Rana Mounayar
Markers of oral fat sensitivity; a combined proteomics and metabolomics approach
Markers of oral fat sensitivity; a combined proteomics and metabolomics approach. 1. International symposium on profiling
(L14) Effect of fat on saliva composition: Relation with human fat sensitivity
Abstract of oral presentation; Fat consumption is described as one of the major reasons for the obesity epidemic. Fat sensitivity may. be one of the causes as a recent study shows that subjects hyposensitive to fat perception have a higher. Body Mass Index value than hypersensitive ones1. Moreover interest on fat perception in the mouth has. grown especially after the discovery of fat taste receptors on the tongue and their possible implications in. fat metabolism. This gives another dimension for fat perception as it was always thought to have only. olfactory and textural characteristics. However, this perception is still unclear and other factors could play. a role in it. During consumpti…
Is saliva composition related to oral fat sensitivity or exposure?
Parution prochaine de la présentation orale dans un livre; International audience; To characterize the taste of drinking waters, Teillet et al. (2010) used first a free sorting task and then defined the Polarized Sensory Positioning (PSP) technique as a substitute better suited to industrial constraints. They conclude that Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the main driver of water taste. Puget et al. (2010) found, based on triangular tests, that differences in mineral profiles can also generate taste differences. The research reported in this paper aims at assessing relative importance of TDS and mineral profile in water taste and at the same time comparing free sorting task, PSP and triangul…
Are metabolomics and proteomic salivary profiles related to human taste sensitivity to oleic acid?
Are metabolomics and proteomic salivary profiles related to human taste sensitivity to oleic acid?. 2. International congress of translational research in human nutrition "Integrative Approaches in Nutrition Research"
Is saliva composition linked to fat taste sensitivity in human?
Is saliva composition linked to fat taste sensitivity in human?. 10. european symposium on Saliva
Effects of fat on saliva composition: Relation with human fat sensitivity
Effects of fat on saliva composition: Relation with human fat sensitivity. Forum Jeunes chercheurs