Quality of Life in Dementia: Impact of Cognition and Insight on Applicability of the SF-36
Comparability of measures of quality of life in dementia and in other diagnostic groups, such as mild cognitive impairment, normal aging, or other diseases, is highly desirable. However, the impact of cognitive deficits and impaired insight on applicability and validity of generic instruments is sparsely studied.Sixty patients with dementia [38 women; age: mean (SD) = 78.7 (6.4) years; Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): mean (SD) = 20.2 (6.0)] recruited as part of the start-modem study, a multicenter care research study in Germany, completed the generic instrument SF-36 and the specific instrument Quality of Life-Alzheimer's Disease (QOL-AD).QOL-AD self-rating scores [mean (SD) = 32.8 (5…
Non‐Pharmacologic Multicomponent Interventions Preventing Delirium in Hospitalized People
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES Delirium is a common neurobehavioral complication in hospitalized patients with a high prevalence in various clinical settings. Prevention of delirium is critical due to its common occurrence and associated poor outcomes. Our objective was to evaluate the efficacy of multicomponent interventions in preventing incident delirium in hospitalized patients at risk. DESIGN Systematic review and meta-analysis. SETTING Hospital. PARTICIPANTS We included a study if it was a randomized controlled trial and was evaluating effects of coordinated non-pharmacologic multicomponent interventions in the prevention of delirium. MEASUREMENTS We performed a systematic literature search in…
Feasibility and utility of a cognitive screening for risk stratification in hospitalized older patients
OBJECTIVES To determine whether the Mini-Cog can be applied by nursing staff to hospitalized elderly patients for cognitive impairment associated risk stratification. METHODS This explorative prospective multicenter cohort study was carried out among 2522 patients aged 70 and older, hospitalized due to physical illness in eight hospitals in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. All patients were asked to conduct the Mini-Cog at the day of admission and were clustered into low-performance, intermediate-performance, and good-performance categories by trained nursing staff and two experienced geronto-psychiatrists as gold standard. Complications in the course of the treatment were monitored. RESULTS …
Hausarztbasierte Demenzversorgung: Effektivität früher psychosozialer Beratung der Angehörigen
Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Bei der Versorgung von Patienten mit Demenzerkrankungen besitzen Psychoedukation und professionelle Unterstutzung betreuender Angehoriger unstrittig einen hohen Stellenwert. Im Rahmen eines hausarztbasierten Versorgungsansatzes ging vorliegende Untersuchung der Frage nach, ob eine professionelle psychosoziale Beratung der betroffenen Familien – zeitnah zur Demenzdiagnose – das Risiko fur Depressionen der betreuenden Angehorigen reduziert. Patienten und Methodik: 42 Patienten mit diagnostizierter Demenz und ihre betreuenden Angehorigen nahmen an der prospektiven, randomisierten Studie und der Nachuntersuchung nach 18 Monaten teil. 29 Patienten erhielten zeitnah…
Resilience in Informal Caregivers of People Living with Dementia in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Changes to Daily Life
Abstract. Informal caregivers of people living with dementia (PwD) are at increased risk for the development of stress-related physical and mental illness. Nevertheless, because of differing resilience, they show interindividual differences in their ability to cope. Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the associated pandemic control measures and pandemic-related changes to daily life, resilience might be further challenged, and stress might consequently increase. Therefore, we review the evidence on informal caregivers’ experience during the COVID-19 pandemic regarding effects of the pandemic control measures on (a) the caregiver’s health, (b) the care recipient’s health, (c) th…
Introduction and Psychometric Validation of the Resilience and Strain Questionnaire (ResQ-Care)— A Scale on the Ratio of Informal Caregivers' Resilience and Stress Factors
Background: Informal caregivers are a particularly vulnerable population at risk for adverse health outcomes. Likewise, there are many scales available assessing individual caregiver burden and stress. Recently, resilience in caregivers gained increasing interest and scales started to assess resilience factors as well. Drawing on a homeostatic model, we developed a scale assessing both caregivers' stress and resilience factors. We propose four scales, two covering stress and two covering resilience factors, in addition to a sociodemographic basic scale. Based on the stress:resilience ratio, the individual risk of adverse health outcomes and suggestions for interventions can be derived.Metho…
Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Hospitalized Older Patients
Abstract. This study develops a screening method for older patients based on nursing procedure to predict complications associated with cognitive impairment during a hospital stay. This multicenter diagnostic cohort study among older hospitalized patients was carried out in eight primary-care hospitals. Following admission of the patients, trained nurses conducted a structured interview and the Mini-Cog as gold standard for cognitive status; complications during the hospital stay were also monitored. In a second step, the structured interview combined with the Mini-Cog revealed whether there was any abnormality in the interview, making it possible to validly and reliably as well as sensiti…