Clémentine Jankowski
Fertility concerns among young breast cancer survivors in Côte d’Or
Introduction Les effets secondaires des traitements utilises dans la prise en charge du cancer du sein (CS) sur la fonction ovarienne et la fertilite ont largement ete documentes. Cependant, les donnees populationnelles sur les difficultes liees a la fertilite des survivantes jeunes apres un CS sont rares et peu d’etudes ont ete realisees sur cette thematique en France. Cette etude visait a decrire les conditions de vie a long terme, en termes de fertilite, des survivantes jeunes apres un CS en Cote d’Or. Methodes Les femmes âgees de 45 ans et moins au diagnostic d’un CS non metastatique entre 2006 et 2015, ont ete selectionnees a partir du Registre des CS et autres cancers gynecologiques d…
What Are Young Women Living Conditions after Breast Cancer? Health-Related Quality of Life, Sexual and Fertility Issues, Professional Reinsertion
In recent decades, the living conditions of young breast cancer (BC) survivors have garnered increasing attention. This population-based study aimed to identify the clinical, social and economic determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), and to describe other living conditions of young long-term BC survivors. Women with non-metastatic BC diagnosed between 2006 and 2015, aged 45 years and younger at the time of diagnosis, were identified through the Breast and Gynecologic Cancer Registry of the Cô
Peut-on proposer un prélèvement du ganglion sentinelle en cas de chimiothérapie néoadjuvante dans les cancers du sein et à quel moment ?
The main goal of preoperative chemotherapy is to reduce the size of the tumor and allow conservative treatment. Neoadjuvant treatment can affect axillary status with a downstaging in one third of the cases. For these patients, the benefit of axillary node dissection is questioned and the sentinel node biopsy (SLNB) seems to be a relevant option. However, the timing of performing SLNB is still debated especially for clinical negative patients with negative axillary ultrasound before preoperative chemotherapy. For axillary positive nodes proved by biopsy/cytology before preoperative chemotherapy, SLNB can be an option if there is a good clinical and radiological response.
Stratégies en cas de positivité du ganglion sentinelle dans les cancers du sein
Resume Les strategies de prise en charge en cas de ganglion(s) sentinelle(s) micro ou macrometastatique(s) dans les cancers du sein ont ete profondement modifiees depuis une dizaine d’annees et la publication de cinq essais randomises : ACOSOG Z0011, IBCSG 23-01, et AATRM comparant curage axillaire versus abstention ; et AMAROS et OTOASOR comparant curage axillaire versus radiotherapie axillaire. Malgre les limites methodologiques de certains de ces essais, notamment de l’ACOSOG Z0011, les recommandations internationales (ASCO, NCCN) et le consensus d’experts de St Gallen ne preconisent pas la realisation d’un curage axillaire complementaire en cas d’envahissement macro ou micrometastatique…
Omitting axillary lymph node dissection after positive sentinel lymph node in the post-Z0011 era: Compliance with NCCN and ASCO clinical guidelines and Z0011 criteria in a large prospective cohort
Summary Purpose In the ACOSOG Z0011 trial, patients with primary breast cancer and 1–2 tumor-involved sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) undergoing breast-conserving surgery had no oncological outcome benefit after axillary lymph node dissection (ALND), despite a relevant rate of non-SLN metastases of 27%. According to the St Gallen expert consensus, and NCCN and ASCO clinical guidelines, ALND may be avoided in patients who meet all ACOSOG Z0011 inclusion criteria. This recommendation can also be extended to patients undergoing mastectomy, with 1 or 2 positive SLNs and an indication for chest wall radiation, in whom axillary radiotherapy can be proposed as an alternative to completion ALND. The ai…
Tumeurs localisées du sein triple négatives en 2016 : définitions et prise en charge
Triple-negative breast cancer (TN), as defined by the triple negativity in immunohistochemistry: the absence of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and the absence of overexpression or amplification of HER2, corresponds to 15 % of invasive breast cancers. This is a very heterogeneous group of tumors both at the genomic and transcriptomic level and at morphological, clinical and prognostic level. Although there are some good prognosis forms, the majority of TN tumors is characterized by a poor prognosis with a greater frequency of visceral metastases and a maximum risk of relapse in the first two years after diagnosis. Systemic adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy is almost always indic…