F. Casper
Pelvic floor stress response: reflex contraction with pressure transmission to the urethra.
There is still controversy regarding the active role of striated intramural and periurethral muscles and their relative share of function for urinary continence under stress conditions. To evaluate the function of the periurethral muscles, we subjected a dog model to the physiologic stress condition created by sneezing. Simultaneous measurements of intravesical and three urethral pressures were obtained in the intact urinary tract and in a noncontractile substitute urethra, which was pulled through the pelvic floor and studied with and without additional pelvic floor suspension. The data clearly confirm the active role of striated sphincteric muscles for continence under stress conditions. …
Local Treatment of Urogenital Atrophy with an Estradiol-Releasing Vaginal Ring: A Comparative and a Placebo-Controlled Multicenter Study
Local estrogen substitution has been shown to be more appropriate than any systemic application for the treatment of urogenital symptoms of hormone defiency. The efficacy, safety and acceptability of a new low-dose drug delivery system consisting of an estradiol-releasing silicone vaginal ring was studied in two multicenter trials. In an open-label comparative trial a total of 219 postmenopausal women were randomized to the estradiol-releasing vaginal ring or to estriol suppositories. In terms of efficacy both treatment arms were shown to be equivalent; however, significantly higher rates of acceptability were found for the vaginal ring. In a double-blinded placebo-controlled study a total …
Influence of induced intrauterine diuresis on the upper urinary tract
There are many possible etiologies of sonographically detected dilatation of the renal pelvis and the ureter during pregnancy. The observation that fetal ureteral dilatation occurs with congenital diabetes insipidus has led to the suspicion of at least a modifying influence resulting from intrauterine diuresis. To increase fetal diuresis experimentally, Wistar rats were treated with 100 mg chlorthalidon and 40 mg furosemide per kg bodyweight per day. The animal experiment was performed with four groups. Group I was treated during the entire course of pregnancy. Group II during the first half and Group III during the second half. Group C was the untreated control group. For morphometric inve…
Hormonmangelsyndrom des unteren Harntraktes
In der Postmenopause finden sich gehauft unspezifische Beschwerdebilder im Sinne einer Reizblase, bzw. eines Urethralsyndroms, evtl. in Kombination mit Inkontinenzbeschwerden. Die gemeinsame Embryologie von Urethra und Vagina, zusammen mit den in Urethra und Blasenhals nachgewiesenen Hormonrezeptoren erklart die hormonabhangigen trophischen Veranderungen im Urogenitalbereich. Die einfache Untersuchung des Urethral- und Vaginalabstriches mit Bestimmung des karyopygnotischen Indexes (KPI) last eine Beurteilung der Ostrogenwirkung zu. Bei entsprechendem Mangelsyndrom fuhrt eine kontinuierliche, uber mindestens 6 bis 8 Wochen durchgefuhrte lokale Ostrogentherapie zu einer deutlichen Tonus- bzw.…
Fetal Renal Effects of Intrauterine Diuretic Application in Wistar Rats
The application of placenta-permeable diuretics in the pregnant woman has been the subject of controversial discussion (Friedberg 1980; Souster and Emery 1980). Not only is the fetus endangered by potential placental ischaemia, natrium and potassium loss and possible dehydration in the mother (Friedberg 1980; Gant and Madden 1975), but also induced effects on fetal organ formation should be considered (Frohneberg and Hutschenreiter 1982; Seufert 1986). Depending on the site of action and placental permeability, fetal urine production can be increased (Wladimiroff 1975), thus leading to consequences for the morphological and functional embryogenesis of isolated nephron sections (Frohneberg 1…
Artrial Natriuretic Peptide Concentrations in Preeclampsia
During pregnancy various humoral and functional mechanisms were recognized, that regulate the water and electrolyte household. In preeclampsia, increased water-sodium retention results from a variety of pathophysiological changes in the endocrinological system. There are also organ-specific changes, such as renal clearance reduction up to 30% in comparison to normal pregnancy. For many years, physiologists expected to find additional cardial mechanisms that influence homeostasis. In 1981, de Bold [3] identified ANP a new humoral factor that leads to increased water and sodium excretion. The influence of ANP in preeclampsia has been the subject of controversial discussion.
The Role of Striated Sphincter Muscle in Urethral Closure Under Stress Conditions: An Experimental Study
Decisive for urethral closure under stress is an increase in intraurethral pressure. This pressure increase is significantly affected by urethral tonus, passive pressure transmission and reflex pressure transmission. Approximately half of the urethral tonus is produced by the striated sphincter muscles (Rud et al. 1981; Tanagho 1979).
CSD 1781403: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: S. Zimmermann, M. Bruehmann, F. Casper, O. Heyer, T. Lorenz, C. Felser, A.V. Mudring, G. Meyer|2010|Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.||2613|doi:10.1002/ejic.201000223