Thomas Hultsch
Omalizumab-Therapie atopischer Dermatitis: IgE-Depletion führt nicht zur klinischen Besserung - eine randomisierte, placebo-kontrollierte, doppelblinde Pilotstudie
Decreased release of histamine and sulfidoleukotrienes by human peripheral blood leukocytes after wasp venom immunotherapy is partially due to induction of IL-10 and IFN-γ production of T cells
Abstract Background: Recent studies provide evidence that venom immunotherapy (VIT) alters the pattern of cytokine production by inducing an allergen-specific T-cell shift in cytokine expression from T H2 (IL-4, IL-5) to T H1 (IFN-γ) cytokines and also inducing the production of IL-10. Objective: This study was carried out to analyze whether these changes in cytokine production of T cells already observed 1 week after the initiation of VIT in subjects with wasp venom allergy also influence the reactivity of effector cells, such as mast cells and basophils. Methods: All subjects included in this study had a history of severe systemic allergic reactions to wasp stings and positive skin test r…
Current management of atopic dermatitis and interruption of the atopic march.
Treatment of atopic dermatitis requires a comprehensive approach that includes evaluation of potential triggers and education of the patient and family regarding proper avoidance measures. Hydration of the skin and maintenance of an intact skin barrier remain integral to proper management. Although topical corticosteroids have been a mainstay of anti-inflammatory therapy, the newer topical calcineurin inhibitors offer advantages for treatment of this chronic, relapsing disease. Studies aimed at defining optimal combination therapy and early intervention might change the treatment paradigm for atopic dermatitis.
Enhanced expression of IL-8 in normal human keratinocytes and human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT in vitro after stimulation with contact sensitizers, tolerogens and irritants.
Abstract To investigate the interleukin-8 production of keratinocytes after stimulation in vitro we have used various agents: (i) contact sensi-tizer (2,4-dinitrofiuorobenzene, 3-n-penladecylcatechol); (ii) tolerogen (5-methyl-3-n-pentadecylcatechol); (iii) irritant (sodium lauryl sulfate). Interleukin-8 gene expression was assessed by northern blot hybridization of the total cytoplasmic RNA extracted from subconfluent normal human keratinocyte cultures and the keratinocyte cell line HaCaT using a radiolabeled DNA probe specific for human interleukin-8. Intcrleukin-8 gene expression was markedly increased upon in vitro stimulation after 1-6 h with contact sensitizers, tolerogen and the irri…