Olav Nygaard
Isometric factorization of vector measures and applications to spaces of integrable functions
Let $X$ be a Banach space, $\Sigma$ be a $\sigma$-algebra, and $m:\Sigma\to X$ be a (countably additive) vector measure. It is a well known consequence of the Davis-Figiel-Johnson-Pelczýnski factorization procedure that there exist a reflexive Banach space $Y$, a vector measure $\tilde{m}:\Sigma \to Y$ and an injective operator $J:Y \to X$ such that $m$ factors as $m=J\circ \tilde{m}$. We elaborate some theory of factoring vector measures and their integration operators with the help of the isometric version of the Davis-Figiel-Johnson-Pelczýnski factorization procedure. Along this way, we sharpen a result of Okada and Ricker that if the integration operator on $L_1(m)$ is weakly compact, t…
Strongly extreme points and approximation properties
We show that if $x$ is a strongly extreme point of a bounded closed convex subset of a Banach space and the identity has a geometrically and topologically good enough local approximation at $x$, then $x$ is already a denting point. It turns out that such an approximation of the identity exists at any strongly extreme point of the unit ball of a Banach space with the unconditional compact approximation property. We also prove that every Banach space with a Schauder basis can be equivalently renormed to satisfy the sufficient conditions mentioned. In contrast to the above results we also construct a non-symmetric norm on $c_0$ for which all points on the unit sphere are strongly extreme, but …
AbstractWe define and study λ-strict ideals in Banach spaces, which for λ=1 means strict ideals. Strict u-ideals in their biduals are known to have the unique ideal property; we prove that so also do λ-strict u-ideals in their biduals, at least for λ>1/2. An open question, posed by Godefroy et al. [‘Unconditional ideals in Banach spaces’, Studia Math.104 (1993), 13–59] is whether the Banach space X is a u-ideal in Ba(X), the Baire-one functions in X**, exactly when κu(X)=1; we prove that if κu(X)=1 then X is a strict u-ideal in Ba (X) , and we establish the converse in the separable case.
Diameter 2 properties and convexity
We present an equivalent midpoint locally uniformly rotund (MLUR) renorming $X$ of $C[0,1]$ on which every weakly compact projection $P$ satisfies the equation $\|I-P\| = 1+\|P\|$ ($I$ is the identity operator on $X$). As a consequence we obtain an MLUR space $X$ with the properties D2P, that every non-empty relatively weakly open subset of its unit ball $B_X$ has diameter 2, and the LD2P+, that for every slice of $B_X$ and every norm 1 element $x$ inside the slice there is another element $y$ inside the slice of distance as close to 2 from $x$ as desired. An example of an MLUR space with the D2P, the LD2P+, and with convex combinations of slices of arbitrary small diameter is also given.
New applications of extremely regular function spaces
Let $L$ be an infinite locally compact Hausdorff topological space. We show that extremely regular subspaces of $C_0(L)$ have very strong diameter $2$ properties and, for every real number $\varepsilon$ with $0<\varepsilon<1$, contain an $\varepsilon$-isometric copy of $c_0$. If $L$ does not contain isolated points they even have the Daugavet property, and thus contain an asymptotically isometric copy of $\ell_1$.
Restricted Uniform Boundedness in Banach Spaces
Precise conditions for a subset A of a Banach space X are known in order that pointwise bounded on A sequences of bounded linear functionals on X are uniformly bounded. In this paper, we study such conditions under the extra assumption that the functionals belong to a given linear subspace Γ of X *. When Γ = X *, these conditions are known to be the same ones assuring a bounded linear operator into X , having A in its image, to be onto. We prove that, for A , deciding uniform boundedness of sequences in Γ is the same property as deciding surjectivity for certain classes of operators. Keywords: Uniform boundedness; thick set; boundedness deciding set Quaestiones Mathematicae 32(2…
Two properties of Müntz spaces
Abstract We show that Müntz spaces, as subspaces of C[0, 1], contain asymptotically isometric copies of c0 and that their dual spaces are octahedral.