Barbara K. Heep
Effect of anion substitution on the structural and transport properties of argyrodites Cu7PSe6−xSx
Inspired by the good performance of argyrodites as ion conducting thermoelectrics and as solid electrolytes we investigated the effect of isovalent S2- substitution for Se2- in Cu7PSe6. At room temperature Cu7PSe6 crystallizes in the primitive cubic β-polymorph of the argyrodite structure and transforms to the face-centered high-temperature (HT) γ-modification above 320 K. The transition for the homologous Cu7PS6 occurs at 510 K. Promising thermoelectric and ion conducting properties are observed only in the HT modification, where the cations are mobile. Using Rietveld refinements against X-ray diffraction data the effect of isovalent S2- substitution for Se2- on the structural and transpor…
High Electron Mobility and Disorder Induced by Silver Ion Migration Lead to Good Thermoelectric Performance in the Argyrodite Ag8SiSe6
Superionic chalcopyrites have recently attracted interest in their use as potential thermoelectric materials because of extraordinary low thermal conductivities. To overcome long-term stability issues in thermoelectric generators using superionic materials at evaluated temperatures, materials need to be found that show good thermoelectric performance at moderate temperatures. Here, we present the structural and thermoelectric properties of the argyrodite Ag8SiSe6, which exhibits promising thermoelectric performance close to room temperature.