H. Weidele

Fragmentation of gold clusters stored in a penning trap

The collision-induced dissociation of positively charged gold clusters (2 to 23 atoms) stored in a Penning trap has been studied. After collisions with rare gases, excited clusters predominantly decay by emission of one or two atoms. The loss of two atoms occurs most likely through the emission of a dimer rather than a sequential evaporation. The minimum kinetic energies of clusters required to induce dissociation exhibit a pronounced odd-even effect. Clusters with an even number of delocalized electrons are more stable than the odd ones.

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The delayed electron emission of negatively charged tungsten clusters has been investigated on a time scale from 1 to 500 ms. After being stored in a Penning trap clusters ions [Formula: see text] were heated via multiphoton absorption (hν=1.81 eV). In contrast to alkali and coinage metals no photofragmentation could be detected. Instead, for all cluster sizes studied so far only a decrease in the initial ion intensity as a function of time after excitation was observed. This decrease is not caused by ion loss from the trap, but has to be attributed to neutralization via delayed electron emission. The presented results strongly suggest that this process can be viewed as “thermionic emissio…

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Trapped metal cluster ions

An overview is given of experiments with stored metal cluster ions in a Penning trap system. The setup allows axial injection of clusters produced in an external source and a time-of-flight mass analysis of the reaction products after axial ejection. The system's options include the selection of stored ions, the manipulation of their orbits, addition of reactant and buffer gases and axial optical access for laser spectroscopic studies. As described by various examples, investigations have been made with respect to the development of trapping techniques and the characterization of metal clusters in terms of their physical and chemical properties.

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Fragmentation pattern of gold clusters collided with xenon atoms

Abstract The dissociation channels of gold cluster ions Au n + (2 ≤ n ≤ 23) have been investigated via collision induced dissociation in a Penning trap. Excited odd cluster ions with n ≤ 15 decay by evaporation of dimers, all others decay by monomer evaporation. Information on the binding energies is deduced from these dissociation channels.

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Collision induced dissociation of stored gold cluster ions

The stability of gold cluster ions Au + (2≦n≦23) has been investigated via collision induced dissociation in a Penning trap. Threshold energies and dissociation channels have been determined. The cluster stability exhibits a pronounced odd — even alternation: Clusters with an odd number of atoms,n, are more stable than the even-numbered ones. Enhanced stabilities are found for Au 3 + , Au 9 + , and Au 19 + in accordance with the Clemenger-Nilsson and the deformed jellium model of delocalized valence electrons. Excited odd cluster ions withn≦15 predominantly decay by evaporation of dimers; all others decay by monomer evaporation. From the dissociation channels estimates of the binding energi…

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