Peter Wiegand
Cell line DNA typing in forensic genetics—the necessity of reliable standards
The incorporation of reference DNA is crucial to the validation of any DNA typing protocol. This paper aims to provide a panel of reference DNAs for actual forensic profiling strategies, i.e. autosomal and gonosomal STR typing as well as mtDNA sequencing. We have characterised three human lymphoid cell lines, GM9947, GM9948 and GM3657, and considered 58 autosomal and gonosomal microsatellites as well as the mitochondrial control region sequence. Well-established markers and STRs recently developed for forensic use were involved. K562 DNA samples which we purchased from two different suppliers were also analysed. They revealed conflicting results with regard to the ChrX STR marker genotype. …
Old meets new: Comparative examination of conventional and innovative RNA-based methods for body fluid identification of laundered seminal fluid stains after modular extraction of DNA and RNA.
Abstract The knowledge about the type of the body fluid/tissue that contributed to a trace can provide contextual insight into crime scene reconstruction and connect a suspect or a victim to a crime scene. Especially in sexual assault cases, it is important to verify the presence of spermatozoa. Victims often tend to clean their underwear/bedding after a sexual assault. If they later decide to report the crime to the police, in our experience, investigators usually do not send laundered items for DNA examination, since they believe that analysis after washing is no longer promising. As not only the individualization of traces on laundered items could be important in court, but also the type…
Medikament�se Sterilit�t als T�uschungsmethode bei paternit�tsgutachten
Bei der gerichtlichen Aufklarung einer strittigen Vaterschaft sind Tauschungen moglich. So kann eine medikamentos ausgeloste Infertilitat durch Eingriff an der Spermatogenese, am Spermientransport und an der hormonalen Steuerung herbeigefuhrt werden. Bis-Dichloracetyl-Octamethylendiamin ist aufgrund der spermiogenesehemmenden Wirkung besonders geeignet. Auser einem Antabus-Effekt bei gleichzeitiger Einnahme von Alkohol entstehen keine Nebenwirkungen. Bei der taglichen Einnahme von ca. 200 mg ist nach 2–3 Monaten eine Sterilitat ausgebildet. Nach Absetzen der Substanz ist die Spermatogenese und damit die Fertilitat des Mannes nach etwa 2 Monaten wieder vollig normal.