Gerhard Minnameier

Peirce-Suit of Truth – Why Inference to the Best Explanation and Abduction Ought Not to be Confused

It is well known that the process of scientific inquiry, according to Peirce, is drivenby three types of inference, namely abduction, deduction, and induction. What isbehind these labels is, however, not so clear. In particular, the common identificationof “abduction” with “Inference to the Best Explanation” (IBE) begs the question,since IBE appears to be covered by Peirce's concept of induction, not that of abduction.Consequently, abduction ought to be distinguished from IBE, at least on Peirce's account. The main aim of the paper, however, is to show that this distinction is most relevant with respect to current problems in philosophy of science and epistemology (like attempts to supply s…

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Berufserziehung als lebenslange Aufgabe Vocational education as a lifelong learning task

VonBerafsinhabern aller Couleurverlangtmanheuteuber die herkommlichen QualifikationenhinausEigenschaften, dieihre Tuchtigkeitauchunterdenveranderten Bedingungen dermodernen Arbeitswelt sichern sollen. Flexibilitay, Mobilitat, Innovationsbereitschaft, Kundenorientierung, Selbstmanagement sind einige der Chiffren, mit denen die „neuen“ Kompetenzen auf den Begriff gebracht (vgl. Hoff/Ewers/Petersen 2004) undin einem angereicherten Professionalitatskonzeptaufgehobenwerdensollen. PersonlichkeitsmerkmalediesesTyps habenzweifellosenormanBedeutunggewonnen,einerseitsindenStrategiender personalwirtschaftlichen Beurteilung und Auswahl von Bewerbern bei der Besetzung von freien Arbeitsplatzen, bei Befo…

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Ethics and economics, friends or foes? An educational debate

This paper reviews an ongoing debate about moral standards for vocational education in German speaking countries. At the centre of the controversy is the question of universalistic versus domain‐specific moral orientations, namely the question of whether business people ought to develop different moral points of view in different situations (such as ‘private’ versus ‘professional’). Of pivotal importance in this context is also a prominent ethical approach (by Karl Homann, a philosopher in the tradition of liberal economists) which serves as a foundation for those who advocate domain specificity and which is strongly criticized by their counterparts. This approach is also presented, since t…

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