Renate Kimbel
The “Mainzer EMF-Wachhund”: results from a watchdog project on self-reported health complaints attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields
The "Mainzer EMF-Wachhund," a watchdog project, offered a system of self-notification of health complaints attributed to exposures to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to a population of a part of Germany with about 4 million inhabitants. By using a self-administered questionnaire, which was provided online and for download from the Internet, 192 persons reported such health complaints in the period from October 2003 to March 2005. Of these, 56% classified themselves as electromagnetic hypersensitive (EH). Predictors of this self classification were being affected by all kinds of EMF rather than single EMF sources and being female. On average, EH subjects reported a high degree of suffering, 77…
Seroepidemiology of hepatitis A and B and vaccination status in staff at German schools for the handicapped
This study aims to assess serostatus and vaccination status of hepatitis A and B among staff at schools for the handicapped. We also wanted to investigate factors associated with serostatus, number of infections with hepatitis A/hepatitis B at work, and factors influencing being vaccinated or not. The cross-sectional study was carried out between August 2010 and August 2012 at 13 German schools for severely handicapped. Data were analyzed using blood samples, vaccination documents, and questionnaires. A total of 395 persons participated in our study (response: 59.7%), information on 367 could be used for analysis. Two respondents have been infected with HAV at work, 53.4% were anti-HAV sero…
Was trägt zur Verbesserung der gesundheitlichen Situation von Lehrkräften (LK) am Arbeitsplatz Schwerpunktgrundschule (SPGS) bei? Ein Mixed-Methods-Ansatz
Zusammenfassung Ziel Für SPGS wurde inhaltsanalytisch und unter Berücksichtigung personen- bzw. tätigkeitsbezogener Belastungs- und Beanspruchungsmerkmale erfasst, welche Maßnahmen aus Sicht von LK zur Verbesserung der gesundheitlichen Situation am Arbeitsplatz beitragen können. Methodik Die Daten stammen aus einer vom Institut für Lehrergesundheit (IFL) von August 2013 bis April 2015 an 14 SPGS in Rheinland-Pfalz durchgeführten schriftlichen Querschnittserhebung. Die Teilnahmequote liegt bei 46,3% (143/309 LK). Antworten auf die offene Frage „Welche konkreten berufsbezogenen Maßnahmen würden zu einer Verbesserung Ihres Wohlbefindens oder Ihrer gesundheitlichen Situation am Arbeitsplatz bei…
Occupational injuries of teachers and educational staff at special schools with multiple and severely handicapped children in Rhineland‐Palatinate (Germany): results of a cross‐sectional study
Occupational injuries of teachers and educational staff at special schools with multiple and severely handicapped children in Rhineland‐Palatinate (Germany): results of a cross‐sectional study: Matthias Claus, et al. Institute for Teachers’ Health at the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to describe the prevalence, type, and influencing factors of occupational injuries of staff working at special schools with multiple and severely handicapped pupils in Southwestern Germany. METHODS: This cross‐sectional study was carried out between August 2010 and August 2012 at 13 special schools with focus on motoric and/or…