Shri Ramaswamy
Comparison of 3D structural characteristics of high and low resolution X-ray microtomographic images of paper
The detailed 3D structure of paper was revealed applying both high and low resolution X-ray microtomography. The qualityof the two techniques with respect to resolution and volume size was compared by measuring various structural andtransport properties of the digital volumes.
The 3D structure of fabric and its relationship to liquid and vapor transport
Polymeric carrier fabrics are commonly used in many industrial processes including manufacture of paper and board. Apart from acting as a carrier for the compressible porous material during the manufacturing process, the synthetic woven fabrics comprising mainly of poly ethylene terypthalate (PET) yarns, impart valuable product attributes, i.e. softness, bulk, absorbency, etc. in consumer products. The three-dimensional structure of the fabrics plays a critical role in deciding the manufacturing and energy efficiency as well as product end-use properties. X-ray micro computed tomography (X-CT) provides a non-intrusive technique to visualize and analyze the three-dimensional structure of por…
Intrusion of nonwetting liquid in paper
The saturation curve of a sample of paper board was measured with mercury-intrusion porosimetry, and the three-dimensional structure of its pore space was determined by x-ray tomographic imaging. Ab initio numerical simulation of intrusion on the tomographic reconstruction, based on the lattice-Boltzmann method, was in excellent agreement with the measured saturation curve. A numerical invasion-percolation simulation in the same tomographic reconstruction showed good agreement with the lattice-Boltzmann simulation. The access function of the sample, determined from the saturation curve and the pore-throat distribution determined from the tomographic reconstruction, indicated that the ink-bo…