Pyry Matti Rahkila
Kinetic transport theory with quantum coherence
We derive transport equations for fermions and bosons in spatially or temporally varying backgrounds with special symmetries, by use of the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism. In a noninteracting theory the coherence information is shown to be encoded in new singular shells for the 2-point function. Imposing this phase space structure to the interacting theory leads to a a self-consistent equation of motion for a physcial density matrix, including coherence and a well defined collision integral. The method is applied e.g. to demonstrate how an initially coherent out-of-equlibrium state approaches equlibrium through decoherence and thermalization.
Towards a kinetic theory for fermions with quantum coherence
A new density matrix and corresponding quantum kinetic equations are introduced for fermions undergoing coherent evolution either in time (coherent particle production) or in space (quantum reflection). A central element in our derivation is finding new spectral solutions for the 2-point Green's functions written in the Wigner representation, that are carrying the information of the quantum coherence. Physically observable density matrix is then defined from the bare singular 2-point function by convoluting it with the extrenous information about the state of the system. The formalism is shown to reproduce familiar results from the Dirac equation approach, like Klein problem and nonlocal re…
Flavour mixing transport theory and resonant leptogenesis
We derive non-equilibrium quantum transport equations for flavour-mixing fermions. We develop the formalism mostly in the context of resonant leptogenesis with two mixing Majorana fermions and one lepton flavour, but our master equations are valid more generally in homogeneous and isotropic systems. We give a hierarchy of quantum kinetic equations, valid at different approximations, that can accommodate helicity and arbitrary mass differences. In the mass-degenerate limit the equations take the familiar form of density matrix equations. We also derive the semiclassical Boltzmann limit of our equations, including the CP-violating source, whose regulator corresponds to the flavour coherence d…
Coherent quasiparticle approximation (cQPA) and nonlocal coherence
We show that the dynamical Wigner functions for noninteracting fermions and bosons can have complex singularity structures with a number of new solutions accompanying the usual mass-shell dispersion relations. These new shell solutions are shown to encode the information of the quantum coherence between particles and antiparticles, left and right moving chiral states and/or between different flavour states. Analogously to the usual derivation of the Boltzmann equation, we impose this extended phase space structure on the full interacting theory. This extension of the quasiparticle approximation gives rise to a self-consistent equation of motion for a density matrix that combines the quantum…
Quantum kinetic theory for fermions in temporally varying backrounds
We derive quantum kinetic equations for fermions in a homogeneous time-dependent background in presence of decohering collisions, by use of the Schwinger-Keldysh CTP-formalism. The quantum coherence (between particles and antiparticles) is found to arise from new spectral solutions for the dynamical 2-point correlation function in the mean field limit. The physical density matrix $\rho$ and its dynamics is shown to be necessarily dependent on the extrenous information on the system, and expressions that relate $\rho$ to fundamental coherence functions and fermionic particle and antiparticle numbers are derived. For an interacting system we demonstrate how smooth decoherence effects are indu…