms was reconstructed using reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) analysis from the Zn K-edge X-ray absorption spectra. The indirect band gap of about 4.6 eV was found using optical absorption spectroscopy. Lattice dynamics of nano-ZnO2 was studied by infrared and Raman spectroscopy. In situ Raman measurements indicate the stability of nano-ZnO…
Characterization of crystalline structure and morphology of Ga2O3 thin film grown by MOCVD technique
Growth of gallium oxide thin film was realized with MOCVD on (0001) sapphire substrate. Structural and compositional properties of thin film were studied employing trimethylgallium and water as precursors, carrier gases were H2 and N2. Obtained film is polycrystalline and predominantly consisted of (201) oriented β-Ga2O3. Sample exhibited blue luminescence which is attributed to oxygen vacancies. H2 gas proved to have beneficial effect on film quality and overall growth process.
Switchable Light Reflectance in Dilute Magneto-Optical Colloids Based on Nickel Ferrite Nanowires
Strong, Rapid and Reversible Photochromic Response of Nb doped TiO2 Nanocrystal Colloids in Hole Scavenging Media
Understanding photochromicity is essential for developing new means of modulating the optical properties and optical response of materials. Here, we report on the synthesis and exciting new photochromic behavior of Nb5+ doped TiO2 nanoparticle colloids (NCs). We find that in hole scavenging media, Nb5+ doping significantly improves the photochromic response time of TiO2 nanoparticles. In the infrared regime, Nb-doped TiO2 NCs exhibit an order of magnitude faster photoresponse kinetics than the pristine TiO2. Enhanced photochromic response is observed in the visible light regime as well. The transmittance of Nb-doped TiO2 NCs drops to 10% in less than 2 minutes when irradiated by UV light in…
Magnetic and optical properties in degenerated transition metal and Ga co-substituted ZnO nanocrystals
Abstract In order to study the influence of itinerant electrons on magnetic properties of transition metal substituted ZnO nanocrystals, nanopowders containing different amounts of Ga and fixed amounts of Fe, Ni and Mn ions were synthesized. The ions of different transition metals and Ga were successfully introduced into the ZnO structure using solvothermal synthesis method. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Rietveld refinement were used to characterize the synthesized nanocrystals. Optical measurements revealed that Ga substitution can change the light transmittance/absorption in the infrared part of the electromagnetic light spectru…
Local structural investigation of hafnia-zirconia polymorphs in powders and thin films by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Björn Matthey (Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden) is acknowledged for providing HfO2 and ZrO2 powders on short notice after DESY’s renowned customs office punished us. Parts of this research were carried out at Petra III at DESY, a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF). The experiments on single Si:HfO2 thin film samples were performed at the CLAESS beamline at ALBA Synchrotron with the collaboration of ALBA staff. We would like to thank Edmund Welter for assistance (in using beamline P65) and DESY for enabling this research for proposal no. 20160591 and for travel support. T.S. acknowledges the German Research Foundation (DFG) for funding this work in the frame of the project “Inferox” (project…
Studies of Reversible Hydrogen Binding in Nano- Sized Materials
Experimental review of materials suitable for reversible hydrogen binding in nanoporous and nanosized structures of materials, based on natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) and graphene (exfoliated electrochemically from raw graphite), were analyzed. Characterization of materials with SEM, XRD, EDS and Raman spectroscopy methods and aspects of synthesis of a nanostructured zeolite and a few-layer graphite material was done in this work. It was established from gas analyzer results that hydrogen mass fraction in natural zeolite ranged from 1.1 % to 1.4 %, but in the few-layer graphite material − from 0.39 % to 0.46 %.
Permanent photodoping of plasmonic gallium-ZnO nanocrystals
This work was supported by the Latvian Council of Science in the framework of FLPP (Plasmonic oxide quantum dots for energy saving smart windows, lzp-2018/1-0187). Tanel Käämbre acknowledges financial support for the XPS instrumentation maintenance from the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Research project “Advanced materials and high- technology devices for sustainable energetics, sensorics and nanoelectronics” (TK141).