Marine Paquereau
« Héritage de l’Indépendance et identité américaine dans Independence Day de Richard Ford : de l’historique au banal, de l’indépendance à la fragmentation »
International audience
Lectures de Raymond Carver : du texte à l’écran
International audience
Commentary: No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy: Chapter 2, 44-47
International audience
"Ex-centrism and Intersections: Crossing the border in Continental Drift (1985) by Russell Banks"
International audience
Identité et identification : approche transdisciplinaire d’une relation problématique
International audience
« Bone soup and hot dogs: the exploration of transnational identity in Krik? Krak! by Edwidge Danticat »
Displacing slavery: physical and literary journeys in The Underground Railroad (2016) by Colson Whitehead
“My country, my enemy ”: representing and questioning American politics through radical activism in The Darling by Russell Banks
Le réalisme américain à l'ère postmoderne: communication sur l'avancement de ma thèse
International audience
Écrire la relation père-fils dans Affliction de Russell Banks
The fear of reproducing one’s family pattern is a recurring theme in Banks’s works. The notion of filiation is thus central in his novel Affliction, in which the narrator Rolfe Whitehouse evokes the tense relationship between his brother Wade and their father Glenn, a violent man, both physically and verbally, who has traumatized him since childhood. Wade is obsessed with the idea of being a good father to his daughter Jill, but he ends up making the same mistakes as his ancestors by becoming in his turn a violent alcoholic. The systematic use of the third person throughout the text underlines the ambiguity of the narrator, who talks about the members of his family but keeps them at a dista…
Lire les nouvelles de Raymond Carver à la lumière de ses essais, et ses essais à la lumière de ses nouvelles
International audience
Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman (Art et Contestation; Initiation, Apprentissage)
National audience
Sleepless in Carver Country: Insomnia and Existential Crisis in Raymond Carver’s Short Fiction
Chez Raymond Carver, la nuit n’est jamais uniquement une toile de fond réaliste. Dans ses nouvelles se déroulant après la tombée de la nuit, Carver joue à déconstruire les clichés généralement associés au confort de l’intimité nocturne et du lit conjugal. L’insomnie qui frappe certains de ses personnages les renvoie au contraire à leur complète solitude et à leur condition de mortels. Cet article cherche donc à voir comment la nuit blanche carvérienne est utilisée métaphoriquement pour exprimer l’angoisse de personnages souvent peu expansifs, qui veulent leur part du Rêve américain mais se retrouvent pris au piège d’un cauchemar existentiel. In Raymond Carver’s short fiction, the night is n…
Representing the Haitian diaspora in Russell Banks’s Continental Drift, from Port-de-Paix to Little Haiti: a celebration of the margins
International audience; Russell Banks’s 1985 novel Continental Drift tells the intertwined stories of Bob Dubois, a white American man who decides to try his luck in Florida, and the Haitian Vanise Dorsinville, who is forced to leave her island with her son and her nephew to flee Jean-Claude Duvalier’s dictatorial presidency. In this paper, I study how, in the chapters dedicated to the Haitian diaspora, Banks chooses to adopt an ex-centric point of view to give a voice to those whose history and culture have largely been ignored by American society and literature. Vanise is a figure of in-betweenness, caught between Haiti and the United States, between land and ocean, and even between life …
"A jail within a jail": the aesthetics of frames in The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead
International audience
Le réalisme social américain à l'ère postmoderne - présentation des résultats de ma recherche doctorale
International audience
Ecrire le réel
International audience
Le réalisme social américain à l'ère postmoderne : (Russell Banks, Raymond Carver, Richard Ford)
His study focuses on the works of Russell Banks, Raymond Carver and Richard Ford. They started writing during the 1960s and 1970s, at a time when the self-reflexivity and metafictional play of postmodernist writers were drawing a lot of critical attention in academic circles. However, they consider themselves to be realist writers. In “A Few Words about Minimalism,” John Barth suggested that the return to realist fiction in the mid-1970s could be both a reaction against so-called “postmodernist” fiction and a symptom of the social and economic unease of the period. Indeed, Cathedral, Continental Drift and The Sportswriter describe in accurate detail the everyday lives of ordinary American m…
American realism in the posmodern era
International audience
Identity in Moon Palace by Paul Auster
National audience
Staging American Nights : Représentations de l’intime et mises en scène de la nuit aux Amériques
Aux rêveurs noctambules de tout temps, aux « dériveurs » nocturnes, la nuit est réservoir de symboles, éveil d’un monde intérieur, souvenirs et obsessions intimes, révélation de l’inconscient, autre jubilation dionysiaque. Rêve d’encre aussi, veille des créateurs dans la nuit théophanique quand mystique de la nature et mystique intime s’y lovent : c’est la nuit obscure de St-Jean de la Croix, ténèbres de l’âme abandonnée, et la Sainte pénombre des pré-romantiques et romantiques allemands (Goë...
Paul Auster, Moon Palace
National audience
“Silence was all the boy ever got”: the silent treatment of trauma in The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead
Héritage de l’Indépendance et identité américaine dans Independence Day de Richard Ford (1995) : de l’historique au banal, de l’indépendance à la fragmentation
International audience