Isabel Izquierdo
Estela antropomorfa con inscripción ibérica del Mas de Barberán (Nogueruelas, Teruel)
The subject of this paper is a little known Iberian gravestele from Nogueruelas (Teruel). The find-spot, the Mas de Barberán, is close to the boundary with Cortes de Arenoso (Castellón). The piece is one of a class of stele charactised by figurative decoration and an inscription. The discussion focusses on the anthropomorphic shape of the piece, its iconography —the disk-cuirass—, and the inscription.
Does Oxygen Concentration Used for Resuscitation Influence Outcome of Asphyxiated Newly Born Infants Treated With Hypothermia?
To the Editor. — In a recent article, Rutherford et al1 describe the neuroprotective effect of whole-body cooling and selective head cooling in newly born infants suffering from hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. MRI studies of infants receiving either of these therapies showed a lesser degree of basal ganglia and thalamic lesions than nontreated controls, which correlates with a better neurologic prognosis. However, no description of the resuscitation maneuvers used is present in the article's “Patients and Methods” section. Thus, the authors do not include details on how many infants were given positive pressure ventilation and, especially, what concentration of oxygen was used, if oxygen s…
Preterm Resuscitation With Low Oxygen Causes Less Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Chronic Lung Disease
OBJECTIVE: The goal was to reduce adverse pulmonary adverse outcomes, oxidative stress, and inflammation in neonates of 24 to 28 weeks of gestation initially resuscitated with fractions of inspired oxygen of 30% or 90%. METHODS: Randomized assignment to receive 30% (N = 37) or 90% (N = 41) oxygen was performed. Targeted oxygen saturation values were 75% at 5 minutes and 85% at 10 minutes. Blood oxidized glutathione (GSSG)/reduced glutathione ratio and urinary o-tyrosine, 8-oxo-dihydroxyguanosine, and isoprostane levels, isofuran elimination, and plasma interleukin 8 and tumor necrosis factor α levels were determined. RESULTS: The low-oxygen group needed fewer days of oxygen supplementation …
Stèles funéraires d'époque ibérique
We wish to present in this paper a general study of the funereal stelas in Iberian culture. We begin with the analysis of the Peninsular tradition preceding the development of the Iberian world in order to consider this type of funereal monument within the landscape of cemeteries which seem to be more and more complex and varied. We will assess the different groups of stelas (5th-1st centuries B.C.) on the basis of their morphology, iconography and, in some cases, epigraphs. We present some examples from the provinces of Castellón and Teruel which have been subjected to recent studies.
Antenatal Steroids and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in Preterm Infants: Influence of Gender and Timing
Antenatal steroids have improved the survival of preterm infants; however, the mechanism of action is not fully understood. We aimed to establish an association between antenatal steroids and antioxidant activity and postnatal oxidative stress. In a prospective cohort study, extremely preterm neonates receiving antenatal steroids (CORT) or not (NOCORT) were enrolled. An association between antenatal steroids and activities of antioxidant enzymes and glutathione cycle enzymes in cord blood was found. In addition, reduced oxidative stress (GSH/GSSG ratio, CORT vs. NOCORT, 35.68 + or - 12.20 vs. 28.38 + or - 9.92; p < 0.01) and, decreased oxidation of proteins (ortho-tyrosine/phenylalanine rat…
La fase del Ibérico final en el asentamiento del Torrelló del Boverot (Almazora, Castellón): dos piezas cerámicas singulares
Since the end of 1988, when excavation was resumed at the Torrelló del Boverot site in Almazora (Castellón), large amounts of material —mostly ceramics— have been recovered, dating from the end of the Iberian period, which, chronologically, marked the end of the village's life. This paper discusses two unusual ceramic pieces from this late period, documented during the excavations that took place in 1995, undertaken in the central area of the site. The records obtained in this work matches that of a batch of materials donated to the Museum of Almazora by the amateurs who excavated this village in the mid-1970s.
Gendering fibulae: animals and gender roles in Iberian Iron Age societies
Desde la Antigüedad, los animales domésticos y salvajes han sido parte integrante de la vida del ser humano como alimento para su supervivencia, como transporte y también como iconos en la construcción del imaginario cultural. En la cultura ibérica las representaciones figuradas en diversos soportes (cerámica, escultura en piedra, terracotas, metales y monedas), “lo imaginario”, y los restos faunísticos de poblados, necrópolis y lugares culturales, “lo real”, ilustran las relaciones entre las sociedades de la Edad del Hierro de la mitad SE de la Península Ibérica con los animales de su entorno. En este trabajo se analiza un tipo de objeto de la indumentaria íbera: las fíbulas, como ejemplo …