Simultaneously recovering potentials and embedded obstacles for anisotropic fractional Schrödinger operators
Let \begin{document}$A∈{\rm{Sym}}(n× n)$\end{document} be an elliptic 2-tensor. Consider the anisotropic fractional Schrodinger operator \begin{document}$\mathscr{L}_A^s+q$\end{document} , where \begin{document}$\mathscr{L}_A^s: = (-\nabla·(A(x)\nabla))^s$\end{document} , \begin{document}$s∈ (0, 1)$\end{document} and \begin{document}$q∈ L^∞$\end{document} . We are concerned with the simultaneous recovery of \begin{document}$q$\end{document} and possibly embedded soft or hard obstacles inside \begin{document}$q$\end{document} by the exterior Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map outside a bounded domain \begin{document}$Ω$\end{document} associated with \begin{document}$\mathscr{L}_A^s+q$\end{docume…
Determining a Random Schrödinger Operator : Both Potential and Source are Random
We study an inverse scattering problem associated with a Schr\"odinger system where both the potential and source terms are random and unknown. The well-posedness of the forward scattering problem is first established in a proper sense. We then derive two unique recovery results in determining the rough strengths of the random source and the random potential, by using the corresponding far-field data. The first recovery result shows that a single realization of the passive scattering measurements uniquely recovers the rough strength of the random source. The second one shows that, by a single realization of the backscattering data, the rough strength of the random potential can be recovered…