G Gagliano
Global Archaelogical Mosaicing for Underwater Scenes
This contribution regards the mosaicing of seabed landscapes, in order to represent higher resolution photos of whole sites with wrecks in a fast and safe fashion. A stereo vision system has been arranged by adding two cameras to the payload aboard a Remotely Operated Vehicle. A number of problems arise due to poor luminosity, cloudy water, water distortion and presence of artifacts. A robust algorithm has been defined to reduce the radial distortion of the camera lenses and to enhance the results.
Progetto luce. Scenari futuri per una città sostenibile.
Underwater archaeological mosaicing
Archaeological mosaicing is one of the challenges of the computer vision community and it can be faced in a 2D or 3D approach. This contribution regards a methodology to do a mosaic of an underwater bi-dimensional scene. A number of problems arise from the acquisition of images by a remote operated vehicle. Radial distortion, poor luminosity, cloud water, presence of artefacts are part of the issues that can occur; for instance, the radial distortion has been corrected to improve the quality of the input images. Keypoints detection (through SIFT transform), Singular Value Decomposition, Random Samples Consensus are some of the techniques applied in our method. This contribution regards the …
Design ed eco-sostenibilità
L’Eco-design, ovvero una progettazione orientata ai principi della sostenibilità ambientale, rappresenta uno strumento di importanza strategica, in quanto consente di prevenire, invece di rimediare, le conseguenze ambientali negative della produzione, dell’uso e dello smaltimento dei prodotti, contribuendo a definirne, oltre che la configurazione formale e tecnica, il profilo ambientale complessivo (qualità e quantità dei materiali impiegati; tecnologie e processi di produzione; modalità d’uso e manutenzione; modalità e scenari di dismissione, ad esempio riuso, riciclo, recupero energetico, compostaggio, ecc.). Infatti definire gli obiettivi e i requisiti ambientali di un prodotto, fin dall…
Dealing with reconstruction problems: two cases study
Reconstruction problems are always included in a computer vision system as one of the key step toward the recognition of a scene. There are hierarchies of reconstruction that go from pixels to regions in the lower level, and from patches to objects in higher steps. The success of the reconstruction phase de-pends on several factors: the selection of "suitable" features, the matching function, the linking strategy. I this paper we show some of problems and solutions in two different contexts: the 3D reconstruction from cloud of points representing fragments of archeological finding, and the mosaicing from sea bed video frames. Preliminary results show that in both cases the accuracy is satis…