D. Bingmann

Differential antiepileptic effects of the organic calcium antagonists verapamil and flunarizine in neurons of organotypic neocortical explants from newborn rats

Effects of the organic calcium antagonists verapamil and flunarizine on pentylenetetrazol induced paroxysmal depolarizations were tested in organotypic neocortical explants taken from neonatal rats. In these in vitro experiments the papaverin derivative verapamil depressed, and finally abolished, epileptic discharges in all cases. The piperazine derivative flunarizine, however, which is known to suppress epileptic discharges in hippocampal CA3 neurons (Bingmann and Speckmann 1986), showed no significant antiepileptic effects in the explanted neocortical neurons. Thus, the present findings may indicate that the suppressive action of flunarizine on the generation of paroxysmal depolarizations…

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Abstract of the 68th Meeting (Spring Meeting) 6–9 March 1990, Heidelberg

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Specific suppression of pentylenetetrazol-induced epileptiform discharges in CA3 neurons (hippocampal slice, guinea pig) by the organic calcium antagonists flunarizine and verapamil

Antiepileptic actions of the organic calcium antagonists flunarizine (cinnarizine derivate) and verapamil (papaverin derivat) on pentylenetetrazol-induced epileptic bioelectric activity were tested in CA3 neurones of hippocampal slices. In all experiments both calcium antagonists reduced the amplitudes and/or durations of paroxysmal depolarizations as well as their rate of occurrence, when the bath concentrations of flunarizine or verapamil exceeded 20 mumol/l. When they were added to the bath solution before pentylenetetrazol application, recordings of the resting membrane potential, of the membrane resistance, of action potentials and of spontaneous as well as of evoked excitatory and inh…

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Abstracts of scientific papers second international symposium on central nervous system monitoring

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