Study of green Sicilian table olive fermentations through microbiological, chemical and sensory analyses.
The production of five different green table olive cultivars was studied by a combined strategy consisting of chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses. Cultivable microflora of samples collected during processing was monitored by plate counts on seven synthetic culture media. In all samples Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonaceae, staphylococci, lactic acid bacteria and spore-forming bacteria were undetectable. Yeasts and moulds were countable from the day 42 (2 log CFU/ml) till the end of fermentation (6 log CFU/ml). The use of three different approaches for microorganism detection, including a culture-independent methodology, revealed the presence of barely three yeast species during the…
Evaluation of microbial diversity during the manufacture of Fior di Latte di Agerola, a traditional raw milk pasta-filata cheese of the Naples area
Microbial diversity of the raw milk for the production of Fior di Latte di Agerola and its changes during cheesemaking were studied. Viable counts showed that at the end of curd ripening, loads of lactic acid bacteria, both mesophilic and thermophilic rods and cocci, higher than those commonly evidenced in similar cheeses produced by using natural or commercial starters, were detected. Identification of 272 isolates, supported by molecular diagnostic aids, evidenced representative cultures of a high number of bacterial taxa of interest as participating in the process, although most of the isolates belonged to Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus helveticus species. RAPD-PCR and REA-PFGE bio…
Fennel waste-based films suitable for protecting cultivations.
Biodegradable, flexible, and moisture-resistant films were obtained by recycling fennel waste and adding to fennel homogenates the bean protein phaseolin that was modified or not modified by the enzyme transglutaminase. All films were analyzed for their morphology, mechanical properties, water vapor permeability, and susceptibility to biodegradation under soil-like conditions. Our experiments showed that transglutaminase treatment of the phaseolin-containing fennel waste homogenates allowed us to obtain films comparable in their mechanical properties and water vapor permeability to the commercial films Ecoflex and Mater-Bi. Furthermore, biodegradability tests demonstrated that the presence …
Could halophilic archaea improve the traditional salted anchovies (Engraulis encrasicholus L.) safety and quality?
Aims: The positive influence of two selected extremely halophilic archaea strains in the production of salted anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus, L., 1758) was highlighted. Methods and Results: Anchovies produced with salt artificially contaminated with halophiles exhibited lower loads of staphylococci, Enterobacteriaceae and lactic acid bacteria, and a reduced content of histamine as well as an improved organoleptic acceptance. Conclusions: The findings of this survey are expected to enhance the safety of salted anchovies, with regard to the histamine formation during ripening, and to improve the sensory attributes of this product. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study repres…
Microbial dynamics during green Sicilian table olive fermentations
The production of green table olives is traditionally a spontaneous fermentation carried out by indigenous microflora. Variability of microbial raw material may result in changes in the qualitative aspects of final products (Silvestri et al., 2009). Table olives of five different green table olive cultivars (four Sicilian Brandofino, Castriciana, Nocellara del Belice and Passalunara and the Spanish Manzanilla) were produced according to a semi-industrial technology, in which lactic acid bacteria (LAB) role is partially replaced by lactic acid addiction. Transformation processes were studied by a combined strategy consisting of chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses. Yeasts harboured…
Ecology and technological capability of lactic acid bacteria associated with Grillo grapevine used as base wine for Marsala production.
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have a defining role in winemaking process since their activities determine an important contribute to wine quality. Besides sulphur dioxide, lysozyme is becoming a common supplement in wine for bacterial growth inhibition (Sonni et al, 2009). It is a natural enzyme with muramidase activity working against a wide range of LAB, including Oenococcus spp., Pediococcus spp., Lactococcus spp. and Lactobacillus spp. (Cunningham et al, 1991). To obtain a first mapping of LAB inhabiting Marsala wine production area, grapes of “Grillo” variety were harvested from five vineyards different for climatic and agronomic parameters. A Marsala base wine large-scale process was fol…
Evoluzione della popolazione blastomicetica durante la produzione di olive da tavola di differenti cultivar siciliane monitorata attraverso l’analisi dell’ITS rDNA.
La popolazione blastomicetica di olive verdi da tavola, prodotte a partire da 4 diverse cultivar siciliane (Brandofino, Castriciana, Nocellara del Belice, Passulunara) e da una spagnola (Manzanilla), è stata monitorata durante l’intero processo di fermentazione. La tecnologia produttiva poteva definirsi di tipo semi-industriale, giacché il ruolo della microflora lattica era parzialmente sostituito dall’aggiunta di acido lattico e la fermentazione naturale avveniva in salamoia all’8% di NaCl. La popolazione di lieviti all’avvio del processo fermentativo è risultata, indipendentemente dalla cultivar di appartenenza, nell’ordine di 2.0 log UFC g-1. Viceversa nel prodotto al consumo le conte ha…
Optimised method for the analysis of phenolic compounds from caper (Capparis spinosa L.) berries and monitoring of their changes during fermentation
In this work, an ad hoc method to identify and quantify polyphenols from caper berries was developed on high-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation source/mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS). The method was applied during fermentation carried out with Lactobacillus pentosus OM13 (Trial S) and without starter (Trial C). A total of five polyphenols were identified. All samples contained high concentrations of rutin. Epicatechin was found in untreated fruits, on the contrary quercetin was detected during fermentation. Trial S was characterised by a more rapid acidification and lower levels of spoilage microorganisms than Trial C. L. pentosus dominated among the microbial communi…
Could halophilic archaea improve the traditional salted anchovies (Engraulis encrasicholus L) manufacture?
Although initial interest on extremely halophilic archaea turned to their involvement in the spoilage of salted meat and fish products, studies on the occurrence of such microorganisms in food ecosystems have rarely been performed. During salted anchovies production, a traditional process used by Mediterranean fishermen to obtain a tender product with a specific pleasant aroma and taste, extremely halophilic archaea belonging to the Halobacteriaceae family are often isolated. In order to elucidate the influence of halobacteria in salting and curing of this product, an experimental manufacturing was performed according to a traditional procedure. Salt to be employed was artificially inoculat…
Use of selected autochthonous lactic acid bacteria for Spanish-style table olive fermentation
The present work presents a successful attempt to achieve an enhanced and more predictable fermentation process in Spanish-style green olive technology by selection and use of autochthonous starter cultures. During the first phase of this work, two Spanish-like fermentations of green table olives of cultivar (cv) “Nocellara del Belice”, coming from irrigated and not irrigated fields, were monitored, in order to highlight the best agricultural conditions for drupe production and to isolate lactic acid bacteria strains with relevant technological properties. Among 88 identified isolates, one Lactobacillus pentosus strain showed remarkable biochemical features and high acidification rate in sy…
Monitoraggio del ceppo starter Lactobacillus pentosus OM13 nella fermentazione delle olive da tavola (cv. “Nocellara del Belice”) con lavorazione sivigliana.
Obiettivo di questa ricerca . stato validare le attitudini tecnologiche alla trasformazione di olive da mensa cv. “Nocellara del Belice” da parte del ceppo Lactobacillus pentosus OM13. Lo starter Lb. pentosus OM13 ha dimostrato di dominare l’intero processo fermentativo e ha determinato un sensibile abbassamento del pH, inibendo cos. lo sviluppo di microrganismi potenzialmente patogeni e/o alterativi. All’inizio della sperimentazione e fino al 16¢X giorno di fermentazione, i lieviti hanno mostrato un incremento in entrambe le lavorazioni, con starter e di controllo, ma con un livello di carica microbica maggiore nella tesi di controllo. Nella fase di sperimentazione, successiva al 16¢X gior…
Indigenous yeast communities in the environment of ‘‘Rovello bianco’’ grape variety and their use in commercial white wine fermentation
The indigenous yeast communities associated with several vineyard habitats were analysed. Wild yeasts were isolated, differentiated at strain level and identified. A phylogenetic tree based on partial 26S rRNA genes was constructed. The strains were characterized and the indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae GR1 was then used to carry out a vinification process and compared with a commercial yeast. Wines obtained were subjected to chemical and sensory analysis. The comparison between the two products highlighted differences due to the fer- menting strains employed. The vineyard environment was found to strongly influence the composition of yeast communities, thus, confirming the theory of ‘te…