Aggeliki Tsohou
Examining the side effects of organizational Internet monitoring on employees
PurposeInternet monitoring in organizations can be used to monitor risks associated with Internet usage and information systems in organizations, such as employees' cyberloafing behavior and information security incidents. Extant research has mainly discussed the effect of Internet monitoring in achieving the targeted goals (e.g. mitigating cyberloafing behavior and information security incidents), but little attention has been paid to the possible side effects of Internet monitoring. Drawing on affective events theory, the authors attempt to reveal that Internet monitoring may cause side effects on employees' Internet usage policy satisfaction, intrinsic work motivation and affective organ…
How does information technology-based service degradation influence consumers’ use of services? : An information technology-based service degradation decision theory
Information technology is crucial for modern services. Service delivery may include a complex mix of information technology and telecommunication providers, global networks and customers’ information technology devices. This research focuses on service failures that are caused by information technology problems, which we conceptualize as information technology-based service degradation (ITSD). When information technology-based service degradation occurs in a modern service, the information technology problem may originate from the service provider, another partner or any information technology equipment involved. But the customer may not be able to pinpoint the source of the problem immedia…
How does information technology– based service degradation influence consumers’ use of services? An information technology–based service degradation decision theory
Information technology is crucial for modern services. Service delivery may include a complex mix of information technology and telecommunication providers, global networks and customers’ information technology devices. This research focuses on service failures that are caused by information technology problems, which we conceptualize as information technology-based service degradation (ITSD). When information technology-based service degradation occurs in a modern service, the information technology problem may originate from the service provider, another partner or any information technology equipment involved. But the customer may not be able to pinpoint the source of the problem immedi…
Innovative public governance through cloud computing
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze challenges and to discuss proposed solutions for innovative public governance through cloud computing. Innovative technologies, such as federation of services and cloud computing, can greatly contribute to the provision of e-government services, through scaleable and flexible systems. Furthermore, they can facilitate in reducing costs and overcoming public information segmentation. Nonetheless, when public agencies use these technologies, they encounter several associated organizational and technical changes, as well as significant challenges. Design/methodology/approach – We followed a multidisciplinary perspective (social, be…
Personal use of technology at work : a literature review and a theoretical model for understanding how it affects employee job performance
Employee personal use of technology at work (PUTW)—defined as employees’ activities using organisational or personal IT resources for non-work-related purposes while at work—is increasingly common in organisations. Our review of existing PUTW studies (n = 137) suggests that previous studies widely discussed PUTW outcomes, antecedents, and policies. The literature review also indicates that previous studies have proposed opposing viewpoints regarding the effect of PUTW on employee job performance, but few studies offered empirical evidence. Consequently, the conditions under which PUTW can increase or decrease employee job performance have not been discussed. We develop a theoretical model (…
Demystifying the Influential IS Legends of Positivism
Positivism has been used to establish a standard that Information Systems (IS) research must meet to be scientific. According to such positivistic beliefs in IS, scientific research should: 1) be generalizable, 2) focus on stable independent variables, 3) have certain ontological assumptions, and 4) use statistical or quantitative methods rather than qualitative methods. We argue that logical positivist philosophers required none of these. On the contrary, logical positivist philosophers regarded philosophizing in general and ontological considerations in particular as nonsense. Moreover, the positivists’ preferred empirical research method was not a survey, but rather a qualitative observa…
A field experiment for understanding the unintended impact of Internet monitoring on employees : Policy satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviour and work motivation
Internet monitoring is widely deployed in organizations as an attempt to regulate employees’ cyberloafing behaviour, which is defined as employees’ usage of Internet for non-work-related purposes. Although previous studies have examined the effectiveness of Internet monitoring in regulating employees’ cyberloafing, the impact of Internet monitoring on employees’ perceptions or behaviours other than cyberloafing has not been investigated. As a first step to address this research gap, we conduct a field experiment to study the impact of Internet monitoring on employees’ policy satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and work motivation. We found that Internet monitoring decre…
Demystifying the Influential IS Legends of Positivism : Response to Lee’s Commentary
We respond to Lee’s (forthcoming) commentary on our article “Demystifying the Influential IS Legends of Positivism” (Siponen & Tsohou [S&T], 2018). Lee offers four arguments against our analyses and conclusions in S&T (2018). First, because logical positivism (LP) has been discredited, he contends it cannot be used as a normative standard in IS. We clarify that our conclusions in S&T (2018) point to (1) the lack of justification for certain IS beliefs, and (2) a misunderstanding rather than legitimacy of LP as a philosophy of science. Second, Lee argues that IS researchers characterizing positivism never said they were following the tenets of LP. We provide evidence to show some influential…
JIN856019_Supplemental_material_Appendix_B – Supplemental material for How does information technology-based service degradation influence consumers’ use of services? An information technology-based service degradation decision theory
Supplemental material, JIN856019_Supplemental_material_Appendix_A for How does information technology-based service degradation influence consumers’ use of services? An information technology-based service degradation decision theory by Aggeliki Tsohou, Mikko Siponen and Mike Newman in Journal of Information Technology