I. B. Samsonov

Ultralight dark photon as a model for early universe dark matter

Dark photon is a massive vector field which interacts only with the physical photon through the kinetic mixing. This coupling is assumed to be weak so that the dark photon becomes almost unobservable in processes with elementary particles, but can serve as a dark matter particle. We argue that in very early Universe ($z>3000$) this vector field may have the equation of state of radiation ($w=1/3$) but later behaves as cold dark matter ($w=0$). This may slightly change the expansion rate of the Universe at early time and reduce the value of the sound horizon of baryon acoustic oscillations (standard ruler). As a result, in this model the value of the Hubble constant appears to be larger than…

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Radiation from matter-antimatter annihilation in the quark nugget model of dark matter

We revisit the properties of positron cloud in quark nugget (QN) model of dark matter (DM). In this model, dark matter particles are represented by compact composite objects composed of a large number of quarks or antiquarks with total baryon number $B\sim 10^{24}$. These particles have a very small number density in our galaxy which makes them "dark" to all DM detection experiments and cosmological observations. In this scenario, anti-quark nuggets play special role because they may manifest themselves in annihilation with visible matter. We study electron-positron annihilation in collisions of free electrons, hydrogen and helium gases with the positron cloud of anti-quark nuggets. We show…

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Coherent axion-photon transformations in the forward scattering on atoms

In certain laboratory experiments the production and/or detection of axions is due to the photon-axion transformations in a strong magnetic field. This process is coherent, and the rate of the transformation is proportional to the length $l$ and magnitude $B$ of the magnetic field squared, $\sim l^2B^2$. In the present paper, we consider coherent production of axions due to the forward scattering of photons on atoms or molecules. This process may be represented as being due to an effective electromagnetic field which converts photons to axions. We present analytical expressions for such effective magnetic and electric fields induced by resonant atomic M0 and M1 transitions, as well as give …

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Resonant detection and production of axions with atoms

The axions and axion-like particles can be detected via a resonant atomic or molecular transition induced by axion absorption. The signal obtained in this process is second order in the axion-electron interaction constant and hence small. In this chapter, it is demonstrated that this signal may become first order in the axion-electron interaction constant if we allow the interference between the axion-induced transition amplitude and the transition amplitude induced by the electromagnetic radiation. Additionally, we show that the conventional scheme of producing axions from photons in a magnetic field may be improved if the field is replaced by an atomic medium in which photons scattering …

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Interference-assisted resonant detection of axions

Detection schemes for the quantum chromodynamics axions and other axion-like particles in light-shining-through-a-wall (LSW) experiments are based on the conversion of these particles into photons in a magnetic field. An alternative scheme may involve the detection via a resonant atomic or molecular transition induced by resonant axion absorption. The signal obtained in this process is second order in the axion-electron interaction constant but may become first order if we allow interference between the axion-induced transition amplitude and the transition amplitude induced by the electromagnetic radiation that produces the axions.

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Nuclear polarization effects in atoms and ions

In heavy atoms and ions, nuclear structure effects are significantly enhanced due to the overlap of the electron wave functions with the nucleus. This overlap rapidly increases with the nuclear charge $Z$. We study the energy level shifts induced by the electric dipole and electric quadrupole nuclear polarization effects in atoms and ions with $Z \geq 20$. The electric dipole polarization effect is enhanced by the nuclear giant dipole resonance. The electric quadrupole polarization effect is enhanced because the electrons in a heavy atom or ion move faster than the rotation of the deformed nucleus, thus experiencing significant corrections to the conventional approximation in which they `se…

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Resonant enhancement of an oscillating electric field in an atom

When an atom is placed into an oscillating electric field with frequency far from atomic resonances, the atomic electrons partly shield this field at the nucleus. It is conjectured that when the frequency of electric field reaches an atomic resonance, the electric field at the nucleus may be significantly enhanced. In this paper, we systematically study the mechanisms of this enhancement and show that it may reach five orders in magnitude in particular cases. As an application, we consider laser-assisted neutron capture in 139-Lanthanum nucleus and screening and resonance enhancement of nuclear electromagnetic transitions by electrons.

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New constraints on axion-mediated P , T -violating interaction from electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms

The exchange of an axionlike particle between atomic electrons and the nucleus may induce electric dipole moments (EDMs) of atoms and molecules. This interaction is described by a parity- and time-reversal-invariance-violating potential which depends on the product of a scalar ${g}^{s}$ and a pseudoscalar ${g}^{p}$ coupling constant. We consider the interaction with the specific combination of these constants, ${g}_{e}^{s}{g}_{N}^{p}$, which gives significant contributions to the EDMs of diamagnetic atoms. In this paper, we calculate these contributions to the EDMs of $^{199}\mathrm{Hg}$, $^{129}\mathrm{Xe}$, $^{211}\mathrm{Rn}$, and $^{225}\mathrm{Ra}$ for a wide range of axion masses. Com…

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Interference-assisted detection of dark photon using atomic transitions

Dark photon is a massive vector particle which couples to the physical photon through the kinetic mixing term. Such particles, if exist, are produced in photon beams and, in particular, in laser radiation. Due to the oscillations between the physical photon and the dark photon, the latter may be, in principle, detected in the light-shining-through-a-wall experiment. We propose a variant of this experiment where the detection of dark photons is based on the atomic transitions. The key feature of this scheme is that the detection probability is first order in the coupling constant due to the interference term in the photon and dark photon absorption amplitudes. We expect that such experiment …

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Effects of $CP$-violating internucleon interactions in paramagnetic molecules

We demonstrate that electron electric dipole moment experiments with molecules in paramagnetic state are sensitive to $P,T$-violating nuclear forces and other $CP$-violating parameters in the hadronic sector. These experiments, in particular, measure the coupling constant $C_{SP}$ of the $CP$-odd contact semileptonic interaction. We establish relations between $C_{SP}$ and different $CP$-violating hadronic parameters including strength constants of the $CP$-odd nuclear potentials, $CP$-odd pion-nucleon interactions, quark-chromo EDM and QCD vacuum angle. These relations allow us to find limits on various $CP$-odd hadronic parameters.

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