Camille Divert
Proximal versus distal contextual factors: which impact on meal pleasure and food intake in the elderly living in a nursing home?
Poster présenté lors de la conférence; Introduction: Several authors pointed out the importance of meal context on food intake in nursing home. Some authors assessed the impact of context improvement on food intake in nursing home, but they assessed ‘holistic’ strategies by improving physical environment, increasing choice level, changing staff organization… (Abbott et al. 2013). Despite some of these interventions were effective, these strategies are costly and thus difficult to be implemented in nursing home. The aim of the present experiment was to assess the impact of single contextual factors, three proximal factors (food contextual factors) and three distal factors (non-food contextua…
Improving meal context in nursing homes. Impact of four strategies on food intake and meal pleasure
In France, in most nursing homes, the composition of menus, the time and the place at which meals are served, the choice of one's place at the table are imposed on residents. Yet, the act of eating cannot be restricted to nutritional and sensory aspects alone. It also includes a psycho-affective dimension, which relates to the context in which the meal is served. We tested the impact of four contextual factors, considered individually, on food intake and meal pleasure in elderly people living in nursing homes: the way the main course was named on the menu, the size and the variety of portions of vegetables served to residents, the presence or not of condiments in the middle of the table and…
Children's attraction to sweetness and its impact on eating behavior
Children's attraction to sweetness and its impact on eating behavior. 23. annual meeting of the society for the study of ingestive behavior (SSIB 2015)
Effects of energy density on the liking for sweet drinks and on caloric adjustment conditioning after exposure in children
The contribution of energy density from sweet drinks to energy intake in children needs clarification. The objective was to study the influence of energy conditioning on liking and on caloric adjustment after sweet drinks exposure. Children aged 8 to 11 (n=44) were exposed to distinctly flavored sweetened drinks: a high-energy (HE: 150kcal) and a no-energy version (NE: 0kcal). They received either 2 or 7 exposures to each drink during a 4-wk conditioning period; no exposure during a 3-wk stability period; 3 exposures to both drinks, for which the association between the flavor and the energy density was switched, during a 4-wk extinction period. Flavor liking and food intake during the meal…
P036: Impact de la densité énergétique de boissons sucrées sur l’apprentissage de l’appréciation et de l’ajustement calorique chez l’enfant
Introduction et but de l’etude Il a ete montre que l’association repetee, dans une matrice alimentaire, entre une flaveur et une densite energetique pouvait entrainer un conditionnement flaveur-nutriment. Ainsi, apres apprentissage, la flaveur signale l’energie apportee par l’aliment et une flaveur associee a une plus forte densite energetique est plus appreciee. L’objectif du present travail est d’etudier, chez l’enfant de 8-11 ans, le developpement et la stabilite d’un conditionnement flaveur-nutriment sur l’appreciation de boissons et sur la capacite a ajuster l’energie consommee au repas qui suit leur ingestion. Materiel et methodes Pour cela, 44 enfants ont ete exposes a deux boissons …
Brain networks activated during sweet taste processing in children: an fMRI study
International audience
Effect of energy density on liking and on caloric adjustment conditioning after sweet beverage exposure in children aged 8-11 y
The contribution of sweet beverages to weight gain in children and adolescents is controversial. The present study was conducted to study, in 8-11 year-old children, the influence of energy conditioning on liking and on caloric adjustment after sweet beverages exposure. We also studied the stability of the conditioning effects after a period without exposure and an extinction period. Children (n = 44) were exposed to 2 flavored sweetened beverages: a high energy version (HE: 150kcal) and a no energy version (NE: 0kcal). During a 4-wk conditioning period, children were exposed either 2 or 7 times to each beverage. During a 3-wk stability period children were not exposed to any beverage. Duri…
Redonner l’envie de manger aux personnes âgées en institution : impact de quatre facteurs environnementaux sur la prise alimentaire et le plaisir lié au repas
Comme l’ont montré plusieurs travaux, l’entrée en Etablissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes (EHPAD) s’accompagne d’une augmentation du risque de dénutrition (HAS, 2007 ; Sulmont-Rossé et al., 2012). Parmi les facteurs susceptibles d’affecter la prise alimentaire, il a été montré que l’environnement qui entoure le repas (de l’assiette à l’ambiance générale) contribuait fortement à l’appétit et à la prise alimentaire des résidents d’EHPAD (Nieuwenhuizen et al. 2009 ; Nijs et al. 2009). De fait, quatre études ont montré qu’une amélioration globale de l’environnement (changement de mobilier, décoration de la salle à manger, réorganisation du personnel…) pouvait entrainer une …
Impact of sweet food consumption on children's brain responses to sweet taste: a functional imaging study
National audience
Le goût sucré, de l’enfance… à la dépendance ?
Summary: Can one talk about addiction to sugar? Sugar is an important part of our diet, and an important source of pleasure, as of a young age. The definition of addiction involves that addictive substances act on the reward circuit, and lead to two symptoms, withdrawal and tolerance. Is it the case with sugar? According to the literature, brain activations in regions involved in the reward circuit are observed in response to “sugar”, and they differ according to the type of sugar (caloric carbohydrates, sweet or not; sweeteners). Besides, withdrawal and tolerance symptoms are not well characterized: food cravings often concern sweet foods, but there is a decrease with age of the preference…
Sweet drink exposure and liking for sweet taste in school-age children
Sweet drink exposure and liking for sweet taste in school-age children. 39. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group