Peer Briken

Eine Validierungsstudie der deutschen Version des Hypersexual Behavior Inventory (HBI)

Hypersexuelles Erleben und Verhalten umfasst gemas der aktuell diskutierten diagnostischen Kriterien wiederkehrende und intensive sexuelle Fantasien, sexuelles Verlangen oder sexuelle Verhaltensweisen, die zu klinisch relevantem personlichen Leidensdruck oder Funktionseinbusen im sozialen oder beruflichen Umfeld oder in anderen wichtigen Bereichen fuhren konnen. Das Hypersexual Behavior Inventory (HBI, Reid et al., 2011) dient der Erfassung hypersexuellen Erlebens und Verhaltens anhand von 3 Faktoren (Coping, Kontrolle und Konsequenzen). Die vorliegende Studie diente der Uberprufung der psychometrischen Eigenschaften der deutschen Version des HBI. Im Rahmen einer Online-Studie wurde die deu…

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Masturbation to Orgasm Stimulates the Release of the Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol in Humans

Abstract Background Endocannabinoids are critical for rewarding behaviors such as eating, physical exercise, and social interaction. The role of endocannabinoids in mammalian sexual behavior has been suggested because of the influence of cannabinoid receptor agonists and antagonists on rodent sexual activity. However, the involvement of endocannabinoids in human sexual behavior has not been studied. Aim To investigate plasma endocannabinoid levels before and after masturbation in healthy male and female volunteers. Outcomes Plasma levels of the endocannabinoids 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), anandamide, the endocannabinoid-like lipids oleoyl ethanolamide and palmitoyl ethanolamide, arachido…

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Sexual Dysfunctions and Their Association with the Dual Control Model of Sexual Response in Men and Women with High-Functioning Autism

Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication, repetitive and stereotyped interests and behaviours as well as hyper- and/or hyposensitivities. These disorder specific symptoms could be associated with the development of sexual disorders. The Dual Control Model of Sexual Response presents one approach that is frequently used to explain the emergence of sexual dysfunctions. The aim of the present study was to assess the extent of symptoms of sexual dysfunctions in men and women with ASD and to evaluate their association with the individual propensity of sexual excitation and inhibition as defined by the Dual Control Mode…

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Sexuality in autism: hypersexual and paraphilic behavior in women and men with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder

Like nonaffected adults, individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) show the entire range of sexual behaviors. However, due to the core symptoms of the disorder spectrum, including deficits in social skills, sensory hypo- and hypersensitivities, and repetitive behaviors, some ASD individuals might develop quantitatively above-average or nonnormative sexual behaviors and interests. After reviewing the relevant literature on sexuality in high-functioning ASD individuals, we present novel findings on the frequency of normal sexual behaviors and those about the assessment of hypersexual and paraphilic fantasies and behaviors in ASD individuals from our own study. Individuals with ASD see…

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Pharmacological treatment of patients with paraphilic disorders and risk of sexual offending: An international perspective

Objectives: The present study aims to evaluate existing policy and practice relating to the use of pharmacological treatments with patients suffering from paraphilic disorders who are at risk of committing further sexual offences. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted to document current legal policies across 26 different countries. In addition, a questionnaire assessing the practice of pharmacological treatment was sent to practitioners involved in the treatment of patients with paraphilic disorders. Results: Legal policies concerning the preconditions of using pharmacological treatments differ considerably between countries, and for most jurisdictions do not exist. Drawing…

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Self‐Reported Indicators of Hypersexuality and Its Correlates in a Female Online Sample

Abstract Introduction Hypersexual behavior has been a controversial and much disputed issue in the field of sexual medicine. However, only little attention has been paid to hypersexual behavior in women. Therefore, to date there is limited knowledge on the behavioral patterns of hypersexuality in women. Aims The purpose of the present study was to examine which sexual behavioral patterns are associated with self‐reported indicators of hypersexuality in a female online sample. The second aim was to evaluate the association between hypersexuality and sexual risk behavior in women. Methods In total, 988 women participated in an online survey. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to exami…

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Pharmacological treatment of sexual offenders in German outpatient treatment centers

In Germany, depending on a sexual offender's culpability and the severity of the offence, he/she can be placed either in the forensic-psychiatric or the correctional system. Numbers related to the pharmacological treatment of sexual offenders for the correctional system are missing so far. In sexual offenders, the pharmacological treatment of paraphilic disorders is of special importance. The present study aimed at assessing the prevalence of pharmacological sexual offender treatment in German outpatient treatment centers supervising mainly clients from the correctional sector. An online questionnaire was sent to 112 outpatient treatment centers and 21 provided data relevant for the present…

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Sexual narcissism and its association with sexual and well-being outcomes

Abstract Theories on narcissism are traditionally closely related to sexuality. Most research on the association between narcissism and sexual behavior, however, has focused on harmful/maladaptive outcomes. The aim of the present two studies was to examine the possible health-promoting influence of both global and sexual narcissism on sexual function and genital self-image. In Study 1, sexual narcissism was positively associated with sexual functioning in both women and men (N = 505, online-recruited German participants). In the women's sample, sexual narcissism was related to a positive genital self-image. The facet sexual skill was identified as the most important predictor for sexual fun…

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Das Duale Kontrollmodell

Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt das Duale Kontrollmodell vor, das von John Bancroft und Erick Janssen zusammen mit anderen Kolleg/-innen am Kinsey-Institut der Universitat von Indiana (Bloomington, USA) entwickelt wurde. Das Duale Kontrollmodell postuliert das Vorliegen zweier voneinander relativ unabhangiger neurophysiologischer Systeme, deren jeweilige Auspragung fur die interindividuelle Variabilitat im menschlichen sexuellen Erleben und Verhalten von zentraler Bedeutung ist: ein System der sexuellen Erregung (orig.: Sexual Excitation) und ein System sexueller Hemmung (orig.: Sexual Inhibition). Der vorliegende Beitrag liefert in Form einer narrativen Ubersichtsarbeit eine Beschreibung de…

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Pharmacological Approaches for Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

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Die Einschätzung des Rückfallrisikos bei sexuell auffälligen Kindern und Jugendlichen anhand standardisierter Prognoseinstrumente

In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde überprüft, ob standardisierte Prognoseinstrumente in der Lage sind, erneute Auffälligkeiten in einer Stichprobe von sexuell auffällig gewordenen Kindern und Jugendlichen (N = 80; als Einschlusskriterium musste keine Verurteilung erfolgt sein) vorherzusagen. Eingesetzt wurden die international als etabliert geltenden Verfahren Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY), Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Offense Recidivism (ERASOR) und Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-II (J-SOAP-II). Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie zeigen, dass die ursprünglich für junge bzw. jugendliche Sexualstraftäter entwickelten Instrumente auch bei…

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Testosterone-Lowering Medication and Its Association With Recidivism Risk in Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offenses

For a particular subgroup of individuals with severe paraphilic disorders and a high risk of sexual recidivism, the combination of sex drive–reducing medications and psychotherapy is a promising treatment approach. The present quasi-experimental study aims at comparing differences in clinical characteristics and dynamic risk factors between persons receiving (+TLM, n = 38) versus not receiving (−TLM, n = 22) testosterone-lowering medications (TLMs). Individuals receiving TLM were more frequently diagnosed with paraphilic disorders. Neither the criminal history nor average risk scores differed between the two groups. In the +TLM, Stable-2007 scores showed a stronger decrease after TLM treat…

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